VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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My wife will miss ultra..

but the new voom movie channel sucked.. it repeated 3 movies all day.. next day 3 other movies.. next day 3 other movies.. repeat.. *cringe* talk about lack of content!
Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I understand why it was done, I am just pointing out the fact what Dish is saying that they NEEDED space for the new ones.

Ahh, I misread you.

But yeah, again, you and I, and the members here are "In the Know".

The avg customer isnt.

Its the old Chewbacca defense.
If you compare the new HD Essential package to new HD Ultimate on the Dish website, you'll see that they've moved things around. Ultimate still has 10 more channels than the Essential package.

What looks like a real good deal now is the HD only package. You get ALL of the HD channels for just $29.99. I hardly ever watch the SD channels in my 100 package, so I'm paying extra for channels I don't watch.


Actually 12. DishHD Ultimate adds:

Universal HD
*Kung Fu HD
*Rave HD
*Monsters HD
HDNet Movies
Smithsonian HD
*Rush HD
*Equator HD
I think some of you sumarize this very well - this is not over. This just started. Time will tell whether E* made a good move or a bad one.
The voom channels are still up there on the satellite, just not in the information tables. This appears to be a strong-arm move by Dish against Voom Networks.
Here I was thinking that Dish was doing something right......For about 12 hours I did.

Then they pull the rug from under us.
The voom channels are still up there on the satellite, just not in the information tables. This appears to be a strong-arm move by Dish against Voom Networks.

That was my first though last night when when E* website changed. Scare tactic.
I wonder too then since they are still up there, will they alternate VOOM channels every so often???
They kept the three I watched themost ... Rave, Equator, and Monsters. The only other ones I will miss are HD News and Treasure ... but Treasure was almost all repeats.
If it's a scare tactic, then good for Dish.

Honestly, I only upped to Ultimate last night for MGM, because all I heard around here was the repetitiveness of the Voom channels.

Maybe Voom will comply with whatever Dish may be asking of them, and I will up to Ultimate when they return.
I doubt that. That will be the ultimate insult, wouldn't it? (like they did not have space and we know they do). This is more a negotiation or as you guys say -- a scary tactic.
I hear that.

Why the &^%@# must they toy with our emotions? I've been looking forward to GameplayHD (I know, no one agrees with me) for two months, and now that my new TV is within 200 miles of my house, pffft, out the window.

I have been maintaining my own chart of DirecTV vs Dish (ignoring all the RSNs), and I was soooo excited this morning that Dish finally pulled ahead of Dish in HD content by 6 channels or so. Now, of course, Dish is back down under DirecTV by two channels. If your counts don't match mine, that's not the point. The point is that Dish can't even seem to get a good day right.

Today, they killed all the individual character that was Dish. Time to reevaluate (for the first time in two months) if DirecTV might not be a better choice.

I would like to see this chart. Every chart created, including the one on this site showed Direct still ahead even before they pulled these 10 VOOM channels, including ignoring RSN's and PPV's.
I am tired of all of you guys complaining about Dish, with your threats to go to Directv. If you think that letting go of Treasure HD, Animania HD, and WorldSport HD were bad things; you should probably leave anyway. I am glad that Dish finally did what they promised to do when I signed my contract in October, they delivered on HD content. Although Direct had most of these channels already, I makes me feel good that Dish is finally listening to their customers. Three weeks ago, most of you guys were complaining about not having Battlestar Gallatica in HD, now your complaining about Voom cutbacks. Give me a break you bunch of whining ninnies.
Wow. I am pretty pissed that Dish would mess with people like that.

I took a few minutes this morning and emailed Dish to let them know how frustrated I am about such a move.

I could understand if Dish sent out an email or letter to its customers explaining exactly why they planned on getting rid of those channels, but to put up a smoke screen first before pulling the plug is bad business.

I was never a big fan of any VOOM channels except RAVE, but it all comes down to principle.

Now i'm praying FiOS gets Center Ice next year so I can 'Ditch the Dish'
Disappointing to wake up to this morning. I'm hoping it is like every other scare tactic dish has used in the past and they end up coming back in negotiations.

That said if they add the viacom channels on Wednesday I'll be happy without Voom :)
I am tired of all of you guys complaining about Dish, with your threats to go to Directv. If you think that letting go of Treasure HD, Animania HD, and WorldSport HD were bad things; you should probably leave anyway. I am glad that Dish finally did what they promised to do when I signed my contract in October, they delivered on HD content. Although Direct had most of these channels already, I makes me feel good that Dish is finally listening to their customers. Three weeks ago, most of you guys were complaining about not having Battlestar Gallatica in HD, now your complaining about Voom cutbacks. Give me a break you bunch of whining ninnies.

I think a lot of us aren't mad those channels are gone. But are upset at how Dish handled it.

Make a big deal about NEW HD. Emailing customers. BIG DEAL!!!!

While in the background shutting off other channels w/o saying a word.

Thats bad business.
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CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.
