Well, you've accurately depicted about 90 percent of the posters around here...
But seriously, I don't think its too difficult to see how a difference of opinion can be considered disruptive to a peaceful nostalgic conversation, particularly when that interuption is in the form of a sarcastic pictoral telling everyone to 'shut the heck up', so to speak...
Thats why I suggested a Voom nostalgia forum or something. I too admit these Voom revivals can become a bit too much at times, but many people feel the need to still discuss the topic, myself included. If we have come to a point where certain subject is no longer considered relevant to an E* topic, or even possibly DISRUPTIVE to an E* topic, than its time to approach the problem constructively instead of destructively...
Just the thoughts from a weary poster who'd only desire is to have a peaceful conversation once in a while...
