VOOM Goes BOOM - update Dish Drops all 15 VOOM Channels

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You know, I agreed with Rey a few posts up (if you dont like the voom bitching, dont read), and I dont know anyones history in this thread (or remember anyway), but unless this is an inside joke between you two, thats a low blow.

It's cool. It was a joke when I announced that my daughter was born.
Dear Dish network,

I've been receiving way too much high quality HD with no commercial interruptions. WTF? How can you stay in business being so generous like that? Seriously dude, you need to dump that high quality stuff and put on some stretch-o-vision channels with tons of ads every 6 minutes or you'll never make any money. I can't believe it isn't that obvious! Dump all those Voom channels and jack up my bill and that way I know you will be around for a looooong time!

See ya!

I. M. Stoopid

The consumers voted when Voom was put into a separate tier and customers dropped them like a bad habit.
VOOM claims they not only met the spend limit, but they exceeded it by several million dollars. Additionally, they too are convinced that they will prevail in this case. I will keep an opened mind since the "real evidence" in this case is being closely guarded, and everything we've read so far is largely hearsay and speculation.

As far as moving this thread elsewhere...sorry, but this matter is relavant to the Dish Network Forum until this matter is adjudicated. EchoStar could be out as much as one billion dollars if they are found to have illegally terminated the affiliation agreement.

Everything I have remember reading 1/2 a year ago when this was current news. Said that Voom didn't spend all of the money on programing and only met the spending limit by using money promised for programing on over head expenses.

I don't even pretend to understand most of the legalities of this case but if you are paid x amount of money for programing that money shouldn't be going to over inflated salaries and other non program related expenses.

It makes no sense to me why now that Voom is not on Dish that they have more variety and less repeats. I don't buy into the idea that the repeats were because Dish told them to do so. By doing so they were breaking their contract agreement and gave Dish a way out. I would hope that if that issue is brought in front of a Judge Dish's Lawyers will ask the question ..."If Charlie told you to jump off a bridge would you do it". Of course If I was in Charlies place I would have sued them for breach of contract instead of dropping them down to 5 channels.

I did miss MonstersHd around Halloween but I do own most of the movies that would have been shown so I only missed out on the HD part.
So, what do you guys think of these Entertainment Studios channels? I guess they've signed up Verizon, but it seems they're going to make the same mistakes as Voom.
Showing tastes differ, I want to watch none of those films. I loathe horror. But looking at the HBO schedule, I see plenty of possibilities. I don't get why so many of you think posting the Monsters HD scheudle will suddenly make us think that Voom has the best programming ever. We aren't all horror nuts. In fact, I bet most of us aren't.

The premiums definitely have a lot of repeats. But they also have a good amount of new programming. Cinemax has a new movie every Saturday night. No Voom movie channel ever made that kind of guarantee.

Oh I understand that tastes vary. Just as you should understand that assuming makes you look like an ass. I didn't make that post as some desperate attempt for pleas to bring back Voom. I simply posted it to share with *gasp* others here that may appreciate Voom and/or horror flicks.
Oh I understand that tastes vary. Just as you should understand that assuming makes you look like an ass. I didn't make that post as some desperate attempt for pleas to bring back Voom. I simply posted it to share with *gasp* others here that may appreciate Voom and/or horror flicks.

Voom hating is a hobby around here. I still miss Voom. Say what you will about the wealth of HD channels we enjoy now, none of it is truely HD. They're just giving us back the level of picture quality we once enjoyed on our square tube televisions that displayed 420 or less at this point. Now our old SD channels aren't blurry and over upscaled on an HD set anymore, yay HD! F-that. Voom was so crystal clear you could see ants on the ground behind the main subject matter. That's all gone now. Those who are new to HD don't know the promise it once held. People who like their TNT and TBS with the onscreen promos that never go away are lame.
Oh I understand that tastes vary. Just as you should understand that assuming makes you look like an ass. I didn't make that post as some desperate attempt for pleas to bring back Voom. I simply posted it to share with *gasp* others here that may appreciate Voom and/or horror flicks.

Yours was just about the 80th post containing the monthly Monsters HD schedule in this thread. We get it. Horror nuts loved Monsters HD. But that does not change the fact that it is a niche channel. Not a very huge niche as very few were pounding down the door to get Monsters HD and few make a big fuss about getting Chiller.

Also, you are one of the few that gets that people's taste vary away from Voom. There are some on this board who have formed the opinion that Voom offered such a microchasm of programming, we should all be happly with whatever Voom showed. Others can't get why anyone would ever *gasp* watch a show with commercials.

The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers

There. That's what I miss about Tech TV. Did that do any good to post? NO! Do I feel any better about the complete loss of my channel. NO!

Sadly, this thread has started to do it's damage and I have seen Voom (although sometimes jokingly at least) bought up in a number of other threads today.
Voom hating is a hobby around here. I still miss Voom. Say what you will about the wealth of HD channels we enjoy now, none of it is truely HD. They're just finally giving us back the level of picture quality we once enjoyed on our square tube televisions that displayed 420 or less at this point. Now our old SD channels aren't blurry and over upscaled on an HD set anymore, yay HD! F-that. Voom was so crystal clear you could see ants on the ground behind the main subject matter. That's all gone now. Those who are new to HD don't know the promise it once held. People who like their TNT and TBS with the onscreen promos that never go away are lame.

Problem is it felt like all to to frequently, ants crawling on the ground WAS the main subject matter at Voom.

Commercial free HD is awesome. But the programing has to more than look good, it has to be entertaining. I;d rather have an entertaining SD program with commercials than the same episode of UFO for the 9,746th time in glorious HD.

Read all my posts. I never hated Voom. I liked Equator. I occasionally would find a movie I liked, too. But it just became too stale with the same stuff all the time. And plenty of the channels were wastes, even among ardent Voomers. Really, I've only seen a couple people here indicate they were big fans of Treasure HD, Gallery HD, or Ultra HD. Yeah, there were some, but not enough that 1/7th a TP needed to be blown on it. They could have spent more on programming and consolidated and made 5 really great channels. That was their desision to just sit on their hands and wait for Charlie to fianally get POed enough to yank them.
I just wish there was some kind of update, because Voom is still around and I just wish I knew for sure that they were going to die off or go somewhere else. I agree that they should just go to 5 channels and spend all the money on them and I bet things would have been better.
Problem is it felt like all to to frequently, ants crawling on the ground WAS the main subject matter at Voom.

Commercial free HD is awesome. But the programing has to more than look good, it has to be entertaining. I;d rather have an entertaining SD program with commercials than the same episode of UFO for the 9,746th time in glorious HD.

Read all my posts. I never hated Voom. I liked Equator. I occasionally would find a movie I liked, too. But it just became too stale with the same stuff all the time. And plenty of the channels were wastes, even among ardent Voomers. Really, I've only seen a couple people here indicate they were big fans of Treasure HD, Gallery HD, or Ultra HD. Yeah, there were some, but not enough that 1/7th a TP needed to be blown on it. They could have spent more on programming and consolidated and made 5 really great channels. That was their desision to just sit on their hands and wait for Charlie to fianally get POed enough to yank them.

Oh you just can't talk about repeats at this point. Come on! How many times do I have to watch the same shows on Smithsonian, HDNET, HDMovies, HDtheater, MGM, Hallmark, ABCFM, Palladia, Universal, the movies on TNT and TBS and USA, etc ... the HD shows are just pointless and repeat over and over again just like Voom but with commercial breaks in most cases. Fine, I get it, the VOOM crap was a constant loop but I was enthralled. Scan your week and look for movies on Universal and see if you see 1 new movie per week. It's a loop too. Voom had Air Racing. Base jumping. Hot models on the runway. Now we have Ace of Cakes in HD or something upscaled to look like HD.

I agree with most of the rest of your arguments, Voom should have consolidated into 5 channels. I haven't read the rest of your posts, I was just responding to the one. No offense. But I totally don't agree that Charlie liked the Voom channels and hoped for the best until he couldn't take it anymore, he saw a chance to dump the contract and took it.

Edit: In response to the comment about the HD quality trumping the subject matter, I actually appreciated Voom because I could see ants on the ground even if it wasn't the point of whatever they were showing. It was a technology demo. That made my HD TV worth buying. Weird, I know, not for everyone... (sorry for arguing, we're all friends at satelliteguys).
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The consumers voted when Voom was put into a separate tier and customers dropped them like a bad habit.

That can't be. The low brow customers you are talking about who would rather watch repeats of porkies with commercials every 7 minutes would never drop a bad habit.

Besides, the customers didn't vote, Charlie did and he said as much. This had nothing to do with subs and everything to do with Charlie's gamesmanship in the courtroom.
... Cinemax has a new movie every Saturday night. No Voom movie channel ever made that kind of guarantee.

Of which maybe one a month is worth watching. Maybe. And, it's not OAR.

Most of the Voom channels had new episodes and sometimes a new show every month. This was already proven months ago.

The argument most people had with VOom was the manner of the repeats which were in blocks over the week before DVR technology changed the need to run them that way.
...Voom had Air Racing. Base jumping. Hot models on the runway. Now we have Ace of Cakes in HD or something upscaled to look like HD.

Ace of Cakes is stretched upconverted SD. I have a kid who likes to watch it regularly.

Voom had a lot of material that was different. So different, the 12 channel couch potatoes had no interest in them or even more likely never even knew they were there because some installer setup a favorites list for them that had their 12 favorite channels and they never knew there were 500 other channels to watch.

You might think that's funny but I guarantee you they are out there RIGHT NOW.
I never understood the Voom-hater constituency...where there are Voom fans, there will be Voom-trolls...

Voom was the best thing to ever happen to HD, and it was ruined due to the apathy of folks who, like 8bitbytes said...were willing to sacrifice the superior unknown for the mediocre familiar.

Argue for your limitations, and you are sure to win them.

I wonder what Spatch's favorite channels are... ;)
That is your fault as far as Voom being mentioned in other threads. Comedy Central is also a Niche channel. What is your point?

Yours was just about the 80th post containing the monthly Monsters HD schedule in this thread. We get it. Horror nuts loved Monsters HD. But that does not change the fact that it is a niche channel. Not a very huge niche as very few were pounding down the door to get Monsters HD and few make a big fuss about getting Chiller.

Also, you are one of the few that gets that people's taste vary away from Voom. There are some on this board who have formed the opinion that Voom offered such a microchasm of programming, we should all be happly with whatever Voom showed. Others can't get why anyone would ever *gasp* watch a show with commercials.

The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers The Screen Savers

There. That's what I miss about Tech TV. Did that do any good to post? NO! Do I feel any better about the complete loss of my channel. NO!

Sadly, this thread has started to do it's damage and I have seen Voom (although sometimes jokingly at least) bought up in a number of other threads today.
That can't be. The low brow customers you are talking about who would rather watch repeats of porkies with commercials every 7 minutes would never drop a bad habit.

Besides, the customers didn't vote, Charlie did and he said as much. This had nothing to do with subs and everything to do with Charlie's gamesmanship in the courtroom.

The customers voted with their wallets.
I never understood the Voom-hater constituency...where there are Voom fans, there will be Voom-trolls...

Voom was the best thing to ever happen to HD, and it was ruined due to the apathy of folks who, like 8bitbytes said...were willing to sacrifice the superior unknown for the mediocre familiar.

Argue for your limitations, and you are sure to win them.

I wonder what Spatch's favorite channels are... ;)

I would call people that keep who keep reviving this thread from the dead the Voom trolls. I don't understand the hatred the "voomers" have for anyone with a different opinion.

Voom was a good for HD. It still could be if they did something with it. It was a joke at the end. sure it looked nice but it wasn't what most people wanted.
That is your fault as far as Voom being mentioned in other threads. Comedy Central is also a Niche channel. What is your point?

The Daily how regularly has over 1 Million viewers. 3.6 Million watched Barack Obama's appearance on the Daily Show. No Voom channel ever had close to that many viewers. Heck, I'm not sure they ever had more than 1 million subscribers. It may be unfortunate, but majority rules in programing choices. I'm personally against a lot of the channels many want win the next round. Fox News, Fox Buisnnes, any premium (I don't sub to premiums), MTV, VH1, CMT, Nick, and even more I'd be disappointed to see. But they have high ratings, so they are likely to come.

As for repeats, perhaps I'm mistating the point. Part of it was the schedule of repeates. They would show the same episode of something 4 times or more a day. The same 2 movies would be repeated in the course of 1 day. Also, it was the lack of new programing. There was occasionally something new, but it was a lot more rare than on HDNet Movies, TNT, TBS, and ABC Family. Also, take the way they show repeates. TNT just had a weekend of Lord of the Rings. Voom would have repeated the movies every other week. TNT has not shown them for months and won't show them again for months. To the point that even after watching them this weekend, new time it will probably have been long enough that I will catch them again.

And yes, other channels deserve to suffer the same fate as Voom, like Smithsonian. MGM and Hallmark Movies need improvement as well. WFN should also go as it probably isn't a ratings bonanza, either.
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CONGRATS ECHOSTAR! 922 wins best of CES award!

Just wanted to say THANKS.

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