I see no problem with the ads. Satguys needs the ad revinue, but I don't think the forums are the appropriate place for dealers to spead rumors, create lies, and troll around in an atempt to gain VOOM subs.
VOOM subs also aren't stupid. Most have had the other providers and know exactly what they offer. The current poll
http://www.satelliteguys.us/showthread.php?t=62319 shows that a huge majority aren't going to go to D* or E* for service. This poll is a really good sampling of VOOM subscribers and can be extrapolated for all subs as a whole.
Assuming there were 46,600 subs on April 1st and 75% had VOOM as their only provider 34,950 the poll shows what there should on May 1st:
DirecTV receives 6,291 subs
DishNet receives 7,340 subs
Cable receives 13,281 subs
OTA receives 5,592 viewers
Other receives 2,796 viewers (includes no TV, DVD, VHS with no other service)
62% will not be going to either E* or D*. Makes you wonder why there is now a big effort to get a measily 38% or 19% for D* and E* each