Voom F***ed up PG Strikes Again

TheTimm said:
Yikes! This means they're idiots! Here I was assuming that they put no effort whatsoever into that joke of a program guide. You mean this is really the best they can do? Scary... :shocked

Ouch! Harsh, but true.

Hey Timm, if it makes you feel any better, Dish is always getting HDNET's schedule wrong. I get an email weekly from HDNET for HDNET and HDNET Movies and especially with a Series like Odyssey 5 or Bikini Destinations they are almost always wrong.
DarrellP said:
Hey Timm, if it makes you feel any better, Dish is always getting HDNET's schedule wrong. I get an email weekly from HDNET for HDNET and HDNET Movies and especially with a Series like Odyssey 5 or Bikini Destinations they are almost always wrong.
Alas, it doesn't make me feel better. :no I may never understand how Voom can be so consistently wrong on listing what's showing on their own exclusive channels. I mean, they're the ones that decide what will be aired - they should be able to write it down or something, no? :confused: I could understand the occasional last-minute programming change that doesn't quite make it into the PG, but this happens way too frequently for my taste. And I do try to keep it in perspective - I realize this isn't exactly the greatest problem facing the world today - but it is annoying. :(
No wake 'n' bake? PG says a 1999 documentary - Grass - that "looks at the history of marijuana, from early government propaganda newsreels to Ronald Reagan's war on drugs." should be on at 7am (now). Instead I get Led Zepplin.
Some things never change . . .
John, do you have the info for your channels. Seems many (including me) have no PG since yesterday morning!
I'm glad I still have it. Even if it's still f*%ked up. The movie on Cinema 1 may well be the "Call of the Wild", but it's not the one with Clark Gable and Loretta Young, as the info describes it. The characters are headed toward the Yukon and they have dogs, so it's probably a remake, or maybe a totally different story line. Come to think of it the one with Clark Gable was probably a remake. Never mind all this rant, there's Charlton Heston, this is definately a remake of Clark and Loretta's version. Good, but not as good. Glad it's in HD. Maybe they'll get the other version too.
Walter L. said:
Well, another PG F* up yesterday (10/30). Most of the Cinema channels simply showed "Movie" in the PG.
I had that as well, but WTF, all I watched was MonstersHD anyway. :)
TheTimm said:
Alas, it doesn't make me feel better. :no I may never understand how Voom can be so consistently wrong on listing what's showing on their own exclusive channels. I mean, they're the ones that decide what will be aired - they should be able to write it down or something, no? :confused: I could understand the occasional last-minute programming change that doesn't quite make it into the PG, but this happens way too frequently for my taste. And I do try to keep it in perspective - I realize this isn't exactly the greatest problem facing the world today - but it is annoying. :(

Yeah, this doesn't make ANY sense to me whatsoever. A program guide being wrong every so often -- that's understandable. After all, broadcasters change what show they're gonna run, decide not to tell you.

But how the hell do you get your OWN CHANNELS WRONG?

I mean, these are VOOM's channels -- they pick the shows! So how can Voom's own program guide list the wrong movies?

Me, I can only come up with one plausible explanation. Here's how it goes.

Two interns were young, poor, and very much in love. One landed a gig picking out movies for the Voom Cinema 10 channels. The other, the unenviable job of typing in descriptions for the Voom program guide. (That intern's job description read, "Typist intern needed. Must be willing to cut descriptions off in mid sen")

Anyhow, like I said, they were in love. But then, one day, something went wrong. Nobody quite knows what. Perhaps it was when John (the one doing the typing) got caught out in the satellite farm with Wendy "Stutterclick" Williams, from billing. Whatever the case, Jane caught him cheating on her, and it broke her heart.

From that day forth, Jane made a point of sending John incorrect memos on what movies she was going to run each day. John, being too stubborn to apologize for his betrayal, also was too stubborn to go talk to her in person and ask for the real program listings.

Sadly, it's we Voomers who end up paying the price. Damn you, Wendy, for your housebreakin' ways.

And I thought Dish was bad when they had Odyssey 5 and Bikini Destinations listings 2 weeks out of sync.