Hey! This PG screw-up is actually a welcomed surprise! A Hard Day's Night is showing. The PG says "Rave in Concert" - doesn't say who, just that the singers perform songs off their albums. Methinks I like the Beatles better.
I never know what is on Rave. I dont even look at the PG for that ch. Its very frustrating.TheTimm said:Hey! This PG screw-up is actually a welcomed surprise! A Hard Day's Night is showing. The PG says "Rave in Concert" - doesn't say who, just that the singers perform songs off their albums. Methinks I like the Beatles better.
Yes, it is frustrating. It's kinda like Christmas morning after you've snooped for your gifts and are expecting something you really want but it turns out it was returned for some reason - you can't even ask why - and instead you get something totally unexpected, which sometimes is good but usually just breaks your little heart. Suddenly I have an urge to cryvinnyv07 said:I never know what is on Rave. I dont even look at the PG for that ch. Its very frustrating.
jgantert said:Actually, Gunslingers moved to 101, even though the EPG still lists it as 109.
Nope. Didn't happen.Ilya said:Let's see if Fellini's Satyricon is shown today as promised...
txcruiser said:Voom users must have a ton of time on their hands since no DVR exists and you have to stumble around their guide with your fingers crossed hoping it's not The Cabbage Patch Kids instead of Fellini's Satyricon.
I agree! And that's what really matters! Thanks for reminding about the priorities.txcruiser said:Voom is the undisputed leader in HD channels.
That was a negative post! (Not really -- just thought I'd make your daytxcruiser said:Call this a negative post if you want.
It will make my day.
Yikes! This means they're idiots! Here I was assuming that they put no effort whatsoever into that joke of a program guide. You mean this is really the best they can do? Scary... :shockedDarrellP said:From their Q & A (not T & A) page:
At VOOM, we work hard to keep the online program guide updated and accurate.
um. . . is it just me, or are the only channels that are ever wrong Voom's own exclusives?! So they change their own programming lineup without notifying themselves? They should send themselves to the Escalation Department and get nothing done about this!DarrellP said:From their Q & A (not T & A) page:
In other cases, channels change their programming lineup without notice.