In all cases, unlkess you know the person as a friend you did the CC billing, CALL THE CC even after you talk to VOOM to dispute the charge. Let both know you are working this out with VOOM and are notifying the CC AMEX just as an advisory to establish the date of dispute. The reason is that you want all parties on advisory as of an immediate date to set the legal audit in action. Notifying AMEX will remove the 3300 from your limit with the call. that should solve the "this weekend need" By telling a supervisor at VOOM you are advising the CC company anyway it will put VOOM on alert to rectify the issue expeditiously. And, BTW the one who said there is no limit on credit cards is wrong, even for AMEX there are limits. Don't be fooled in believeing that. The "no limit" phrase on AMEX applies to car rental, and other large purchase of travel. Say you rent a Ferrari with your AMEX gold card. Your card is on notice for the full value of that car but your card is free to make other purchases. If you steel the car as in don't return it on time your card may be charged that amount but you will have your Gold card frozen. Another way to test this is walk into a car dealership and try to buy a Ferrari with your Gold card, having never charged anything more than 2-3 thousand a month and never been late. See if you can drive out.
Another point- Anyone who uses a debit card for anything and also has credit needs a few lessons in fiscal management, the law, and what your rights are. I would also say you are very stupid but I don't want to get personal. Fact is that with a credit card the bank is at risk. Wioth a debit card you are at risk. Congress has held up legislation for years that would give you the same ptotection as a credit card but still if anyone auto pay or not decided to steal your number and charge stuff to it, you will be responsible for payment until you catch the thief. You will be at the mercy of the police and your bank, but in the meantime, you may have all your financial assets frozen at that bank until the matter is resolved. If you bank tells you otherwise, request that in writing. Banks will usually backpeddle when asked to have it in writing. Considering the number of CC transactions, the number of CC frauds are small and even rare but it could happen to you. The easy way is to never use check or debit cards. If you insist that you must put yourself at risk in this way, for whatever reason, then do this- Open up a checking account at another bank, completely different from the bank you conduct your normal transactions at. Then use your check cark or debit card from that bank and only keep a small balance there enough to qualify your debit card needs and resolve yourself that the balance you have there is at risk of being frozen at any time.
While the conspiracy theory of an easy loan to cover losses is humorous, the fact is that small business can indeed float some quick cash this way but they don't if they plan to use the merchant accounts for long. The chargeback fees are too high to handle. The CC banks weren't born yesterday in the loan business.