Voom charged me 3300.00


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 27, 2004
Hey guys,

Just got my voom bill in the mail. My total is 3326.87.

I have six recievers, four of which were installed several weeks ago.

I know others have had problems like this lately, although don't know if the amount was this high.

I am on hold right now, this is completely unacceptable. I only hope this can be fixed, but I am not holding my breath for it to be easy.

Let me know if anyone has any tips, should I try sending wilt an email?

Thanks guys for all the help!!!
Thats not a mistake, I thought you said the next round of VOOM was on you! :D

Just kidding, I really hope they take care of you!

Please let us know how it goes.
Boy, some people are just looking for something to complain about.
Just got off the phone with a CSR. She started laughing when she saw the bill. I told her I really didn't find it that funny.

She quickly got off the phone and said her floor sup said it would be fixed within 3 biz days. Even though its to be charged Sunday. I told her I followed this forum and told her about the horror stories. She said they had a rocky past and on July 31st they changed their policy (Sure ;-).

I just sent an email to Wilt. Should I call american express and let them know? I assume that if they block it Voom will shut down the service, then stick me with a reconnect fee.

Thanks for the help...Scott maybe next month I will buy a round ;-).
Look at the problem from Voom's point. Overcharge 50% of the customers for a few hundred each and you have floated yourself a LARGE interest free loan for eternity, because they turn around and overcharge more customers to pay off the original overcharged customers. Kind of like a pyramid or shell game con?
I wish it was only a few hundered!!! I just got an email back from Wilt saying he will check into it. Really great to have someone like him that is willing to help. My biggest fear was that this will take weeks and weeks to get fixed. I just really don't need to have an extra 3K charged on the card this weekend.

But it is a pretty easy way to get some extra cash :cool:

We shall see :) .
I would think the different credit card companies would start seeing this happen a lot and do something to protect their customers.
monetteboy said:
I have six recievers, four of which were installed several weeks ago.

Thats your problem right there. haha.

people are having enuf problems with 2 recievers with voom. and u order 6??

suffer on brotha :D
Hmm $3326.87 sounds about right... $71.8 million dollar loss divided up amonst the 25,000 subs = $2872.00 each. Add in 3 months programming and 6 box rental you are just about the correct amount.
With six STB's,I think a Voom CSR punched in the buy button instead of the rent button which would explain the price.(I know there is more to do then hit the buttons,trying for the easy answer)
Also send a copy to the BBB so that it is on record with them.VOOM is involved in interstate commerce and BBB likes to see mistakes like that, it gives them something to do
Considering its setup on your AMEX I would let the charge go through. I mean it should have no limit. Since you talked to billing (and Wilt) and they said it will be corrected (I am sure you got names & numbers) you should be fine. Imagine the horror if this was on your DEBIT card!?!? I would let it work out the 3 business days like they said and check it on the 4th day. If it's still wrong I would have heads & jobs. Just being nosey, instead of $3300.00+ what should the total have been? Was it a misplaced decimal point, an incorrect billing formula for that many receivers or as one person above mentioned a BUY entered instead of a RENTAL? GOOD LUCK!
Yeah AMEX acted like no big deal. That is the exact reason I never do any autopay on my debit card.

I think the total should be something like this:
79.99 Va Va Voom
14.90(?) PBHD
6x 9.50
6x 5.00

So like 181.00 or so.

I am wondering if the "buy button" may be the reason, who knows. Not saying that I know everything, but I own a software company and just graduated with a degree in Computer Information Systems. I have been using computers for years. Frankly, people are letting compaines get away with way too much these days. There is 0 reason for such bugs, like I said not that I know exactly how they are setup. Its a matter of "lets get this out the door and let the customers find the problems." Our software is an electronic medical records system that runs a clinic. If it doesn't run, the clinic doesn't run. We test, test, test, then place it into beta, then do a beta test site release. So far we have never had a system down.

Anyways enough with my rant :-)

I think I might just give them a call right now to see how things are coming.


Well looks like they got things taken care of. Total is 189.00 a month. So if they tell you its going to be 6-8 weeks, don't let them get away with that :)
Indy said:
Look at the problem from Voom's point. Overcharge 50% of the customers for a few hundred each and you have floated yourself a LARGE interest free loan for eternity, because they turn around and overcharge more customers to pay off the original overcharged customers. Kind of like a pyramid or shell game con?

It wouldn't be interest free. There is a fee on the initial charge and on the credit back, plus they could get "charge backs" on their account when the amount is disputed by the customer. Too many of those and your fees go even higher.

It's more likely just plain ineptitude.
In all cases, unlkess you know the person as a friend you did the CC billing, CALL THE CC even after you talk to VOOM to dispute the charge. Let both know you are working this out with VOOM and are notifying the CC AMEX just as an advisory to establish the date of dispute. The reason is that you want all parties on advisory as of an immediate date to set the legal audit in action. Notifying AMEX will remove the 3300 from your limit with the call. that should solve the "this weekend need" By telling a supervisor at VOOM you are advising the CC company anyway it will put VOOM on alert to rectify the issue expeditiously. And, BTW the one who said there is no limit on credit cards is wrong, even for AMEX there are limits. Don't be fooled in believeing that. The "no limit" phrase on AMEX applies to car rental, and other large purchase of travel. Say you rent a Ferrari with your AMEX gold card. Your card is on notice for the full value of that car but your card is free to make other purchases. If you steel the car as in don't return it on time your card may be charged that amount but you will have your Gold card frozen. Another way to test this is walk into a car dealership and try to buy a Ferrari with your Gold card, having never charged anything more than 2-3 thousand a month and never been late. See if you can drive out. :)

Another point- Anyone who uses a debit card for anything and also has credit needs a few lessons in fiscal management, the law, and what your rights are. I would also say you are very stupid but I don't want to get personal. Fact is that with a credit card the bank is at risk. Wioth a debit card you are at risk. Congress has held up legislation for years that would give you the same ptotection as a credit card but still if anyone auto pay or not decided to steal your number and charge stuff to it, you will be responsible for payment until you catch the thief. You will be at the mercy of the police and your bank, but in the meantime, you may have all your financial assets frozen at that bank until the matter is resolved. If you bank tells you otherwise, request that in writing. Banks will usually backpeddle when asked to have it in writing. Considering the number of CC transactions, the number of CC frauds are small and even rare but it could happen to you. The easy way is to never use check or debit cards. If you insist that you must put yourself at risk in this way, for whatever reason, then do this- Open up a checking account at another bank, completely different from the bank you conduct your normal transactions at. Then use your check cark or debit card from that bank and only keep a small balance there enough to qualify your debit card needs and resolve yourself that the balance you have there is at risk of being frozen at any time.

While the conspiracy theory of an easy loan to cover losses is humorous, the fact is that small business can indeed float some quick cash this way but they don't if they plan to use the merchant accounts for long. The chargeback fees are too high to handle. The CC banks weren't born yesterday in the loan business. :D
Curious, are you a lawyer?

Not sure if you were calling me stupid b/c I use a debit card, but maybe you should make things more clear.

Hey! I'm not leaving!

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