Voom Adds More! (WealthTVHD, Fine Living, DIY,..)

timfouts said:
I have 2 screen shots both jpeg--one on 4DTV c-band and one from Voom. The bright face over powers the rest of the image but notice the detail of the flowers behind on right

Obviously you have limited satellite reception capabilities. Take a look at the dish farm.

And BTW, if you live on a lake your HD reception is enhanced even more as the signal comes in cleaner over the water


I am waiting to see how he reacts now that someone has called his bluff. :cool:

I think he needs the offered 3 day vacation :D
Come on guys---lets quit the bickering and just be glad that something positive is happening. We all need to keep our fingers crossed that we will have V* at all after the 31st. Besides--all this bickering is ruining my vacation in the mountains. And I don't have V* here at all!!
Well, since you posted this...
richard_rd said:
I also apologise for my ranting this morning, but i did not have my coffee yet and i could not take it any more, i will calm down now!!!!
...I too shall try to remain calm while responding to this...
richard_rd said:
Yeah, and i am sure if they added them to the basic package, and then took them away a few months later and put them in their new mid tier package, you would not be screeming then "How can they make us pay for channels we were already getting". It is a no win situation for VOOM, these channels cost them money to add, I am sure they will be offering a mid tier package with them in the future when things settle down. But for now it makes sense for them to be added to the premium VAVAVoom tier, or subs would harass them later "they are taking channels away from us" !!! It looks to me like VOOM is trying to be fair about it and add some new channels to the basic package (i.e.- channels that will still be be part of the basic package when a new tier is added). But for channels that they have slated for the mid or upper tier (in a 3 or more tier system), it only makes sence to add them to the upper tier in the current two tier system or subs will complain when they lose those channels in the future!!!
In one of your earlier posts you act like you're quite familiar with my past posts on this subject (I believe "crying" was the word you misused). You seem to conveniently forget those that don't suit your purpose. I have previously addressed the very scenario you're suggesting I would complain about in the future. The solution is simple and obvious if you're willing to actually read instead of planning your next rant. Offer these new non-premium channels as a free preview -- let us know in advance that these channels will not continue to be a part of basic subscriptions. That way those of us who only subscribe to basic ("sucker"s, as you call at least me) would be able to view these channels and decide if we think it is worth upgrading when the future tiers become reality. As it is now, I will have zero incentive to upgrade to a higher tier to receive these channels as I have never seen them so I could not possibly miss them.

Now, if anyone considers that "crying" or "bitching" or "complaining", I apologize for crapping all over your love fest. I am not angry that I don't get these channels. I don't hate Voom. I don't think we should all get every channel every created at no extra cost. I simply think Voom would have been better served by handling this differently. To be clear -- new channels is a good thing. No argument there. But it could've been handled better IMO.

richard_rd ...now that you claim to be calm, back to your "you lose sucker" comment. Not nice. And inaccurate. I don't lose. I still get the same channels for the same price as I've been getting, and have been very happy with. But I feel Voom missed an opportunity for a "win". I don't think adding non-premium channels to VaVa will do anything to bring in new subscribers, nor entice current basic subscribers to upgrade. Just my opinion. I hope you enjoy watching your new channels. Really, I do. But to think or act like you've won some sort of victory over subscribers to basic is just plain childish.
richard_rd said:
Vurbano, take the hint, We are all finally getting tired of your constant complaining, cancel your subscription and go bother the people in the Dish and DirecTV forums for a while. At least Justalurker would post a positive thread once in a while, seems like you have a hidden agenda to me!!!!
You're entitled to your opinion, as is anyone else. But please don't speak for everyone ("We are all..."). I for one think vurbano adds a lot or worthwhile food for thought to these forums.
richard_rd said:
:), You made my point for me, the channel was only live for a whole 4 hours and you were chumping at the bit to start typing negative feedback on it. Like i said, some people just are not happy unless they are bit@hing about something!!!!!

No I called it as I saw it. You however were chomping at the bit to slam an honest evaluation of the channel so far.:rolleyes:
The WealthTVHD Channel looks like crap!!! It looks like the Stuff TNT is trying to pass as HD..... Come on Voom!!!, lets look at the program before you say it is HD and you try to give it to us... Well that is my two cents worth....
timfouts said:
I have 2 screen shots both jpeg--one on 4DTV c-band and one from Voom. The bright face over powers the rest of the image but notice the detail of the flowers behind on right

Obviously you have limited satellite reception capabilities. Take a look at the dish farm.

And BTW, if you live on a lake your HD reception is enhanced even more as the signal comes in cleaner over the water

Id try a better camera. The pics are so bad I dont see how anyone could tell a difference anyway. PS Im glad you have a lot of dishes:rolleyes: But if you want to make a boast about Vooms picture being equivalent you would have to produce the bitrate numbers and resolution. Also your boast about the worst Voom channel looking better than the best E* channel goes against 99% of every commentary I have heard about E* HD PQ.
vurbano said:
No I called it as I saw it. You however were chomping at the bit to slam an honest evaluation of the channel so far.:rolleyes:
The evaluation included the insinuation that Voom was distorting the channel when in fact, it looked the same as what Voom and I were receiving on C-band before Voom uplinked it. I simply disproved that. I do agree that some of the images do not look sharp, but that is due to the source material not being sharp. That is WealthTV's problem not Voom.
timfouts said:
The evaluation included the insinuation that Voom was distorting the channel when in fact, it looked the same as what Voom and I were receiving on C-band before Voom uplinked it. I simply disproved that. I do agree that some of the images do not look sharp, but that is due to the source material not being sharp. That is WealthTV's problem not Voom.

WHat have you disproved????????? I sure hope the probation line of work doesnt involve any judiciary involvement with your standard of Proof. Prove that Voom doesnt compress or re encode the signal. "O well it looks the same to me and I have some crappy pics to prove it" therefore it is the same? And BTW I have all these Dishes so I must be right? :rolleyes:
IMO, some of the video looks awful, and some of it looks good on the channel. The PQ varies widely depending on what they are showing. The shots which show the Wealth TV spokespeople look pretty good to me.
They put Wealth TV on VaVa Voom? Now that sucks big time, I'm glad I still have Dish for Bikini Destiations, Get Out, Hotlines and Miss Hawaiian Triopic.
I still think its BS to demand VVV, I dropped of VVV because the HD premium channels are too repetitive, I thought they were the biggest waste of money after a while. Especially since the new "premier" movies half the time ended up being "premiered" last month on a different network.

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