Lockups are on two channels of G-11 only, and they are both 4:2:2 feeds picked up on the blindscan. Another 4:2:2 feed on g-11 is picked up fine ( audio only, of course ).
The problem channels are labelled "Calhoun" and "Calhoun Florida" , 12171 V 13230, and 12186 V 13230 , respectively.
The IV200 identified the SR on each as 13219 . The SR symbol rate is from TSreader and the skywalker-1. TSreader picks up the 12171 feed , but not the other.
Apparently just two problem channels, maybe related to the SR error ?
[edit] The Merc II finds both channels "Calhoun" and Calhoun Florida", at 12170V13250 and 12188V13250 , respectively, and has no problem giving the audio of those 4:2:2 feeds. The IV200 still locks up.
[edit] IV200 ver 1.18 ALSO locks up on these channels, so it's apparently not a new problem, just one that we wish would go away.