I was waiting on the giveaway today..I didn't want to jinx myself...
I've had one of these for about 2 weeks now. I am either a dumbkopf or this is the most confusing thing I've ever seen. Blind scan....WHY does it have to load TP info EVERY time it blindscans? Blind scan IS finding the TP's, I thought.
With the old firmware, it was much better at ID'ing channels, the new 1.12 firmware broke that, it just says CD1, CD2, etc.
I have a audio issue with the radio side. I was sitting listening to the audio on E* 7 and it just went silent. I put it back on the video side ( NASA channel ) and still no sound. Put it in standby, turned it back on, still no sound. So I started pressing buttons until something happened. When I pressed the MUTE button, and pressed it AGAIN,whammo, sound. It did the same thing three times that same night, and twice the following night. I emailed Visionsat, received a nice return email instructing me to call them. I did, they requested that I do a factory reset and try again. I did that, and am still having the same issue.
Its also very flaky on a switch. It will just drop signal for no reason, and you have to do a hard power off (using the switch on the back) to get it to work the disecq switch again.
I either got a bad one or this thing is very flaky. Other than that I like how its laid out, it has great use of color, menus are pretty clear, although the scan functions are confusing to me.