Visionsat IV200 PVR Plus

still doesn't show it but you should be able to use Brazilsat at 84.0W and just rename it...that's what I did :)

But that brings up the motor issue. Let me check tonite if you can change the satellite location
still doesn't show it but you should be able to use Brazilsat at 84.0W and just rename it...that's what I did :)

But that brings up the motor issue. Let me check tonite if you can change the satellite location
Thanks Iceberg, I appreciate it! :) I actually have a Visionsat on the way here, still have to pick out a motor tough. I've decided the 3ABN $50 dish should be a good candidate for motorization. :D
I received my Visionsat today and when I updated it to the 9-19 firmware from VisionSat I was elated to learn that it includes the AMC 2 satellite at 85W!
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I was waiting on the giveaway today..I didn't want to jinx myself...:)

I've had one of these for about 2 weeks now. I am either a dumbkopf or this is the most confusing thing I've ever seen. Blind scan....WHY does it have to load TP info EVERY time it blindscans? Blind scan IS finding the TP's, I thought.

With the old firmware, it was much better at ID'ing channels, the new 1.12 firmware broke that, it just says CD1, CD2, etc.

I have a audio issue with the radio side. I was sitting listening to the audio on E* 7 and it just went silent. I put it back on the video side ( NASA channel ) and still no sound. Put it in standby, turned it back on, still no sound. So I started pressing buttons until something happened. When I pressed the MUTE button, and pressed it AGAIN,whammo, sound. It did the same thing three times that same night, and twice the following night. I emailed Visionsat, received a nice return email instructing me to call them. I did, they requested that I do a factory reset and try again. I did that, and am still having the same issue.

Its also very flaky on a switch. It will just drop signal for no reason, and you have to do a hard power off (using the switch on the back) to get it to work the disecq switch again.

I either got a bad one or this thing is very flaky. Other than that I like how its laid out, it has great use of color, menus are pretty clear, although the scan functions are confusing to me.:)
Don't think it's your problem Stogie. Downloaded Ver 1.12 and minedoes the same thing. Good thing I saved Ver 1.1. Going back to that.

Don't think it's your problem Stogie. Downloaded Ver 1.12 and minedoes the same thing. Good thing I saved Ver 1.1. Going back to that.


You know, in a way, that's a relief. I thought I was going CRAZY. !sadroll

It does seem like Visionsat is interested in making it better as a platform though, so maybe they'll fix it. :)
Someone answer this stupid question for me. A regular disecq that 1.0, 1.2, or what on the Visionsat? That may be my issue with the switch, bad setup. I am going to move this receiver into my bedroom to replace the Sonicview 4000 in there, its so flaky on the motor I am gonna give the Visionsat a try. :up
That's something that Iceberg can answer.
Update on Ver 1.12. Before I re-installed Ver 1.1 I deleated G10r and did a blind search and everything returned. The only problem with that is why have to rescan all the birds everytime they change Version's? I saved everything and reinstalled the channel data, which is where I ran into the sound problem.

Well then my Visionsat has a diseqc problem then. It will not reliably switch when scanning a new sat. I have been banging my head against the wall today scanning c-band satellites, I have to turn the box off every time I scan a new satellite or it WILL NOT see port 2 of the switch. I have my 119 dish on port 1 set diseqc 1.0, and my cband feed coming from the multiswitch on port 2,again diseqc 1.0.

In any case,tomorrow it is going in my bedroom on the motor I just got back from DMS. I am still having issues, and I think its the Sonicview, it never was any good with a motor in the first place, so I going to try the Visionsat on that dish, and put the SonicView on the C Band/ 119 combo.

Thanks for the info.:up
Okay.. this is what I have, how do I save the position? USALS is off for me, way off...maybe 10 degrees.

EDIT: Nevermind, I rooted around and found it.....I am a doofus...working on getting the sats all stored in...I got ONE so far...

USALS is broken on this receiver too. In entered it just like I have it in my Coolsat 5000 and it will not hit ANY satellite. I tried to recalibrate it on AMC6 then go west satellite by satellite...never hit a one. Have to do it manually.

It also will NOT switch my disecq switch. I took it out of the loop and the receiver works fine. Put it back in, no signal. grrrrrrr......


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Could someone please post version 1.1 of the Visionsat firmware? I am having problems blind scanning with v 1.12. Thanks! :)

EDIT: Nevermind, I found a copy of 1.11 that Iceberg posted.

Has anyone noticed that the Visionsat freezes up when it goes to a 4:2:2 feed? There are a few on AMC1, and whenever I change the channel to one the box locks up and needs to be powered down from the back power switch. I know that it can't decode the video, but I didn't expect it to lock up. :( I'm using the 1.11 firmware.
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Could someone please post version 1.1 of the Visionsat firmware? I am having problems blind scanning with v 1.12. Thanks! :)

EDIT: Nevermind, I found a copy of 1.11 that Iceberg posted.

Has anyone noticed that the Visionsat freezes up when it goes to a 4:2:2 feed? There are a few on AMC1, and whenever I change the channel to one the box locks up and needs to be powered down from the back power switch. I know that it can't decode the video, but I didn't expect it to lock up. :( I'm using the 1.11 firmware.

Yep. Mine does it too. :(

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