Optical audio cable... Radio Shack will have, Wal-Mart might even have...prellinger said:what the hell is a toslink cable, and where do i get it,
i may have thrown one out, my blu-ray has no problem with using a hdmi cable
Optical audio cable... Radio Shack will have, Wal-Mart might even have...prellinger said:what the hell is a toslink cable, and where do i get it,
i may have thrown one out, my blu-ray has no problem with using a hdmi cable
michaelgizzi said:I have read about the rebooting from the PIP after the L359 software; I have a different reboot problem.
Twice in the past 24 hours I have started a DVR recording, it plays a second, freezes with the description of the program still on the screen, then the screen goes blank, and it reboots.
Last night it did this when I was playing a SD recording; today it was a HD recording.
Anyone else having the same problem?
The 38 step check seems to be a default if no switch is detected. I have 2 500 dishes -one exclusively for 129. From June 24 to July 3, my dish was pointed to 61.5. On July 4, Dish repointed it to 129 so I could get my local HD's. On July 9, I started getting messages -- 502 was a common one. The basic message was the same -- my switch had a problem. It took about 1 1/2 hrs. to finally get reception -- it was giving me the 38 step check too. Finally it went to the 3 step check and it was working again. The Dish tech who I talked to for the first 1/2 hr. could not get it to work through the normal rebooting processes and he set up an appointment for me for 7/15.nlk10010 said:I just had a tech out to repair my installation (original techs had put up a Dish500 for 110/119 and then hooked into my neighbor's 61.5 dish). He put up a separate 61.5 dish and some sort of LNBF (I'm not too up on that).
Anyway, when I go to run a Check Switch on my 622 I get Satellite Input 1 going through 38 tests, Input 2 going through 1, and when the test finishes I see I have the three sats on Input 1 but a red X through 119 on 2. That's it. Tech says: "I'm not touching this problem!". But we try the CheckSwitch test again and it all goes through correctly (i.e. shows all three satellites on both inputs) so I let him go.
I just tried the CheckSwitch again and experienced the same sequence: first try gave me 38 tests and nothing connected on 2, second gave me the correct three sats on each input.
I searched and saw another post in this thread about 38 tests but guy didn't have Sat 2 connected. Is this a separator problem or some obscure bug in the 622? If the former should I call E* back up and ask for a separator or a service call? After the torture of the past 7 days trying to get someone out here I'm kind of reluctant to get right back into it, but I will if I should.
Thanks (if I'm in the wrong forum my apologies, but thought this might be a bug).
I was able to get the system to perform the 3 step check switch yesterday(finally) by disconnecting one of the 2 tuner cable connections. The first disconnection still did the 38 step check; the second disconnection enabled a 3 step connection. It still came up as an error, but reconnecting the disconnected tuner eventually produced a positive result.nlk10010 said:grb:
Since only the 622 seems to have the problem (for both of us) could it be a separator problem? I don't know how the LNBFs and switches work so I couldn't even venture a more sophisticated guess, but the separator does seem to be a possibility (as well as the 622 software, of course).
I haven't yet experienced the 622 not connecting. It's possible it's dropping the signal when I'm not looking () but so far I haven't seen any problem with the picture, other than rain fade. The only anomaly is when I run the Check Switch. My guess is this might get worse, in which case I'll call them up. Between this issue and the lousy job mounting my 61.5 dish the last tech did I have a feeling Dish tech support and me are going to become REAL familiar, real soon. To be fair, the techs I've gotten so far have seemed to listen and be responsive, but that may be because I'm still within my 30-day guarantee period. We'll see.
If you can, please post and let us know what happens when (if) the Tech shows up.