ViP 622 & 722 Running Bug Thread

I had reported on under another topic. THe new bug: lost audio.

Now you mentioned here, I could remember that the last thing I did before lost audio were watching a recorded program and used skip functions serveral times.....

I agree, this was new from the "robustness audio" enhancement.

BTW, I was on TV1 and I am using the single mode.
I was watching 24's season finale last night (NYC FOX HD Feed) and the audio was out of sync. Reboot made it a little less severe but it was still off a tad.

I did have to reboot it also when the remote commands weren't being accepted anymore also. One thing..... A bunch of HD timers used up the free space and a few old episodes were deleted automatically to make room, so it was the first time my 622 had to automatically delete some shows. I'm sure this may have contributed somewhat to the instability..

Remember when we complained about 2 steps forward and three back. This time it was 0 forward and two back it seems. C'mon guys. Why are you guys always dead last in the reliability dept. every time? You've got the lead in the HD programming camp now, now how about spending a little bit more to stabilize the code please?
BobMurdoch said:
C'mon guys. Why are you guys always dead last in the reliability dept. every time? You've got the lead in the HD programming camp now, now how about spending a little bit more to stabilize the code please?
Amen to that.
bhodgins said:
Mark, are you seeing captions on your high definition dish locals? (Not the over the air locals, but the dish retransmitted ones.) I don't see them on any high definition dish locals in the 63xx range nor the CBS High Definition channel out of New York, even though the program is listed as having CC.

I don't get any HD locals. (Until E* puts up Springfield MO.) I cannot confirm this. Just CBS-HD out of NY on 61.5'W
Software version: L357
Mode bug occurred in: single
Dish setup: Dish 1000 for 110/119; Dish 500 for 129
OTA Antenna: Mounted in attic

Description of bugs: (1-4 previously reported by others)
1. Sound dropouts
2. Sound stuttering
3. Pause jumps back slightly before play
4. Sound sync problems

5. 129 HD channels lose signal regularly
My signal strengths are better than average for my area (Seattle) because of the separate dish for 129. No line of sight issues. Clear day. Every 10, 20 or 30 minutes the signal slowly drops from 80 to 38. Then it slowly increases back to 80 and works fine until the next signal loss. The picture and sound freeze at about 42. Some attribute this to a weak satellite. The last Charlie Chat recognized receiving some problem reports but did not admit the problem. They are researching it but so far no results. Right! Come to my house boys, I can demonstrate it anytime!

6. Rapid skip ahead freezes playback
During playback of a recorded show, hitting the skip-ahead and skip back button multiple times freezes playback. It seems to lose its place and can't continue. FF and FR seem to work but it won't start playback for that show again until you reboot the receiver. Even quitting the playback, and starting it again won't clear it. It will play other recorded shows and live TV though. This has happened twice in the last 3 days.
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Yesterday pm my 622 gave up the ghost on the HD side of the receiver. After lots of discussion and tests with the remote with the tech rep he directed my wife to change the cables on the back of the STB and we at least have SD on the HD. (my hearing is so bad she has to do the listening). A new STB is on the way.
I looked thru this post but did not see/recognize what I am seeing with my 622. Lately when watching a recorded HD show the screen will freeze. If you pop forward it changes the picture but nothing else happens. If you pause the show, press play and then hit pause again a few seconds later it has advanced that far but the screen does not change. Stopping playback and going back in does not make a difference and switching to another recorded HD or SD show works fine and I can watch that show but I can not watch the first show until I perform a soft re-boot and then it will work for a day or so.
Pepper said:
It's comforting to know those programmers who made the most reliable machine on the planet, the DishPlayer DVR-522, weren't out of a job when they finished.*

Think I will wait a little while longer before getting a ViP622.

By the way I have noticed the "forgotten timer" thing on the 522 recently. Maybe something to do with the guide?

*In case you can't tell, this sentence is laced with 100% American made sarcasm.
ok, so i couldn't wait any longer. now i'm in the boat with the rest of you.

I installed my new 622 yesterday and have had 4 or 5 spontaneous reboots apparently because it just felt like it. Three of these happened while a HD Sat program was recording and I was watching an OTA digital local.

Software version: L357RBDD
Mode bug occurred in: single
Dish setup: DPP44: 119 110 61.5 121
Description of bug: see above
OTA Antenna: rabbit ears
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Software: L357RBDD-N
Boot Ver: 1710RBDD-N
Mode: Single
Switch: DP34, Dish 500(110/119), Dish 300 (61.5)
OTA: Not Connected

Bug: Screen froze/unit quit responding when exiting Dish Home. (checking local weather)

Pressed 0 to exit Dish Home.
Screen froze. No remote buttons would function. No front console buttons would function.

Power Button Reboot - Fixed.

Unable to duplicate at this time.
Constant Check Switch

Just swapped out my 811 for a 622. Did it myself... which, admittedly may be my problem. I've greeted by a black screen and then taken to do a Check Switch Test probably 10 times in 2 days. Seems to happen when I am scrolling thru channels or anytime I try and use the DVR - which I haven't been able to actually record anything yet.

The Check Switch test wouldn't be so bad if it didnt go thru 38 steps on Sat 2 input which I am not even using.
59allstate said:
The Check Switch test wouldn't be so bad if it didnt go thru 38 steps on Sat 2 input which I am not even using.

That's your problem. You need both receivers hooked up.
Bingo. Run another line to your switch, or use the splitter that came with the 622 if your system is uses a DishPro switch (DON'T use it with legacy switches or bad things will happen)
Mark_AR said:
Look in the guide and make sure it has (CC) on the program you are viewing.

I noted several HD channels that did not have (CC) and therefore would not work. 'ALL' of the ones that did, displayed captions except 'The Price Is Right' on CBS-HD.(They are passing it on the SD local though)

CC on your TV is only for Off Air(channels tuned by your TV set)... The 622 has no way to pass CC info through the HD/SD video outputs to the TV decoder. It is imbedded in the broadcast signal and by the time it reaches your TV, it is already stripped out.

Enable CC: MENU-8-8-1 Tick [o] Caption ON - Done
Mark ...

I'm not sure that you're entirely accurate in your response. It is my understanding that there are no real technical issues that should prevent CC content to be missing. the CC is embedded with the video stream.

Those of us that rely on CC are quite aware of how to recognize and configure our hardware (TV's, DVD players and Cable/Satellite receivers) to view it. The inclusion of the (CC) in EPGs and other media are not always an indicator of whether or not we'll actually see the captioning. It's a pretty good indicator though.

The problem of no CC on locals is one that E* recognizes and, according to them, is a software issue (no mention of hardware) that they are working on.

I have had quite a bit of correspondence with them regarding this problem. Until I cited the FCC requirement (Rule 47 CFR paragraph 79.2) to pass on CC that the content provider sends, I couldn't get a decent response. Now I have everyone writing to assure me that this problem is being addressed and the solution will be implemented soon.

... rab
BobMurdoch said:
Bingo. Run another line to your switch, or use the splitter that came with the 622 if your system is uses a DishPro switch (DON'T use it with legacy switches or bad things will happen)

OK. When I use the splitter that came with the 622, i get an error on the switch test that vaugley says there could be a problem with my switch. How do I know if I "Use a DishPro switch"? Sorry, but this is all new to me...

EDIT: when i unhook the splitter and go back to a single line into sat 1 - after a switch test , it says I have a DP34. Is that good?
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59allstate said:
OK. When I use the splitter that came with the 622, i get an error on the switch test that vaugley says there could be a problem with my switch. How do I know if I "Use a DishPro switch"? Sorry, but this is all new to me...

EDIT: when i unhook the splitter and go back to a single line into sat 1 - after a switch test , it says I have a DP34. Is that good?
The separator (not splitter) will only work with the Dish Pro Plus Twin or the Dish Pro Plus 44 Switch. Hopefully, you have either and are using the separator. If you don't have that combination, you will need two cables coming from the DP34 or from the DP Twin, quad, etc., one cable to each tuner input on the 622.
59allstate said:
OK. When I use the splitter that came with the 622, i get an error on the switch test that vaugley says there could be a problem with my switch. How do I know if I "Use a DishPro switch"? Sorry, but this is all new to me...

EDIT: when i unhook the splitter and go back to a single line into sat 1 - after a switch test , it says I have a DP34. Is that good?
EDIT: Nevermind - boy921 beat me in with essentially the same information I had entered...
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bhelms said:
The device is a "separator", specifically the Dish Pro Plus separator. It is NOT compatible with the DP34 switch. You will either need to run two coaxs from the DP34 to the two tuner inputs on the 622, or else replace that switch with the DPP44 (Dish Pro PLUS 44) switch in which case you can then use the separator with one cable.

My bad.. it does say "Separator" right on it. Anyway, thanks for the info. Looks like I need to replace the DP34 with 44 - is that hard to do or should i get someone who knows what they are doing out here? And if I can do it, Can I get that at a Radio Shack or is this a special order from a sat retailer?

Thanks guys!

EDIT: Dang... just looked: the DP44 is a $200 part. On top of the $500 for the 622. Wonder if Sadoun will take it back in exchange for a 211.

I think I got in over my head!
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ViP622 bug

This problem has already been reported by some in this thread, but I thought I'd add my voice...

Software version: L357 (also happened with L356)
TV Mode: Single
Dish setup: Dish 500 for 110/119 and Dish 500 for 61.5. DP34 switch.

While watching TV, the screen suddenly turns black and a loud noise starts coming out of the speakers. After a while (5 minutes or so), the receiver will reboot itself, and things will get back to normal. Annoying, though, as it makes you miss about 5 minutes of whatever you're watching.
It does this at least once a day (that I notice, and I don't spend the entire day watching TV), although I've had times when it does it twice in a row.
Software: L357RBDD-N
Boot Ver: 1710RBDD-N
Mode: Single
Switch: DP34, Dish 500(110/119), Dish 300 (61.5)
OTA: Not Connected

Bug: Optical sound output TV1 even with unit OFF/Standby during timer event. (Verified by only single RED light on front panel.)

Unit Powered OFF - Dish Logo Screensaver. Timer Fires on TV1 for RECORD EVENT. Red RECORD indicator comes on. Green POWER indicator remains OFF.

When event ends, RED light goes out, sound output stops. Dish Logo screensaver is still only thing on TV1 screen.

I noted this twice now since I leave my AVR 7200 on most all of the time. Now I turn the volume down so it doesn't scare the bejeezus out of me in the middle of the night...:eek:

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