A couple of annoyances here. Some repeated, some WAY past their should-have-been-fixed date. Also some feature requests of mine.
1) Currently I have a 222k set up in dual tv mode with TV 1 run via composite to a 4:3 CRT and coax for TV 2. I have yet to find out how to get TV 1 to let me run in letterbox aspect like TV 2 can so I am stuck going stretch mode which essentially center-crops HD channels. If a channel change is made on TV2 it knocks my picture on TV1 back to Normal mode (but the channel info banner still reads 'Stretch') so everyone is skinny. If I am on an SD channel it zooms everything vertically. Both require me rotating through aspect settings on TV1 til a channel is changed on TV2 again.
2) It would obviously be nice if the broadband connection could be used for inter-box communication like caller id info and such. Some premises cannot reliably run DishCOMM due to various reasons but an interconnected LAN is usually much easier.
3) As a technical possibility it would be cool to allow the DVR boxes to record a virtually unlimited number of programs simultaneously based on what transponders are tuned in. For example if 4 programs are set to record in the same timeslot but they are on channels on the same sat/transponder, the DVR would record all these on one tuner with the other to spare. Same thing for the OTA tuners as well. In both of these different technologies this is perfectly possible. In fact there are a number of single tuner DVB-S tuners for PC's on the market that advertise this capability of being able to view/record multiple programs on the same transponder even though there is only one physical tuner in place.
4) PLEASE do true multi-room viewing so DVR'd programs can be watched on a separate box. Many of us have our boxes hooked up to our home networks already and jumping at this ability. As well, DishCOMM/Slinglink has the bandwidth and no reason boxes can't do the same networking this way for those who haven't hooked them up to a network connection (Do a box-to-box speed test over DishCOMM. If it doesn't pass muster, note this to the user. Otherwiser, good to go!).
5) It'd be nice if recordings weren't strictly locked to a given 'TV' but more a tuner and allow the tv outputs to switch between tuners as necessary. It's annoying to have one tv stuck on a channel because it is currently recording but knowing the alternate tuner is completely free. ONly workaround is to set another recording to what you want to switch to and start playing the recording.
6) And lastly a request that will probably NEVER happen: Please release your Media Center tuner solution. I will forever praise you for it E*/Dish.