Video Game Deals

Very nice. If I didn't have the game on Xbox One I would pick it up for that price. I would probably skip the season pass though.
I'm going to try it out for free and go from there. Not thrilled that I have a 50 GB download for reasons that are utterly pointless (RAW audio files) and it takes up over 20% of my SSD, but if it's a good game I suppose it's worth it. My cousin couldn't stop raving about the game and said that it gets better the more you play, so I'll see what happens.
I'm going to try it out for free and go from there. Not thrilled that I have a 50 GB download for reasons that are utterly pointless (RAW audio files) and it takes up over 20% of my SSD, but if it's a good game I suppose it's worth it. My cousin couldn't stop raving about the game and said that it gets better the more you play, so I'll see what happens.

I really liked it but I fell off the bandwagon pretty fast. I played pretty often for about a month and haven't jumped back in since.

The game didn't do anything wrong to make me quit playing. I was still having fun whenever I did. My problem with every multiplayer game is that you can play them forever. With a single player game I can reach the ending and move on. There are too many campaigns in other games I want to experience to sink hundreds of hours into team death match no matter how much fun it is.

Now, when the Master Chief Collection comes out this fall I may be in trouble. I already know I will be hooked on the multiplayer and I want to play through all 4 campaigns. I wish that would have came out this Spring/Summer instead of in the fall alongside all these other games I want to play.
First real nationally advertised bundle for the PS4 at the $399 price point. At Gamestop, this weekend only, it includes inFamous Second Son and 90 days of Plus.
Kinda tempted, but I think I'll hold out for the BF deal, which will likely include a year of Plus along with a more recent game, if previous years' PS3 bundles are any indication.

I just purchased my first Humble Bundle in quite a while. They are calling this one Humble Jumbo Bundle 2. For $5 I got The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing Complete Pack, Deadlight, Galactic Civilization 2 Ultimate Edition, Terraria, King of Fighters XIII, Crusader Kings 2 plus 3 DLC packs, and the promise of more games to be added next Tuesday. If you bump up to $15 you also get the Age of Empires Legacy Bundle but I wasn't interested at that price.

There are actually 2 other bundles as well. One is a Sega Mobile bundle that has some Sonic games along with others (including more to be named later), and also the Extra Credits "Games you may not have tried" bundle. The Sega bundle is pretty good as you get a bunch of games for under $4, and the EC one has some stuff that is off the beaten path, although I strongly suggest you watch the embedded video on the page to get some information on them.
PS4 controllers are $39.99 on Ebay through

Edit: Wow that eBay integration is pretty cool looking..
The God of War collection for Vita is interesting at $10. I'm not interested in playing anything on PS3 that isn't free at this point though.

The GOW collection is actually a cross-buy deal.

Flirting with that PS4/Second Son bundle this weekend and then buying Madden 15 for PS3 after all, I'm not sure how much more I want to continue adding to my PS3 backlog either. Though [Prototype 2] is tempting after hearing yourbeliefs's strong recommendations.
Prototype 2 is TOTALLY worth getting. If you want to feel like a superhero without all that morality and consequences BS then Prototype 2 is as good as it gets. It's worth the price of $60, so $9.99 is beyond a steal.
Disney Infinity is being given away free on the Wii U. So if you have a base and figures already from a Wii, PS3, or 360 you can use them with it.
September looks to be a bit of a down month for PS Plus. PS All-Stars Battle Royale should've been free over a year ago. The rest are indies that may or may not tickle your fancy. I'm actually somewhat intrigued by the Tempest-like TxK for the Vita, since I loved Tempest in my teenage arcade days.
I realize the game library for PS4 is lacking, but I'd really appreciate it if they'd try to not just throw out random indie games for the free PS+ games.
I'm the PS blog comments, a lot of folks (at least the ones that aren't complaining about all the indies) seem excited about Velocity 2x. Not really my thing, even though it will also be available for the Vita. I think they threw in Sports Friends so people will feel like there is some reason for the DS4's battery-draining LED light.
September looks to be a bit of a down month for PS Plus. PS All-Stars Battle Royale should've been free over a year ago. The rest are indies that may or may not tickle your fancy. I'm actually somewhat intrigued by the Tempest-like TxK for the Vita, since I loved Tempest in my teenage arcade days.

I realize the game library for PS4 is lacking, but I'd really appreciate it if they'd try to not just throw out random indie games for the free PS+ games.

Wow! That is by far the weakest month they have had since I started subscribing to this service. Velocity 2X(Vita) is the only game on this list I will likely play.

Back when Sony announced that PS Plus would be required for online gaming I said I was worried that this could affect the quality of PS Plus games. My reasoning being that on the PS3 most people probably didn't subscribe. I thought that once virtually everyone was a subscriber they might be more hesitant to give out top tier games that they think they can still sell.

I keep playing the waiting game because, like others have said, they weren't going to give out AAA games within a month or two of their release. So far the PS4 has received some decent games but every single one of them was an indie. We are getting closer to the 1 year mark of PS4 and still haven't seen any sign that full retail games will be offered like they were on PS3.

Hopefully around November or December we will start to see some bigger games. I would even be happy to see games like Knack and Killzone that I already have just so I know that retail games are coming. I'm starting to get less and less optimistic though.

That being said, PS Plus has been keeping my Vita pretty busy. They offer so much there and my hand held gaming time is so much more limited that I don't even need to consider buying Vita games.
I'm the PS blog comments, a lot of folks (at least the ones that aren't complaining about all the indies) seem excited about Velocity 2x. Not really my thing, even though it will also be available for the Vita. I think they threw in Sports Friends so people will feel like there is some reason for the DS4's battery-draining LED light.

I've been playing Velocity Ultra on the Vita lately and I like it so I will probably like this. Resogun was good to have right when the PS4 launched since there wasn't much to play. I obviously liked it enough to get the platinum trophy but if it would have came out right now I probably never would have played it. That's just not the experience I want to sit down at my PS4 for.

Velocity is different than that type of gameplay but it still reminds me of Resogun. Even if I wouldn't be willing to sit down and play it on my TV it's the perfect type of game for the Vita. It's something you can play with the sound off and not worry about missing stuff.

Playstation All Stars is ok but I have had that game forever. Even when I did play it, I only played with friends so I didn't get that much use out of it.
When the PS4 was announced at E3 2013 we were told we would be getting DriveClub as a free PS Plus game at launch. Not only did DriveClub get delayed by a year, but a few months ago we were told we would only be getting just a very small fraction of that game's full retail release content (like under 20%). I wouldn't hold my breath for AAA releases -- though Knack and Killzone wouldn't surprise me at some point since they were relative disappointments and I don't see people buying them anymore once a lot more games become available this fall.