Video Game Deals

This week's Humble Bundle is pretty damn good. Humble Civilization Bundle. Better than the last one they had since CIV 5 now includes all DLC, and you get Beyond Earth with all DLC as well, topped off with a coupon for CIV 6

This is a really good deal if you don't already have these games. I still just want a decent deal on the Rising Tide expansion for Beyond Earth. Every time there is a discount on Beyond Earth, the Rising Tide expansion is still more expensive than the actual game.

I'm a tempted to buy this bundle just for that expansion since it would be cheaper than it normally is, even when there are sales. I'm not buying in at the $15 tier when I already own every other item in the bundle though.
There are a couple of sales happening on PSN right now. The Critics' Choice Sale has lots of good games at pretty good prices.!/en-us/critics'-choice-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-CRITICSSALEGG

They are also having an EA sale.!/en-us/ea-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-EAPUBSALE

Here's probably the best deal in the EA sale: You can get the Deluxe Editions of both Titanfall 2 and Battlefield 1 in 1 bundle for $49.49, down from the normal price of $150.!/en...ndle/cid=UP0006-CUSA02429_00-BF1TF2BUNDLE0000
Spec Ops: The Line is on sale for $6 on Steam. FANTASTIC game. Amazing story and deconstruction of the shooter genre. It was one of my GOTY winners when it came out, and if you're still on the fence about playing it, hopefully this video will convince you to finally take the plunge, as its pretty spot on IMO.

If $6 is too much, you can get Eschalon: Book 1 from GoG for free.

Back on topic of GOTY, my last GOTY winner, Doom, is available for PS4 and PC for $20 on Amazon.

Amazon product ASIN B00M3D8IYM
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Battlefield 1 is having a free weekend, sort of..

Xbox One users get full, unlimited access to single and multiplayer from 12pm EST 3/3 to 3am EST 3/5.

PC users get access to a weird trial version where you'll get 10 hours of play time with 4 multiplayer modes on 5 maps. You can also play the first two War Stories of the game's single player.

PS4 users:

(Seriously, PS4 players don't get anything)

I guess that's not ENTIRELY true, in that the game is heavily discounted on all platforms this week.

GOG is having a big spring sale.
Beat me to it.

I also feel like GOG beat us all to Spring. Last I checked, March 21st was the first day.

Anyways, decent deals, but nothing that hasn't been thrown out there before. HIGHLY recommend Superhot and Undertale at 50% off. The new Batman Telltale adventure is also 50% off. Normally 50% is my jumping in point for TT but given my backlog and the lukewarm reception it received, I think I may defer to 66% at least.
I thought the Telltale Batman game was pretty good. The ending wasn't great but everything leading up to it was pretty interesting. My only real complaint was those two instances where the game completely contradicted the choices I made.

Homefront: The Revolution is $9.99 on Steam. There is some debate about whether it is worth buying even at 75% off but I thought I would point it out since this is the lowest price I have seen for this game so far.
Yeah, considering it was on so many Worst of the Year lists I think I'll pass. Granted, they may have fixed a bunch of the bugs, but from what I've read the game itself wasn't really that fun to begin with.