My take on this is that Dish, being part owner of Voom, has decided to make Voom only 15 channels, so in other words Voom themselves are only running/broadcasting 15 channels
This is most certainly the case
those 15 at 1920x1080i True HDTV are plenty enough for me and the content they offer, heck I would be happy with the 10 we have
I don't think there will ever be more than 15 Vooms at this point in time and I think this is a good idea as 21 is just too many
World Cinema and Kung Fu are already mixed in daily on GuyTV and Majestic and shortly in the future when I can watch those Kurosawa's in 1920x1080i on GuyTV I will be pleased more than plenty
Lets start a countdown to all 15 Voom in 1920x1080i HD

, I have been waiting for this for over 8 months now

: , there are just so many good movies on GuyTV/Majestic and whatever other Movie channels are in store
If you want to email and complain, DO NOT COMPLAIN TO DISH, send complaints to Voom
Personally I see nothing wrong