Upgrading HR-10-250 for HR20

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Original poster
Aug 23, 2005
San Francisco Bay Area
I just got off the phone with Retention and recieved a great deal. I wanted to upgrade one of my two HR 10-250's (owned not leased) for a HR20. The woman at Retention checked my account, and current upgrade offers, and said I was entitled to two free upgrades for my HR 10-250's and that since I owned the 10-250's I could keep them. Naturally there will be a 2 year commitment for the two HR20's I'm leasing from them. A tech will be at my house of the 11th with the HR20's. I suggested since I already have one HR20 and the correct dish and multiswitch they could save some money by just shipping the DVR's to me, but she said the DVR's had to be delivered by a tech to make sure they were properly installed. I can live with that.
Some people here will argue that you are not upgrading in this move - I'm not one of them. After a couple of days getting used to the controls, you will love this unit.
I understand some folks feeling its not an upgrade as I really like the Tivo interface. On the other hand, the HR20 has gotten better. I've had one for about a year--paid $250 for it (but got about $150 in free programming). Also, on the positive side, I get to keep my 2 HR10-250's. I plan on using one in the bedroom with an roof antenna for high definition, and a Directv hook up for standard definition programs. The other HR10-250 will be a backup in case the first one goes down.
I have had both and I like the TiVo more. But that is a dead topic since I am trashing my 622 (dish) and have a free HR20 that will be here Monday. I just hope the bugs are finally out of the POS. Incidentally that is why I came back in here, I need to see what to expect. I still stand by my old claim. There is NO SUBSTITUTE for a TiVo. However I am not willing to go to cable and watch a shi**y picture.

HR20 owners ... is free a good enough deal? Do they work now? My last one failed to record programs and some that did record, could not be played.
I prefer the new HR20 over the HR10-250 Tivo. It's faster and allows one button jumping back and forth between a recorded program and a live one. I did like the lookup feature for future programs on the Tivo. I may have a learning curve problem on this on the new box. So far I haven't found any category search like on the Tivo.

i'm in a similar situation. i absolutely love my hd dvr tivo. I had a bad experience with a directv made regular dvr about 8 months ago.

the two biggest problems I have with directv's receivers.

the fast forwarding is bad. the first 3 are too slow and the 4th is way too fast.

i had it only for 5 days but I couldn't figure out how to change tuners. Say I paused a show on the other tuner. When I went back it would be live. It required alot of steps. All tivo does is you press the button down and switches tuners.

maybe they've improved these things. it would really help me because I really want to watch my Celtics in HD this year.
Currently the HR20 doesn't support dual live buffers so you can't switch back and forth between tuners. I've had my HR20 since May and I like it much more than the HD Tivo. It's much faster and it's a solid DVR. I have had no problems recording or watching anything I've recorded. The interface takes a little getting used to when you are used the Tivo, but now that I've had it for awhile I've learned how to navigate my way and I'm very happy with the HR20.

for example:

I like tivo'ing the redzone channel and then watching my favorite team play on the other tuner. I pause the redzone channel and switch tuners for the bears game. then i pause that and go back. how does that work on hr20
for example:

I like tivo'ing the redzone channel and then watching my favorite team play on the other tuner. I pause the redzone channel and switch tuners for the bears game. then i pause that and go back. how does that work on hr20
As CRendall already replied to your previous message, you cannot switch between tuners with the HR20. I too was a huge user of the option - I probably switch between live buffers way more than I even record shows. I did send an email to D* recommending they add this capability to the HR20. I got a nice reply, although I'm sure it was a canned response.

I've only had mine a few weeks, but haven't played with it much yet - we still have an HR10 in the living room, which is the primary TV watching location. I have read that you can in essence "work around" the absence of dual live buffers by recording one of the programs. I don't know the receiver well enough yet to comment on this option.

Discussion of the absence of dual live buffers is all over this forum.
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Owned HR10-250 upgrade to HR20 best deal

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