Upgrade RV from H24-700 to HR54-500 Problem


Original poster
Jan 13, 2019
Downey Ca
In my camper I'm running a DIRECTV H24-700 receiver with a SL5K4NR0-01 LNB.
Using a Acutrac 22 MKII Pro Meter to point the dish. If I change to a Genie receiver to HR54-500 and change the LNB to a SL3 (3D2RBLNR0-01) what meter would I use to point the dish. The reason I'm asking is if the H24-700 box goes out do they still produce the receiver. Can I still use the Acutrac 22 MKII Pro to find the satellite? Which satellite does the genie use? I tried it on the home system and the meter doesn't show any readings.
They don't make the H24 anymore but you can still get them from Solid Signal. But, with that newer LNB you won't be able to track the satellite. The only meter that will work with those LNBs now is the AIM meter.
Any recommendations on which model the one I look at was $799.00
NO real need for a meter ...
You have the dish pointed, just swap out the LNB ...
The Genie HR54 needs a Power Insertor (I think the HR54 is built in), otherwise you'll need one.

Hook up the LNB, the HR54 and turn it on, the HR54 should automatically see the SWM and you should be able to go from there, just get it activated.
DirecTV made a device called an ASL-1 splitter for aiming a SWM LNB equipped dish when the SWM LNBs came out over 15 years ago. I have seen them available on Ebay and elsewhere. With it and any older signal strength meter (I use a cheap analog meter, under $20.00), using a method called "dithering" you can precisely center the dish at the center of the broad peak of the signal from 101, which gets the much narrower 103 and 99 beams nailed in, without actually using their signals. But you need a way to provide 18V to it without connecting the coax to the HR54. I use a PI21 power inserter, but I have rigged up two 9V batteries in series to a coax connector to do it, when I couldn't use the power inserter. You can't power it from the HR54 during the aiming process, because the HR54 will send commands to the SWM LNB that takes it out of its initial tuning mode, and it starts delivering multiple SWM channel signals.
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Unfortunately you would have to go through the dithering process with the ASL-1 each time you move it. With practice, after making sure the mount is vertical, pointing it with a compass, I can peak it up in 10 or 15 minutes with an ASL-1, but I only re-aim my dish once a year, now.
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Sounds like with what I do it would be better to get an AIM Meter? If I switch to a Genie System. You have been very helpful thank you.
How much are AIM meters now ???

I've never had any issue with pointing a SWM dish with out a Signal Meter ...

If you set it up a few times, you'll get the hang of it quickly.
Jimbo, do you just use the signal strength display on the Receiver? In my case, I am re-aiming a dish far from the receiver. But I have no experince with doing it with an RV. Does it take two people?
Jimbo, do you just use the signal strength display on the Receiver? In my case, I am re-aiming a dish far from the receiver. But I have no experince with doing it with an RV. Does it take two people?
I do use the recvr meter ....
Yes, a 2nd person makes it much easier, I adjust and have the other tell me when the signal is there ...
Unfortunately Years ago they did away with the tone to hear when setting up.