Audio for OTA channels with LCC stops working after March 12, 2024 Software Update 0x1a4a on HR44-500


Original poster
Mar 22, 2024
Des Plaines
After the March 12, 2024 software update 0x1a4a on the HR44-500 receiver Over the Air(OTA) local channels from the Local Channel Connector (LCC) have no audio. After tuning they have sound for a brief 1 or 2 seconds before going quiet. Only the navigation sounds of the remote can be heard. Changing to another OTA channel will occasionally have sounds for a brief time then goes quiet again.

A Directv tech came out to troubleshoot. The receiver was replaced with another HR44-500 receiver which worked properly at first. After the Software update was applied the OTA channel problem started to happen again. The attached video has audio for the Music choice channel then changing to various OTA channels when sound can be heard briefly during a car sales commercial which stops and remote navigation sounds can only be heard before returning to the Music choice channel which has sound.


  • OTA update no audio.mp4
    9 MB
Have your TV or sound system been updated or rearranged recently? Maybe something is gagging on the MP3 streams or they aren't being transcoded to what your sound system expects.

Have you tested the audio through some other connection (RCA, coaxial digital or optical)?
I have an LCC and have not experienced the problem you described. But I am not running, and have never run version 0x1A4A. In Cutting edge testing, we tested a version leading up to 0x1A4A and did not have any LCC problems reported.
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Have your TV or sound system been updated or rearranged recently? Maybe something is gagging on the MP3 streams or they aren't being transcoded to what your sound system expects.

Have you tested the audio through some other connection (RCA, coaxial digital or optical)?
I agree something is having issues with the audio signal and failing to process it correctly. It occasionally gets it right for a moment then switches off.

I have multiple signal paths active in parallel using HDMI and RCA cables.

HR44-500 receiver HDMI cable --> Samsung TV --> RCA to Onkyo AV receiver
HR44-500 fan tail adapter RCA cable --> Analog RF modulator --> additional TV

No changes have been made to the sound system components. My current setup doesn't use the coaxial digital or optical connections.

You did give me an idea to try using one connection at a time. HDMI alone had the same problems and RCA L + R audio alone had the same problems.
Try using the speakers on your Samsung TV as a test. The HR54 is probably putting out digital audio, and the Samsung may not be converting it to analog for the RCA cables. If your TV has a ARC HDMI port, and the Onkyo has a an ARC HDMI output running the sound that way works much better. (the Audio Return Channel is an input to the Onkyo).
Try turning off Dolby Audio on the HR44. That's never going to survive conversion to analog.
If it worked until recently, apparently it could at one time.

Dolby Digital works just fine with optical and coaxial digital connections.

Either way (Dolby Digital or PCM), neither of them travels over analog connections.
Oh, one other thing. Try turning off Dolby Audio on the HR44. That's never going to survive conversion to analog. It won't even pass over optical or coaxial digital cables.

When I was on the phone with Directv support the Dolby Audio disable / enable option was tried, but no change. thanks for the suggestion.
Try using the speakers on your Samsung TV as a test. The HR54 is probably putting out digital audio, and the Samsung may not be converting it to analog for the RCA cables. If your TV has a ARC HDMI port, and the Onkyo has a an ARC HDMI output running the sound that way works much better. (the Audio Return Channel is an input to the Onkyo).
Thanks Tom. I tried just listening to the Samsung TV with no difference. Since I can hear the remote navigation tones I think the audio connections are working correctly to hear audio. It seems like the OTA tuner in the LCC or receiver is where the conversion problem is happening. The strange thing is the occasional sound that works correctly when changing channels. For brief moments it gets things right then drops out.
So you're not getting audio on the modulator either?

Have you tried paring the system down to just the HR44 and a TV?
Yes, I tried with just the HR44 --> HDMI --> Samsung TV with no Onkyo receiver and the results were the same. I also tried with just the HR44-500 fan tail adapter RCA cable --> Analog RF modulator --> additional TV and still only occasional audio for brief moments when changing channels.
It seems like the OTA tuner in the LCC or receiver is where the conversion problem is happening. The strange thing is the occasional sound that works correctly when changing channels. For brief moments it gets things right then drops out.
Sounds like you need to try a different LCC to scratch that itch. That said, there don't appear to be any available on eBay.

Most USB tuner dongles forward the MPEG-TS stream coming from the broadcaster containing all of the video, audio and data streams. As such, I would imagine that it is up to the DVR to parse the appropriate packets that are part of that stream.

Here's what comes from my HDHomerun (network-connected) for my local CBS channel:

I have an LCC and have not experienced the problem you described. But I am not running, and have never run version 0x1A4A. In Cutting edge testing, we tested a version leading up to 0x1A4A and did not have any LCC problems reported.
Tom, is there a way for me to revert to the previous version of software before 0x1A4A? What is the version leading up to 0x1a4a that you mentioned?
Tom, is there a way for me to revert to the previous version of software before 0x1A4A? What is the version leading up to 0x1a4a that you mentioned?
No. 0x1A4A is now the National Customer Release. Prior versions are not available on the satellite. All regular customer Genies have been upgraded to that version.
0x1A4A is the end result of the development of software cycle PI38. The Cutting Edge Program last tested a PI38 build in January, before moving on.
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