Ok. So good thing I checked on here before calling Dish as I am wanting to upgrade to a DVR receiver. I have read through all 14 pages of this post, but no one seemed to be in my situation. So I hope you all can help me with this!!
Dish 500 with 301 and 322 receivers. I do currently use CC Autopay.
- AT 120 ......... $39.99
- Add. Rec........ $5.00
- DHPP............. $5.99
- DHPP Credit.... - $5.99 (just had my 12th month credit)
- Total: $44.99
Under the current price structure, I would pay a onetime fee of $69 to make the 322 a 625. Then I would have to pay the montly $5.98 DVR fee. That would make my bill $50.97.
Dish 500 with 301 and 625 receivers.
- AT 200 DVR Advantage ...........$49.99
- Add. Rec...............................$5.00
- DHPP....................................$5.99
- DHPP Credit..........................- $5.99 (no renewal due to CCA or am I wrong)
- Total: $54.99
Now, I think I have all that figured out but here is where I am confused. the PDF in the first post states that locals for $5 are included in the DVR Advantage package. However, I do not qualify for locals in my area, and therefore get them from NPS (All American Direct). Do I get $5 taken off the DVR Advantage rate due to not being eligible for locals?
Also, if I were to wait to upgrade after the increase takes effect, would I still have to pay the ugrade fee (currently $69) to go to the 625?
Others are right, they are making this more confusing, but by the same token, it hasn't "officially" been released with exact details. I love Dish and have no problem upping with them or anything, I am just trying to get the best bang for my buck so I can have DVR. Can't miss 24 ya now. LOL.
I'll appreciate any and all help to my situation, if anyone can!
Thanks in advance!