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I have just reduced my Dish Network subscription to the Welcome Package and subscribed to the H2H Digital Deluxe Package from Skyvision.

FYI - The H2H package prices have increased from what is currently being shown on the Skyvision website.
I have just reduced my Dish Network subscription to the Welcome Package and subscribed to the H2H Digital Deluxe Package from Skyvision.

FYI - The H2H package prices have increased from what is currently being shown on the Skyvision website.

So whats the monthly fee for Digital Deluxe Package now?
It's July 1st.... I'm watching BBC America on H2H - thank goodness!
PopcornNMore said:
I have just reduced my Dish Network subscription to the Welcome Package and subscribed to the H2H Digital Deluxe Package from Skyvision.

FYI - The H2H package prices have increased from what is currently being shown on the Skyvision website.

Thank you! It's very encouraging that you've made this decisive move, It shows there is a point to H2H.
Thank you! It's very encouraging that you've made this decisive move, It shows there is a point to H2H.

Both packages work very well together, because the Welcome Package from Dish Network has Boomerang, AMC, Hallmark, Oxygen, TLC and others that the Deluxe Digital Package lacks. Plus the Welcome Package has the few monthly free preview channels that DN offers in higher tiers including the HD version of those channels.

Dish Welcome is $14.99 + $6 DVR including locals ($20.99)
Historically SRL & Skyvision had price increases in July. This goes back to the 4DTV days. Pizza does them in February at least Direct does.
A small price to pay considering the cost of everything continually rising. H2H is still a bargain. I was considering converting to something else if we lost channels but I really don't want to spend $50mo for TV. Still plenty to watch between H2H, FTA and OTA. I guess I don't miss what I don't have.
Both packages work very well together, because the Welcome Package from Dish Network has Boomerang, AMC, Hallmark, Oxygen, TLC and others that the Deluxe Digital Package lacks. Plus the Welcome Package has the few monthly free preview channels that DN offers in higher tiers including the HD version of those channels.

Dish Welcome is $14.99 + $6 DVR including locals ($20.99)

As much as I bash pizza at this point in time there is some use for it to get channels that some want for different reasons. (I do it myself) I dislike Dish Network so much since Charlie Ergen helped cause the state we are in and trying to rebuild on the big dish. If Charlie was an upstanding guy and his company too he could keep & attract people on its merits alone such as Direct does. But instead Charlie has to resort to dirty tactics to steal away c band subs and cause its demise so we loose channels and subscribers using greedy companies like NPS, Superstar Netlink & Turnervison as his tool to force drinking of his funky Koolaid to the unsuspecting public.

I am very glad that SRL will have no part this.
Skyvision's package costs I believe now match the higher cost SRL packages (DSR 410 Programming Packages).
I ordered the programming using the WebSAMS link on Skyvision's homepage.

Then this may be because they decided on just charging one price between the two. I hope that extra income will go towards expanding and adding channels.

I would like to see more options with ala carte or do like what NPS used to do with me, which was the MTV mini pack would count for 8 or 9 channels (you needed 10 to get certain others) then you could pick and choose others from a big list and add just a few more you wanted.

I think if SRL & Sky play up the pick and choose angle more with more options it will really help out and lure people away from the high dollar packages on pizza.
Thank you for the feedback. I'm not familiar with the receivers or protocol that you are speaking of. I do know that if it will cost a lot of money or resources that it probably won't happen. The president of our company is also in the ATM business which is doing very good. That is where the focus is but we want to keep the big dish running for as long as possible. Everyone that answers the Programming lines work for the ATM side of the business too. As long as we can keep overhead low on the Programming side of the business the longer we can keep it going. Any additional info on receivers and such you can send to my email address TimM@srlcd.com

Someone mentioned something about HITS switching their signal. That will happen eventually but my contact at HITS doesn't think it will be anytime soon because fortunately there are many cable outfits that still use the old technology.

Also thank you for the insight on Soapnet. I knew it was owned by Disney but wasn't aware of Disney's plans in 2012. And yes you are right about change over being easy. Same thing with Discovery Health to OWN. It's the same tierbit so customers will automatically receive it. Now just getting Disney's attention to get it till 2012...

I found the following article:

Disney Drops SoapNet Channel for New Kiddie Network

Tim I sent you an e-mail with the information on new receivers person contact info.
Then this may be because they decided on just charging one price between the two. I hope that extra income will go towards expanding and adding channels.

I would like to see more options with ala carte or do like what NPS used to do with me, which was the MTV mini pack would count for 8 or 9 channels (you needed 10 to get certain others) then you could pick and choose others from a big list and add just a few more you wanted.

I think if SRL & Sky play up the pick and choose angle more with more options it will really help out and lure people away from the high dollar packages on pizza.

I would like to see them add some HD. Maybe a package of 20 or 30 HD channels coming from one bird would be nice. But I somehow doubt that its going to happen. Also I noticed on Sky's page they are now pushing a FTA HD receiver.
You have to understand the whole network. Everything we sub to is DC-2. It is owned by Motorola and they call the shots The only way they will license the technology to anyone is mucho dollars have to be on the table. When C band made tall bucks they were glad to do things, now that were a blip of what we were they don't. So CAMs for AZboxes ain't happening today. We need to build c band up again and then try from that point.

I give SRL credit for standing up to pizza and telling them no on promoting. Every other provider including NPS caved and that dug us in deeper. We have leveled off with losses and are moving forward again. I was reminded this morning why I love c band and how good c band masters look vs pizza. A specific mux was ITC this morning for a few hours. I switched between the master and DirecTV countless times to see the difference in the picture. It was a day and night difference with c band winning of course. Plus Direct was 6 seconds behind. The master also had clearer audio Direct has some mud to their sound.. Just gotta love pizza compression.

Keep supporting C band guys. We got some good players working for us at the top. That this time really cares about us more than the almighty buck like NPS & YSP.

Yes, I completely undertand this.... Its not hard to add a cam access to DVB signals, In fact over in europe, many places have dual access where you can get a channel via IRDEO or Niagra. What I'm saying is if providers are switching over to s2 technologies and DVB based services over sat instead of DC2, why not develop a conditional access system that uses IRDEO or Niagra that allows a user to simply put a card in their existing AZBOX and you still could purchase programming through SRL or who ever wants to sell it. It's based upon the same principle that motorola had, except, there is no one hardware say all, it easily integrates into existing HD hardware, and is user friendly as all one has to do is put in an access card. This would be the time to increase efficiency within the satellite arch. While were rebuilding things, why not build for the future instead of rebuilding from old technology. Dump DCII as providers have made the statement that they are not going to be using it anymore, and use what providers have invested in. Meet them halfway. If we do that, then they will be more than willing to work with us to allow us access to their signals from their satellite masters instead of retransmitting and wasting valuable space. That's what I'm saying. As much as I love DCII and want to see it survive. The only way that CBand is going to survive on a consumer level is to launch an HD package that competes with the big dawgs, and meet the programmers half way by adding a conditional access that consumers can use, using the latest technology that programmers have invested in.
Also, yes Motorola owns the DCII technology, but they dont own DVB or PowerVU. Dump motorola. They only own the system to authorize DCII signals. There is nothing stopping anyone from creating their own CA system and going to providers to offer programming. What I'm saying is were relying on a system that is broken. If were going to rebuild, lets meet the providers half way and do something that's outside of motorola's control, and can get some real channels authorized as well as increasing efficiency within the satellite system.
AFAIK the problem is that there is no other DTH provider - there's Dish, Direct and H2H.

More AFAIK - no commercial providers use Nagra or Videoguard - these are the "exclusive" domain of pizza.

So although your suggestion is valid and a good one, it would take someone like SRL/Sky to invest with PowerVU providers. As I understand it, PowerVU auths are done by each channel individually, there is no clearing house or main auth center like H2H.
AFAIK the problem is that there is no other DTH provider - there's Dish, Direct and H2H.

More AFAIK - no commercial providers use Nagra or Videoguard - these are the "exclusive" domain of pizza.

So although your suggestion is valid and a good one, it would take someone like SRL/Sky to invest with PowerVU providers. As I understand it, PowerVU auths are done by each channel individually, there is no clearing house or main auth center like H2H.

True facts.
I would like to see them add some HD. Maybe a package of 20 or 30 HD channels coming from one bird would be nice. But I somehow doubt that its going to happen. Also I noticed on Sky's page they are now pushing a FTA HD receiver.

Adding HD channels wouldn't really interest me. The video quality looks so good now that I really wouldn't want to pay extra for the HD versions.
AFAIK the problem is that there is no other DTH provider - there's Dish, Direct and H2H.

More AFAIK - no commercial providers use Nagra or Videoguard - these are the "exclusive" domain of pizza.

So although your suggestion is valid and a good one, it would take someone like SRL/Sky to invest with PowerVU providers. As I understand it, PowerVU auths are done by each channel individually, there is no clearing house or main auth center like H2H.

Yea I wonder what it would take to setup something like this. I reallllllyy wish I was a millionaire as I would be developing such system now. Powervu is a great technology. I didn't know that Niagra or Videoguard was exclusive to Pizza. That explains alot on why you dont see them commercially distributed. What about using BISS? That could be an option also. Maybe BISS with monthly rolling keys. How do you make money when you have no money? How do you startup with zero! I would be extremely interested in becoming a DTH provider and starting up, but the trick is finding the money to do so. I have no issues doing business plans and all of that fun stuff.
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