Ok as i reported last week i had to have some trees trimmed in order to recieve voom , just some more info last week when i had my voom installer from adant wireless out of gurnee illinois 1. he didnt bring a compass with him said he lost it at another customers house, so i grapped mine (analog compass) he said he could not read an analog compass he needed his digital so i told him where to point the dish and he said no no i have been doing these for a while its over here as compared to dish network , well last week he said sorry trees are in the way so i called voom and they held my account to get my trees trimmed , got the trees trimed cost me $85 the installer comes out today and is trying to point the dish in the same are and getting no signal , so he goes for where i originally told him and bam he gets a 60signal !!!!!! , the dish is nowhere near the oriantation of where i had the trees trimmed, i think i will be calling installs inc or adant wireless and asking them to pay my tree trimming bill since infact i did not have to have the trees trimmed at all