Thats nice from a marketing perspective but it makes searching and autorecording keywords completely useless, since those both work from the 'channels I get' list and not a favorites list.
Whats sad is that at least half of the channels-i-dont-getwant arent even things I can order.
I do a search and have 80% of the results on channels I dont get, dont want, and wont ever buy. It comes down to flipping through 12 pages of results with "not a channel I get...oh that looks interesting...ick, its a PPV...hmmm...nope, another channel I dont get..."
When I use an autorecord keyword search, half the stuff it records is 2 hours of 'searching for authorized content'.
So while its great for directv to wave their wares at me, I'd like to be able to tell it to stop when I have absolutely, positively, without any remote interest. It makes two features that are important to me worthless and makes me consider other options that give me better results and better control of my dvr.
It'd be swell if half the money and effort to entice me to buy premium channels was spent on improving the really, incredibly crappy content one finds on the premium channels or making them and the PPV's affordable.
When I can get new release dvd's for a dollar a pop at the redbox and all I can eat from netflix for $15, I'm really not going to consider spending $12 a month for endless repeats of 7 year old movies, bad series, or $4 for a PPV.
At the very least, rename it to "Channels you get, stuff we'd like you to buy thats a bad deal, and random junk channels that are for our own use". Guess that wont fit in the guide...