Unsub'ed Channels showing on Guide

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Some systems, including DVRs from E*, allowed you to go in and block individual channels from showing up on any Guide option. So I would block a channel like Fox News, so it would never show up, even in the "All" option.

This option would enable me to "fix" the CIG option, by blocking all of those channels that are showing up in it that I don't get.

This would enable me to keep my two current favorites list, one for about 60 channels that I tend to watch more, and my second of about 20 channels that are my highest use channels.

I could build a huge favorites list that would include all of the CIG, but that would mean surrendering one of the two favorite lists that I now use. I would rather not do that.

So a "channel block" option would really be nice.

I just found an option for Channel Blocks, but it only prevents one from tuning into that channel without knowing a password. The channel continues to show up in the guide.
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Hey, I just went into the Favorites list, selected "Edit Settings" and then the "Channels I Get" list.

It shows a list of all the channels, with a white square in front of those that I "get." Except that the white square is in front of dozens of channels that I do not subscribe to. And it will not let you edit the list.

If they only allowed one to edit this list, you'd have an option of solving the problem.

I still believe it is totally bogus that they can prevent me from watching these channels but not block them from my CIG list.
Tom, you've now discovered the core piece of this situation.

If you were only allowed to edit that list, you would get what you want.

However, its not what Directv wants you to have. So you have to eat their purposefully 'defective' channels-i-get list.

The directv brass has already said this is a 'problem' that they cannot 'fix', and that they have absolutely no intention of letting you manually edit it. I've had this conversation with their head of marketing, who is the same guy who wants you to pay for multi-room viewing.

Because maybe while watching the list of channels you dont get, you'll see something that you want to buy. Thats the key here...spamming you with what you dont get and which annoys you is irrelevant. The small chance that you'll buy the

penis enlargement!!!
errr... premium channel is crucial.

You may now share in my frustration.

And yes, I truly believe that the people currently running marketing at directv were sadly deprived of oxygen at birth.

Give your customers fair value, a good product and great customer service and you wont have to spam them or charge them extra for small features, because they'll actively recruit all their friends and relatives to your service because its GOOD.

Just like I used to do before 2004. Tricky Dick is not as good as actual good...
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International channels moving?

Lexington KY WKET-PBS HD

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