Under the Dome

Pure crap, through and through. NONE of it made any sense! Why couldn't they have stayed with the story from King's book?

Sure, it's a plain rip-off from the old Twilight Zone, but it's better than this garbage...
Pure crap, through and through. NONE of it made any sense! Why couldn't they have stayed with the story from King's book?

Sure, it's a plain rip-off from the old Twilight Zone, but it's better than this garbage...
I think they left the book LONG ago ..
Remember, all that happened in the book was Suppose to be from one day to the next. So all that happened over a few weeks.
They left the book before the 3rd episode. Just so they could run this garbage for as many seasons as they could milk out of it...

I'm done with it.

I never finished last summer's run of episodes. They took a great book and ruined it. I know, I know. Treat it as something unique. But what they did didn't hold my attention.

So far Wayward Pines has done a better job, although it is departing from the trilogy too, but not so much.
I never finished last summer's run of episodes. They took a great book and ruined it. I know, I know. Treat it as something unique. But what they did didn't hold my attention.

So far Wayward Pines has done a better job, although it is departing from the trilogy too, but not so much.
I'm liking Wayward Pines very much ... I will see where UTD goes for awhile.
I like the characters in both.
I haven't watched the latest episode yet but I'm still in it for the babe. :D

Let's be honest, "I'm still in for the babe" is true in most shows. LOL. I just watched the film Ex Machina, I'd watch that over and over to see Alicia Vikander, and she plays an android. :D
Let's be honest, "I'm still in for the babe" is true in most shows. LOL. I just watched the film Ex Machina, I'd watch that over and over to see Alicia Vikander, and she plays an android. :D
Agree ....
I almost shut it off during the opening night when it looked like Julia or (is it Julie) was gonna be killed in the first show.
That was due to her falling in the hole, quite possibly hurting THAT leg, not necessarily the leg she had bandaged up.

Btw, they made it sound like when the story picked up it was 1 year later ... why would Julia still have a bandaged up leg, either the bullet (think it was from her getting shot, probably Big Jim from last year) was removed and the leg healed, Or, the bullet wasn't removed and she probably shouldn't be around any longer.

And Yes, Alot was revealed this week.

Nah, I don't buy that. The writing and acting on this show is so horrible it was undoubtedly a miscue.

Julia's leg was injured when a steel rod impaled it. Remember her and Barbie in the ambulance freezing the day it was Winter in the Dome? I know I barley do.

Under The Dome has went in dozens of different directions. In last week's episode when Norrie and that other dude were in that house with the dead body and playing music, I couldn't even remember who the dead body was supposed to be and how he/she died. Although I think it was a she, I believe post-pubescent Joe referred to the body by a female name, but I could be wrong. Just like you not remembering about Julia's leg. This show jumps around so much and not much from past episodes is relevant in current episodes. It seems like every few episodes are written by a new crew of writers. I've already Google'd what happens in the book. At this point I'm just hate watching this show, because it's so easy to make fun of.

This is probably my favorite editorial on this show.

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Nah, I don't buy that. The writing and acting on this show is so horrible it was undoubtedly a miscue.

Julia's leg was injured when a steel rod impaled it. Remember her and Barbie in the ambulance freezing the day it was Winter in the Dome? I know I barley do.

Under The Dome has went in dozens of different directions. In last week's episode when Norrie and that other dude were in that house with the dead body and playing music, I couldn't even remember who the dead body was supposed to be and how he/she died. Although I think it was a she, I believe post-pubescent Joe referred to the body by a female name, but I could be wrong. Just like you not remembering about Julia's leg. This show jumps around so much and not much from past episodes is relevant in current episodes. It seems like every few episodes are written by a new crew of writers. I've already Google'd what happens in the book. At this point I'm just hate watching this show, because it's so easy to make fun of.

This is probably my favorite editorial on this show.

I didn't bother to read the book, started to, then decided to see where the show went first, haven't gotten back to the book, maybe once the show is officially done.
Thing I didn't like was people played one role in the book and another in the show.
Another terrific episode!

At the beginning when Big Jim told Julia 'we'll run Christine out of town', that was funny. In case you've forgot, your stuck under a dome!

What's the deal with living in tents and turning the Town Hall into some communal living space, don't all of these people have uh um...houses?

When Hunter fell off the roof I burst out laughing. When Norrie asked him if he was alright as he was motionless on the ground I almost fell off of the couch.

After last week, I thought Joe and Norrie were going to get it on after she took the smallest bite of a piece of chocolate humanly possible and Joe proudly proclaimed he had condoms.

Junior's getting lucky with a GILF who wears two tank tops while going for a morning run in the fields.

I can't even watch this show the next day anymore, I have to watch it live because it's just too damn funny to put off watching.
So.... I'm done with this series. It was never a great series, but I can't stand the character swings and amazing flaws in logic.
This last episode took me 15 minutes to watch. Amazingly bad!
That's the beauty of it! Being amazingly bad is the charm of this show!

There are four shows I treat as comedic gold just because of how off the wall, poorly written, poorly acted and over all crappy they are. Under The Dome is the worst, CSI:Cyber is #2, and Wayward Pines and The Whispers are tied for third place.

I initially started watching UTD because I generally like movie and TV adaptions of Stephen King novels and short stories. I tend to gravitate to shows and movies that take place is small rural towns, since I live in one (a lot of works of King tend to take place in rural New England) and I like the end of the world/doomsday/mayhem theme. The first few episodes weren't that bad, but as season 1 went on it got stupider and stupider. Season two was awful with the catastrophe of the week theme and this season has been just a complete train wreck.

I read online somewhere that not only as we all know, Under The Dome was originally supposed to be a limited series, but it was originally slated to be on Showtime. If CBS would have stuck the the plan of it being a one and done on SHO, and didn't take it in a million different directions, I think this show would have had a chance at being watchable because of it being good.
That's the beauty of it! Being amazingly bad is the charm of this show!

There are four shows I treat as comedic gold just because of how off the wall, poorly written, poorly acted and over all crappy they are. Under The Dome is the worst, CSI:Cyber is #2, and Wayward Pines and The Whispers are tied for third place.

I initially started watching UTD because I generally like movie and TV adaptions of Stephen King novels and short stories. I tend to gravitate to shows and movies that take place is small rural towns, since I live in one (a lot of works of King tend to take place in rural New England) and I like the end of the world/doomsday/mayhem theme. The first few episodes weren't that bad, but as season 1 went on it got stupider and stupider. Season two was awful with the catastrophe of the week theme and this season has been just a complete train wreck.

I read online somewhere that not only as we all know, Under The Dome was originally supposed to be a limited series, but it was originally slated to be on Showtime. If CBS would have stuck the the plan of it being a one and done on SHO, and didn't take it in a million different directions, I think this show would have had a chance at being watchable because of it being good.
Ever watch Haven ?
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I've never seen Haven. Didn't even realize it was somewhat based on The Colorado Kid until last year when someone I work with mentioned it. I should have known it was based on something Stephen King wrote since Haven is the same name of the fictional town The Tommyknockers takes place in and I believe reference to Haven was make in It.

I also never saw the Dead Zone TV series, but I did see the movie years ago. I haven't kept up with his film and TV adaptations in the past 10 years or so, with a handful of exceptions. With the exceptions of that, the half a dozen sequels to Children of the Corn, and the sequel and reboot of Carrie, I've seen every King related movie/miniseries from the original Carrie to Desperation.
I always chuckle when I see a series is based on a Stephen King story.... He must get a bundle for allowing shows to use his name and usually butcher the results so its hard to see the original story. As a result most of these are stinkers or close to it. o_O

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