Nah, I don't buy that. The writing and acting on this show is so horrible it was undoubtedly a miscue.
Julia's leg was injured when a steel rod impaled it. Remember her and Barbie in the ambulance freezing the day it was Winter in the Dome? I know I barley do.
Under The Dome has went in dozens of different directions. In last week's episode when Norrie and that other dude were in that house with the dead body and playing music, I couldn't even remember who the dead body was supposed to be and how he/she died. Although I think it was a she, I believe post-pubescent Joe referred to the body by a female name, but I could be wrong. Just like you not remembering about Julia's leg. This show jumps around so much and not much from past episodes is relevant in current episodes. It seems like every few episodes are written by a new crew of writers. I've already Google'd what happens in the book. At this point I'm just hate watching this show, because it's so easy to make fun of.
This is probably my favorite editorial on this show.