Yep. In his cabin he told Julia he could not get over his sister taking her own life nine years ago... Jr's mother.In law ?
I thought he was his brother ?
I don't remember if they ever said, I just remember him being introduced as Jrs Uncle
Ahhh, thats right ...Yep. In his cabin he told Julia he could not get over his sister taking her own life nine years ago... Jr's mother.
Yep. In his cabin he told Julia he could not get over his sister taking her own life nine years ago... Jr's mother.
Remember, she showed up behind the vehicle that smashed into the dome and killed Linda at the end of the show ... maybe she is connected to the dome in some way.
I wonder if the girl in the lake is a real person or a creation of the dome.
Spot on! Like when she was sitting next to Linda's body, and said "sorry" and closed her eyes.She came out of the lake after the egg went in, pretty much in the same spot. Which makes me think she is a manifestation of the dome. She is carrying out the dome's wishes...
I don't think Jr's Mom is alive, I think it was just a flashback of sorts .... we've had other people show up and talk to them as well.
if you accuse someone of being a murderer and they do something nice to you like disarm you and then hand back your gun to you and say "I am not a murderer" then you have to believe them.
She believed that the magnetic fields the Dome produced were messing with people's brain waves, though there was no rhyme or reason behind how or when people would pass out from being over-magnetized. This show must be traumatizing for scientists to watch. I heard four scientists committed suicide watching this episode.
Steven King wrote this episode, probably at gunpoint, so I had great flashbacks to Maximum Overdrive as appliances turned on their human masters. And then I remembered that Maximum Overdrive was kind of dumb. This was also kind of dumb, so at least there's some consistency. Do I need to tell you that Barbie saved the kids from the stove? Barbie saved the kids from the stove.
What the heck is going on at this diner? It's still operating like there isn't a dome overhead or that supplies are still coming in. The place had better be selling Denver omelets for a thousand bucks a pop. This place is ALWAYS full and only one person works there. And when Angie died, Big Jim dropped everything and filled in. Say what you will about his murderous tendencies, propane stealing, and drug manufacturing, but Big Jim gets sh*t done.
In jail/Junior's apartment, Big Jim told Junior to open up the school because Rebecca the Science Teacher was going to start classes again, teaching "things that matter, things that will help the town get back on its feet." Like Domes 101, Dome Math, Caterpillar Genocide, How to Put Out a Fire with a Tractor, and Latin.
I almost forgot that Big Jim made DJ Phil (to be known as DJ Officer Phil from now on) a police officer after Officer Linda got squished by an SUV. Do you realize what this means? It means that all the cops in Chester's Mill now weren't cops when Under the Dome debuted. One was a mentally ill maniac and the other was playing psychedelic afro-jazz on the radio. Now they're cops. Let that sink in for a bit. And the two original cops who weren't Linda were shot by other cops. I don't mean to criticize Chester's Mill's men in blue but there are probably better police forces out there.
Interesting take ... your right, the Police force is now dead and others have been given the right to be Police force with NO previous training or ANYTHING that resembles knowledge of Police work.
Another funny recap up at
A couple observations that I liked:
I wonder how long until Joe becomes a cop?
Interesting take ... your right, the Police force is now dead and others have been given the right to be Police force with NO previous training or ANYTHING that resembles knowledge of Police work.
They are appointing Police by people they like and can control, what a Police dept ....![]()
Interesting take ... your right, the Police force is now dead and others have been given the right to be Police force with NO previous training or ANYTHING that resembles knowledge of Police work.
They are appointing Police by people they like and can control, what a Police dept ....![]()
And yet they seem to have police uniforms available that fit perfectly...
I'm sure Someone under the dome is a Tailor.And yet they seem to have police uniforms available that fit perfectly...