unbelievably bad customer service - even by Dish standards


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 26, 2006
I know Dish customer service can be very hit or miss, but today was bad even by the worst Dish standards.

History: 2 weeks ago, I called Dish because my 722 was only showing 24-48 hours of guide data. The rep did some troubleshooting and basically had no idea what was wrong, but said they could replace the reciever. I told them I would hold off and call back if needed (didn't want to deal with resetting timers, also had an escalation from the CEO office last year - the box I have now was sent as a used box, he told me to contact him directly if/when it needed replaced)

So today, my box is now trying to record ALL episodes of everything, even though the timers are set to NEW only.

Called the first rep - told them the history, he walked me through how to setup a timer, long story short - told me I needed to talk to advanced tech support. I said OK, and after a few minutes on hold, the call disconnected.

Called back to the 2nd rep -the 2nd rep refused to transfer me until I went through troubleshooting again, which I refused to do. Would not transfer me to tech support, her supervisor, or even the cancellation department. Eventually hung up on me.

Called back to the 3rd rep - same thing as 2nd - refused to transfer and said "I won't put my job on the line because you won't answer questions. There will be no resolution." My response was "yes, resolution will be cancelling my service". His response - i couldn't believe this - "ok, fine. cancel your service" and hung up.

Now on the line with cancellation department, to see what they will do. He verified my info (again) and then transferred to an "account specialist". We'll see where this goes. She is currently researching my account.

Mainly just a vent post here, although it would be nice if one of the resident Dish reps would jump in and save the day. Unfortunately I already have my cart loaded on DirecTV.com ready to order. I don't want to go to Direct - I don't like their system as much - but enough is enough. It's going to take alot to reel me back into staying with Dish.

The worst part is I just gave my friend a referral code a week ago, he is moving this weekend and has decided on Dish. I'm sure he will want to hear about this level of customer non-support.
Sometime you just need to play CSR Roulette. Its like that with any company.

DISH has some very good CSR's but unfortunately a few bad ones slip in too.

I use to get REALLY upset at bad customer service, but since I started using the CSR Roulette mindset I haven't got in a huff, instead I hung up and dialed again and my issue was very well handled on the next call.
So very true Scott. Although I generally only have to play once or sometimes twice - that's why this set me off so bad.

So the account specialist came on and offered me a $15 a month credit for a year and overnighted the box free of charge. Overall, it's acceptable, but I sure hope someone cares there to track down the bad agents. I am in the call center business and I can tell you that if word got back that one of my agents behaved like this, we'd track them down for sure and address it.

The only thing I'm still overly annoyed with is that even their overnight shipping takes 3-5 days. They don't seem to have a way to expedite an order leaving their warehouse, they just slap on overnight label on it once it leaves. So I'm still looking at mid next week before it gets replaced.
The only thing I'm still overly annoyed with is that even their overnight shipping takes 3-5 days. They don't seem to have a way to expedite an order leaving their warehouse, they just slap on overnight label on it once it leaves. So I'm still looking at mid next week before it gets replaced.

That's a standard "play safe" statement...and they don't do overnight. I have always received replacements in two days.
Yes, I know. The last one from the exec resolution team was overniged (at least from a shipping label standpoint) - but still took them 3 days to process the order and get it out the door. It did arrive overnight once it was handed off to UPS.
I can help you out BTW. I am pretty familiar with your particular issue (guide data) and would be glad to assist.

There are two reasons, in my experience, why guide data gets jumbled. Either there is signal loss on the satellite that is supplies the information, or there is a connection issue with regard to phone/Ethernet connections. For whatever reason if the phone line (or service itself) has an issue, or the internet connection has an issue it corrupts the guide data. I say that even though its an assumption, but let me explain my reasoning.

I noticed this particular "cause" on my VIP222. Everything with the box had been working beautifully until my housemates son disconnected the Ethernet cable from the receiver and plugged it into his XBOX 360 (which I didn't know at the time). Within 8 days (found after researching it), I started getting the incorrect guide or "No Info Available". Sometimes the guide would just pull up a blue screen (no lists or anything at all) and the "live" TV image in the corner. That is a no go for me, so GUIDE-9-9-9-Browse (Right Arrow by select) and it gave me a message that said "The program guide information is outdated, download from satellite now? I select yes and the issue was resolved. The reason I highlighted that particular word was because it makes me think that the guide information may also be supplied by the phone or internet connection. The receiver is in the housemate's sons room so when I finally went to the box rather then troubleshooting from the mirrored TV2s I noticed the connection was not there. I plugged it back in correctly and I have not had the issue since. I assume that means that my particular issue may have been caused by that.

The signal issue (primary reason I listed) can be caused by temporary loss of signal, or repeated loss of signal due to bad weather. If the signal is corrupted just enough, you will not necessarily notice picture or signal loss, but may notice the guide "freaking out" and DVR timers getting a little nutty. Running a "Check Switch" (Menu-6-1-1-Check Switch-Test, on most boxes) will determine if it is a permanent or temporary signal loss issue. It also prompts the box to re-download the guide when finished via reset. A lot of times people get the message "Attention 836: This check switch test has found you have fewer satellites then previously detected." If you see this message, a truck roll (if there is no bad weather) is pretty much a given. If there is bad weather, unfortunately you have to wait for it to pass or clear the dish (if reachable without putting yourself in jeopardy). Either way, don't save that message unless you seriously know that your satellite setup has changed (receiver at different location/satellites have been removed). If you do, you will make the issue a little more permanent.

This is as much information as I have right now, but I would be glad to assist further. I hope this helps.
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I had the same problem with my 722. It would only go out 24-48 hours. I rebooted it (unplugged from the wall) and the problem continued. I tried this three times and the last time it worked. It's been great for the last 6 months.
inazsully - I've tried manual soft reboots (holding power button) and pulling the plug - unfortunately neither have worked.

TonyT - I'm all for the help if you know of a solution and we can fix it without having to do the swap. Here are the details:
First issue - would only have guide data for 24-48 hours. Scrolling to end of guide would generate the "do you want to update" message - I'd say yes, and it would download the usual 9 days or whatever it is. Then, the next day, it'd be back to 24-48 hours. Rinse and repeat.. although for the last week or so, it had been acting normal again and only did this once.
Today's (well, last nights) issue - I have all but a few of my timers setup to NEW only. However, it is trying to record ALL episodes. For example - The Simpsons tonight.. there are 2 episodes at 6 and 6:30, neither are new, but it has them set to record. Now, I have seen occassionally where the guide info isn't specific and it shows the original air date as the year the series started, and those usually resolve in a day or so with the next guide update - this is not the case. The episodes tonight have full descriptions and original air dates sometime in 2008, but it is still trying to record them.

If you have any insight, shoot me a PM or reply here or whatever works, i'd love to fix it without doing the swap. Thanks for your help.
Edited my post... Check it out again.. Sorry for the length but honestly I feel you will find an answer in it. Unfortunately, if there is no resolution in there (assumed or otherwise) you will likely need that replacement receiver. However, I will be happy to play "House" and get a differential diagnostics team together on my end as well.

I will say that the Ethernet connection thing may simply be coincidental, but the timing of the issue starting in my case and ending in my case supports that there is some relation. I really can't say what it is, but my assumption was as close as I could figure. Reset the connection on your box and see if it "corrects" for any length of time.

****BTW: I really hate that anyone has to use the CSR Roulette tactic. I have mentioned that this is a common topic of discussion.
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Cool, thanks Tony. My dish is clean right now. I ran the check switch and everything shows as good. Ethernet is also good (It is hardwired into a switch siting right beside it)

I guess I'll have to deal with the swap, I doubt it's worth your time to try to figure this one out. I do appreciate the help though.
Why doesn't DISH record ALL of their csr /tech calls and then Form an AUDIT team for CSRS to check on these on a random basis, to make sure that the csrs/techs are treating the customers right? You could even have a AUDIT hot line that cutomers could report in on- for the number of the csr /techs- to report bad customer service. Also a website that these calls could be reported to online. Then the AUDIT team could bring up the calls by the csrs/techs by number and check to see if all was handled the right way. It would make CSR roulette go away very quickly. It would also help DISH with customer retention and help improve their image with the public and create good customer word of mouth. That would be an audit team that everyone could get behind very quickly and be worth every penny to DISH.
Cool, thanks Tony. My dish is clean right now. I ran the check switch and everything shows as good. Ethernet is also good (It is hardwired into a switch siting right beside it)

Just to be diligent on this one, if you go to Point Dish and change the sat to 119 and trans to 16, what is the signal strength there? The reason I think it is worth chasing the problem a little further is because if, for whatever reason, there is some obscure reason for the information being missing, a new box may or may not solve the issue. In the meantime, we can get another box rolling and you can either refuse shipment if you don't want it, or ship it back when the issue is resolved. If you would like I can handle the swap while we continue tracking down the issue.

Why doesn't DISH record ALL of their csr /tech calls and then Form an AUDIT team for CSRS to check on these on a random basis, to make sure that the csrs/techs are treating the customers right? You could even have a AUDIT hot line that cutomers could report in on- for the number of the csr /techs- to report bad customer service. Also a website that these calls could be reported to online. Then the AUDIT team could bring up the calls by the csrs/techs by number and check to see if all was handled the right way. It would make CSR roulette go away very quickly. It would also help DISH with customer retention and help improve their image with the public and create good customer word of mouth. That would be an audit team that everyone could get behind very quickly and be worth every penny to DISH.

There is a Quality Assurance team that monitors the calls, sometimes live and sometimes recorded. All agents are recorded at some time or another, and the agent does not know when that is. The call is actually graded and a bad score can prevent promotions, raises and either immediately or eventually lead to dismissal. Again, I am very sorry for any experiences that really did not let DISH shine, but we are constantly evolving the grading scale to insure that we provide prompt, courteous, and knowledgeable service. We do put focus on certain things at certain times when the service seems lacking, not just from a business stand point, but from a customer standpoint. Believe me when I say that the status quo is not sufficient in anyone's eyes here at DISH. There are always changes to both policy and personnel that are meant to improve your experience as the consumer. My team and I are a very big example of the shift in the way DISH handles customer issues and complaints.
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Just now getting around to posting the results. Much to my surprise, the new box went out the door last night and was delivered today. Hooked it all up, and we're good to go now, everything is working fine.

I feel your pain.

But really, how long does the level one trobule shooting take?

I have problems with my DSL. It's always on their end. And yet, every time I call (which is a few times a month) they want to unplug the router, re-boot my computer even though I do all that before I call.

When I'm talking to level one support, I just fake it.

Unplug the router? Ok, now what?

I keep playing along until they figure out it's on their end.

I know you just jumped though the hoops and you're smarter than the average customer. But the level one CSR has hoops he/she is required to go through with you before bumping it up a notch. I imagine they get in trouble if it turns out to be something they should have handled?

Is that really worth shooting yourself in the foot over?

I feel your pain.

But really, how long does the level one trobule shooting take?

I have problems with my DSL. It's always on their end. And yet, every time I call (which is a few times a month) they want to unplug the router, re-boot my computer even though I do all that before I call.

When I'm talking to level one support, I just fake it.

Unplug the router? Ok, now what?

I keep playing along until they figure out it's on their end.

I know you just jumped though the hoops and you're smarter than the average customer. But the level one CSR has hoops he/she is required to go through with you before bumping it up a notch. I imagine they get in trouble if it turns out to be something they should have handled?

Is that really worth shooting yourself in the foot over?

Agreed. I would guess more than half the calls any provider of Sat, Cable, DSL, etc, are from people who are just plain tech-no dense or poor pilots. There has to be a filtering process to avoid unwarranted replacements or service calls.
If you are going to play Russian roulette (which unfortunately we must) you have the play the game and at least fake you are doing what they ask. Remember, the mission is to get your box working, not determine how you want that to happen.

I have to disagree with the Dish CSR, at least in the 612 receiver. You do not need to be connected by phone or internet to get updated guide.
bchandler02 said:
Just now getting around to posting the results. Much to my surprise, the new box went out the door last night and was delivered today. Hooked it all up, and we're good to go now, everything is working fine.

Glad to hear you problem is resolved for now, if it starts to happen with this new reciever, having a techniciam come out and determine if there is another issue with the rest of the install may be a good Idea.

6.3 remote buttons hard to push.

922 not mapping down hd channels from 77 satellite

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