wow what can i say, hours again and i never found g19, i found other sats i aimed right on the line that dish pointer game me, i got a sat with payed channels, and a few others like Encoder 1, N1-4 , becon sat , Raycon Sports, and wright patterson AFB ($), moving to the west very very slowly i found all the same channels and some added to that like NEON, Mtvg 20HDX 39082 , and Metro sports, then more west to that i hit a sat with 11 channels, some of them were CCTV 4,F,and E, and CCTV 9 documentary.... so question, any one have any idea what im hitting and that im even in the right ball park? the 3rd sat was a good lil bit from the first sat. ... is there a sat with 215 channels that has mostly arib channels? cause thats that one im one ,,, im asking cause is it maybe im actually on g19 and maybe my transducers are wrong so im only getting half the channels?? cause it seems strange i hit one with 215 chs all the rest have 1-11 chs. i dont know... i even just did total blind scans no satfinder beeps and no quality signals and found sats as well ide move it slightly to the west, till i hit something, then tune in the max signal and strength, scan again to see if i got anything more .. then i would move it very slowly till the strength went to 0, then i knew i was off that sat and started looking for the next. i really dont get this !! i even found one that had like 4or 5 ABC news 1s on it and it said it was brodcasting on g17 / K16 , and g19 is close to 17, but still no gos. any help or ideas still wide open guys ! thanks again !!