
... why you can do it and others can't get it to work.
Could it be that there is actually more than one type of Hopper 3? It has been enough years since the Hopper 3 first came out that you would think that there have been at least a couple of generations of improvement since then. Maybe there is a slightly different chip set in ones that were manufactured more recently. It may not make enough difference in the performance of most features to warrant a new model number, but it certainly could explain why some Hopper 3's can see a larger total of GB's on external hard drives than other Hopper 3's can. The "officially supported limit" of 7TB may be just the bare minimum, indicating what the oldest Hopper 3's can support, with newer Hopper 3's being able to handle more than that.
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The only, and only one, thing I can think of is the enclosure I bought to put the 6tB drive in or the drive itself. I got a off-RPM surveillance drive from Amazon because of the price/TB. So it spins a little faster the 5400 and slower than 7200 rpm.

Here are the links of the drive and the enclosure.

If you are determined to get it to work, these are the ONLY things that are different, other than the model of the Hopper 3, but I've had my current one for about 3-4 years now and wondering when the internal HDD will bite the bullet.


6TB 5700RPM drive

The drive show unavailable but you can contact the seller. They are a pretty large HD distributor and may be able to set you up, if you really want to buy another drive. But the enclosure would be a much cheaper way to go for a first try.
I have a Denon X4500H and get DD and Dolby Atmos on many programs. DD on most all, Atmos on Amazon Prime, and PPV. How are you connected? You have to run the HDMI cable first to the receiver, then from the receiver to your monitor. Return path on HDMI won't support Atmos.
I have a Denon X4500H and get DD and Dolby Atmos on many programs. DD on most all, Atmos on Amazon Prime, and PPV. How are you connected? You have to run the HDMI cable first to the receiver, then from the receiver to your monitor. Return path on HDMI won't support Atmos.
bnewt has a Hopper with Sling, and has been posting about the YouTube app in other threads. So, I am pretty sure that bnewt's comments were specifically about the known issue that the YouTube app has on the Hopper with Sling at the moment. Does the Hopper with Sling even support the Amazon Prime app yet, or is that still exclusive to the Hopper 3?
Two things. One: I get Dolby Digital on a whim on my H3. The whim is when the H3 decides. Then everything is DD for a while. Otherwise it's DTS.

Two: With all the talk of hard drives, have we discovered if the problem with recordings are the recording or the H3 playback of the recording?

We are having major problems with the leased H3 and recording playback. I have a ton of WD 2.5 Black 500GB drives and was thinking of archiving the H3 and having it replaced. If it's the thing to do?

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Is the DD drop on the same show. Each show decided if it's in DD. If you have watched the same show and sometimes you get DD and others not, then yup, save your shows and get a new Hopper. Same as in saved recordings, if you have one that plays in DD and then you replay it later and it doesn't come up same thing, new Hopper.
We are having major problems with the leased H3 and recording playback. I have a ton of WD 2.5 Black 500GB drives and was thinking of archiving the H3 and having it replaced. If it's the thing to do?
That sounds like a good plan. And I like your idea of spreading out the recordings across multiple external drives. That way, not all of your eggs are in one basket, just in case something would go wrong.
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That sounds like a good plan. And I like your idea of spreading out the recordings across multiple external drives. That way, not all of your eggs are in one basket, just in case something would go wrong.

Thank You, Sir! But when I got my purchased H3 and moved everything over from the H2 directly, then again when SolidSignal swapped out a noisy unit. Of which this one is too. It was a Fast, Easy Dream. I was only thinking of moving things off to drives to do a factory reset. That is what I do with all my gear that gets new FW and every time they do. Otherwise, I would do a H3 to H3 transfer.

But now both H3s have OTA and some Sat recordings with issues with dropping audio, pixelating picture, blackouts. But mostly with OTA recordings. BUT mostly with our local "Scripps" channel. I wonder if something is going on in addition to equipment failure with the OTA Dongles that we got at the same time that are most likely to be from the same production lot or the H3s themselves. That deserves investigation. That's why I am here.
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h3 switching to 540 4k, black screen with overlay ??

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