It is official: 501 screwed up my EHD connectivity again. For a long time my EHD would disappear every morning and it would take two or three software reboots or one or two red button reboots to get it back. Every Single Morning. Then we had an update (one or two ago) and I was ecstatic - my EHD was actually there in the DVR list again every morning? Well, most mornings. (BTW, problem with the EHD was with several different brands, externally powered desktop EHDs like the WD MyBook, EHDs plugged into a powered port, all variations - problem was there no matter what.)
Now, with the 501 update, my EHD is gone again. Every morning. Takes 2 or 3 software reboots to get it back, sometimes it requires one or two red button hardware reboots.