Two Hopper 3 Install is Scheduled

Here's my question; Who the heck needs 32 tuners?

some one that thinks have that many tuners means they can record that many things? I have such person in this house. they are also the reason why I original had got 2 hws 2 joey setup, I knew the box they was on with one other person was gona fail, and it did failed atlest 3 time of hdd failure in those 2 years i had that setup.

This person is why pursued a 2 h3 and 2 4k joey setup since I got the h3. this person will pay out right for 2nd h3 on the account and any replacement when there habits cause that h3 hdd to fail. The hopper 3 I have leased already need to be replaced it been showing signs of failed for last 2 months and it been getting worse, and dish wants to replace it, i trying to hold that off till this 2nd h3 box put in to motion.

To me it never been about the tuners it always been about redundancy and dvr seperation.


I got a better deal today, so far i talk 3 people ALL have seen the notes on the account and once all 3 of them saw the notes on the account they all were willing to help and set it in motion. Once 2nd h3 setup is setup no one will care how much this person records or if they cause that h3 to have hdd failure, cause that person will have pay to replace it, accept maybe the person that will be stuck on that h3 with them. I also having them send us a replacement for leased h3 I have cause it was determined 2 days ago the hdd is failing and was recommend to have it replaced.

my next update will be when I have ordered set and a tech scheduled to come out which will replace the switch i have with DPH42 that will cost my nothing cause protection plan covers all leased equipment. Years worth phone calls finally coming to end. if it wasnt for the place i was point to i probably still be trying.
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update I got a better deal today, so far i talk 3 people ALL have seen the notes account 3 and once they saw the notes they all were willing to help and set it in motion my next update will been when I have ordered set tech scheduled to come out which will replace the switch i have with DPH42.

once 2 h3 setup is set no one will care how much this person records or if they cause that h3 to have hdd failure, cause that person will have pay to replace it, accept maybe the person that will be stuck on that h3 with them. Years worth of phone calls and try soon to come to a end.

I also have them send my replacement for leased h3 I have cause it hdd it failing.
Great news for you. Hope it all works out and thanks for keeping us posted.
update I got a better deal today, so far i talk 3 people ALL have seen the notes account 3 and once they saw the notes they all were willing to help and set it in motion my next update will been when I have ordered set tech scheduled to come out which will replace the switch i have with DPH42.

once 2 h3 setup is set no one will care how much this person records or if they cause that h3 to have hdd failure, cause that person will have pay to replace it, accept maybe the person that will be stuck on that h3 with them. Years worth of phone calls and try soon to come to a end.

I also have them send my replacement for leased h3 I have cause it hdd it failing.
Besides the cost to purchase the second Hopper 3, is there a charge for the switch and the installation?
Besides the cost to purchase the second Hopper 3, is there a charge for the switch and the installation?
When I had my two H3 install I purchased my own DPH42 switch and Solo and Duo Hubs. When the technician came he gave me another switch and hubs so I have spares now. They did not charge me for installation.
Besides the cost to purchase the second Hopper 3, is there a charge for the switch and the installation?
I was told protection plan covers the cost of tech and switch change. assuming if you dont have protection plan they might be fee involved.

But you did add a two year commitment?
I dont know I didnt ask, I already signed 2 year commitment like 2 months ago. to get 20$ off my bill I would assume yes? cause they do when you change equipment. I will ask when i set it all up would be nice if i dont hit with another 2 years on top what i just signed

The protection plan covers all owned equipment also. Actually leased equipment in covered by the lease.

I ask lady i talked today, she said the protection plan only covers leased equipment, bought equipment it does not. I will double check.

I have DISH Protect Silver Video plan when look at what plan is supposed to cover and what i have had cover it seem odd, cause it say discounted tech visits nothing about "no fee" and but we have never payed for tech visits never had to pay for replacement of anything. Even when Techs came out to rewire the place swapped things out we never payed for it.
Per the protection plan terms and conditions:
Eligibility for coverage. This Plan is available to new and existing DISH Network subscribers who purchase or lease DISH Network Products. You represent that the Product is in proper operating condition at the start of the Plan coverage and that Your DISH Network account is current and in good standing.
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I dont know I didnt ask, I already signed 2 year commitment like 2 months ago. to get 20$ off my bill I would assume yes? cause they do when you change equipment. I will ask when i set it all up would be nice if i dont hit with another 2 years on top what i just signed
If you do sign a new two-year contract, it replaces your existing contract, rather than extending it. Since your current contract started two months ago, the new contract would only extend your total commitment by two months, not two years.
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Just had my second Hopper 3 installed. I also have a 4K Joey. I had a wireless Joey which was deactivated.
The installer was not able to get the Hoppers to see each other. He said he would come back tomorrow. After he left, I started to play with them. I realized that he didn't set up Wifi on the new Hopper. Once I set up Wifi, the units all see each other.
Just had my second Hopper 3 installed. I also have a 4K Joey. I had a wireless Joey which was deactivated.
The installer was not able to get the Hoppers to see each other. He said he would come back tomorrow. After he left, I started to play with them. I realized that he didn't set up Wifi on the new Hopper. Once I set up Wifi, the units all see each other.

Your installer should have installed a coax "jumper" cable to connect your two MOCA networks together. WiFi will also work.
Just had my second Hopper 3 installed. I also have a 4K Joey. I had a wireless Joey which was deactivated.
The installer was not able to get the Hoppers to see each other. He said he would come back tomorrow. After he left, I started to play with them. I realized that he didn't set up Wifi on the new Hopper. Once I set up Wifi, the units all see each other.
Congrats, glad you got it all working.
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well almost 2 full years later, after I initial want to do this, and other dish issue prior, I called the presidential number for dish,yesterday to have 2 hopper 3 + 2 4k Joey setup on 10/9/2018 I was told by Sheldon ( and I had 2 other coverstation a year back say it can be done) i was told it can be done I just need to buy the box, I called again on 10/10/2018 talked to nother person forgot his name cause I was aggravated, they said it can't be done I need to have 7 tv for to be done, So I ended that conversation called again got hold of Mary, told the situation and she got hold upper management, and it got appoved, I bought the 2nd hopper 3 for 350+ 10 for tech fee, I getting 120 credit back on the box cause official retailers are selling it for 229 to be credited back in 7 days.

Tech is coming out on 10/15 with the 2nd hopper 3 and to do the install, I know it can be install all using the same dish with DHP 42 switch so I will make sure that happens too, this all to be one account and all has been authorized and noted in the account, so my bill will go up by 8 $ seeing I droping 1 of 3 4k joeys I have, what even better is I nearing the end of dish contract which is up in 8 months give or take, and this change will not be requiring a new 2 years contract, which is even better, cause I been thinking of leaving dish do to the prices, and IF i do leave I Will have a OWNED hopper 3, if I do switch from dish after the contract and got spectrum cause they was gona charge us a whole lot less for similar setup and in the end I wind up not liking spectrum or they start charging us even more then what dish + there internet is costing us now, I can switch back to dish, and I will already have h3 I will just have to lease the other h3 and 2 4 joeys again.

This fixes my long standing issue of wanting redundancy in the system and wanting to have dvr and timers separate 4 people no longer have to play the did you watch this? or wait I want to watch this and 4+ people overriding timers already there. going forward it will 2 people/locations per hopper3 and 4k joey and I gona stick the people that do the most recording and not watching of dvr on one box if that box goes again they can deal with dish in replacing the box and I stick my self and my dad on other box.

In the time I had the original 2 hws + 2 joeys setup which I had those 2 people that did the most recording on box of there own, I had that box they were on replaced 3 times do to HDD failures, and since I had h3+3 4k joeys setup I had the h3 replaced twice do to hdd issues.

So now I have redundancy in the system and I now have dvr/timers separate, just like when I had the 2hws and 2 joey setup.

In all honesty I really wish dish still made solo dvr box as I rather have 4 solo dvr box still but I need at very least 3 tuners 4k cause I have 4k tv's but h3 is only 4k box, and Dish was not gona give me 4 hws boxes and even if they did they charge 45$ for 3 other hws/dvr boxes, which really dont makes sense to me, Spectrum was gona give 4, 4 tuners dvr's that was gonna cost 6$ each, it almost like dish dont want to have solo boxes anymore and want to just have whole house dvr and when I orginal had 4 612 dvr I was paying 7 per box, first box was free, which was 21$ for the 3 box back then, then soon as the hopper came along they started charging use 15 per dvr box after the first one.

I gona see what fun happens Monday when this guy comes, to do the install. my money is on issues happening the guy probably will of never doing such install and have no prior notes given to him saying that it was 2 hopper 3 + 2 4k joey install, Most cause few month back huge issue and problem with dish cause they did NOT forward and notes to the tech that came out that cascaded into issue of me have no service for more then month at new house cause there own miscommunication and they KNEW i would have no service for month at new place BEFORE they reschule the install for month later when it could be done , and then I hard to argue with dish for 2 more months to just get back the credit, back from the month we had no service cause of there own fault and own miscommunication, Notes are there for reason, and if NOTES the TECH need and it not GIVEN to the tech its dish dispatches own fault.
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well almost 2 full years later, after I initial want to do this, and other dish issue prior, I called the presidential number for dish,yesterday to have 2 hopper 3 + 2 4k Joey setup on 10/9/2018 I was told by Sheldon ( and I had 2 other coverstation a year back say it can be done) i was told it can be done I just need to buy the box, I called again on 10/10/2018 talked to nother person forgot his name cause I was aggravated, they said it can't be done I need to have 7 tv for to be done, So I ended that conversation called again got hold of Mary, told the situation and she got hold upper management, and it got appoved, I bought the 2nd hopper 3 for 350+ 10 for tech fee, I getting 120 credit back on the box cause official retailers are selling it for 229 to be credited back in 7 days.

Tech is coming out on 10/15 with the 2nd hopper 3 and to do the install, I know it can be install all using the same dish with DHP 42 switch so I will make sure that happens too, this all to be one account and all has been authorized and noted in the account, so my bill will go up by 8 $ seeing I droping 1 of 3 4k joeys I have, what even better is I nearing the end of dish contract which is up in 8 months give or take, and this change will not be requiring a new 2 years contract, which is even better, cause I been thinking of leaving dish do to the prices, and IF i do leave I Will have a OWNED hopper 3, if I do switch from dish after the contract and got spectrum cause they was gona charge us a whole lot less for similar setup and in the end I wind up not liking spectrum or they start charging us even more then what dish + there internet is costing us now, I can switch back to dish, and I will already have h3 I will just have to lease the other h3 and 2 4 joeys again.

This fixes my long standing issue of wanting redundancy in the system and wanting to have dvr and timers separate 4 people no longer have to play the did you watch this? or wait I want to watch this and 4+ people overriding timers already there. going forward it will 2 people/locations per hopper3 and 4k joey and I gona stick the people that do the most recording and not watching of dvr on one box if that box goes again they can deal with dish in replacing the box and I stick my self and my dad on other box.

In the time I had the original 2 hws + 2 joeys setup which I had those 2 people that did the most recording on box of there own, I had that box they were on replaced 3 times do to HDD failures, and since I had h3+3 4k joeys setup I had the h3 replaced twice do to hdd issues.

So now I have redundancy in the system and I now have dvr/timers separate, just like when I had the 2hws and 2 joey setup.

In all honesty I really wish dish still made solo dvr box as I rather have 4 solo dvr box still but I need at very least 3 tuners 4k cause I have 4k tv's but h3 is only 4k box, and Dish was not gona give me 4 hws boxes and even if they did they charge 45$ for 3 other hws/dvr boxes, which really dont makes sense to me, Spectrum was gona give 4, 4 tuners dvr's that was gonna cost 6$ each, it almost like dish dont want to have solo boxes anymore and want to just have whole house dvr and when I orginal had 4 612 dvr I was paying 7 per box, first box was free, which was 21$ for the 3 box back then, then soon as the hopper came along they started charging use 15 per dvr box after the first one.

I gona see what fun happens Monday when this guy comes, to do the install. my money is on issues happening the guy probably will of never doing such install and have no prior notes given to him saying that it was 2 hopper 3 + 2 4k joey install, Most cause few month back huge issue and problem with dish cause they did NOT forward and notes to the tech that came out that cascaded into issue of me have no service for more then month at new house cause there own miscommunication and they KNEW i would have no service for month at new place BEFORE they reschule the install for month later when it could be done , and then I hard to argue with dish for 2 more months to just get back the credit, back from the month we had no service cause of there own fault and own miscommunication, Notes are there for reason, and if NOTES the TECH need and it not GIVEN to the tech its dish dispatches own fault.
I found this digram but not very clear when zoomed in and not sure how accurate it is.

would perfer a digram with clear labels of the hw and swtich the need, I think it DHP42, 2 hybrid solo hubs and power inserter? that would be needed for #1 hopper 3 + 4k jeoy , #2 hopper 3 +4k Joey if i reading the digram right and it is correct

Im thinking if that is the stuff needed they gona need to put bigger junction box on side house to accommodate all this, it not all gona fix in that junction box.

Would really like have as much info as possible on how this done and what is needed, before the tech comes 10/15/2018 cause I really think they gona send someone that never done let alone with correct stuff needed. Dish has horrid habit of not give needed notes to there tech which what cause my last issue that took me 3+ months to resolve them not wanting to credit me for month of no serices at the new house cause they didnt want give notes


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I found this digram but not very clear when zoomed in and not sure how accurate it is.

would perfer a digram with clear labels of the hw and swtich the need, I think it DHP42, 2 hybrid solo hubs and power inserter? that would be needed for #1 hopper 3 + 4k jeoy , #2 hopper 3 +4k Joey if i reading the digram right and it is correct

Im thinking if that is the stuff needed they gona need to put bigger junction box on side house to accommodate all this, it not all gona fix in that junction box.

Would really like have as much info as possible on how this done and what is needed, before the tech comes 10/15/2018 cause I really think they gona send someone that never done let alone with correct stuff needed. Dish has horrid habit of not give needed notes to there tech which what cause my last issue that took me 3+ months to resolve them not wanting to credit me for month of no serices at the new house cause they didnt want give notes
See Posts #255 and #287 in this thread. It may help you.
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Thanks I have bookmarked all that, and when this guy comes I point him to those posts if he has no clue, I just need to fiqure out where i gona put this 2nd hopper 3 I kind out places :coco

side question what is the actual with of hopper 3? one I have is 16" width, other places online I read is 10" and other it 16" did they make hopper 3 that slightly smaller witdh wise?

At this point I think might have to either place hopper 3 where my monitor is and place my monitor on top that, or some how find way to put in my closest, cause I have no for the actual hopper 3 on my desk or and one fit in the cube storge self i have its only 13 wide which mean i could put the hopper 3 in that either even if i had it sideways.

4Kjoey easier to place do to size haha
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