First, I hope this is the right place to sell afew items. If not, just let me know!
I purchased both these FTA receivers on the web. As of today date, I now have six receivers. I use four around my home. I just had these in my closet collecting dust. I did not want to go through the selling on the web, so I'll see if anyone here would like them first. I did pay a little more than I am asking now. Maybe that was too much I don't know? If anybody is interested, I will work with you on a price. If I can sell these; I will start saving for a better HD receiver for this winter's viewing. Thanks for looking!
Pansat 2700A in the original box and is in working condition.<O
Remote Control<O
RS-232 cable<O
$30.00 + S/H<O
FortecStar Lifetime Ultra in working condition<O
Remote control<O
$30.00 + S/H
First, I hope this is the right place to sell afew items. If not, just let me know!
I purchased both these FTA receivers on the web. As of today date, I now have six receivers. I use four around my home. I just had these in my closet collecting dust. I did not want to go through the selling on the web, so I'll see if anyone here would like them first. I did pay a little more than I am asking now. Maybe that was too much I don't know? If anybody is interested, I will work with you on a price. If I can sell these; I will start saving for a better HD receiver for this winter's viewing. Thanks for looking!
Pansat 2700A in the original box and is in working condition.<O

Remote Control<O


RS-232 cable<O

$30.00 + S/H<O


FortecStar Lifetime Ultra in working condition<O

Remote control<O

$30.00 + S/H
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