Two Days until Voom's new look? or longer?

Too bad Miramax (disney) bought the rights to almost every great eighties Hong Kong Movie (for example Iron Monkey, anything Donnie Yen, Jackie CHan, Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung, etc.) They have been a big pain in the ass when it comes to releasing stuff they have the rights too. THey rarely if ever release any of their stuff to the permium movie channels in true HD. We'll see. I know they run that Kill Bill Documentary on Cinema 10 alot lately. How about a Tarantino Channel with all his favorite Martial Arts, Italian horror, Russ Myer flicks. He has an eye for low budget gems that Voom could afford. That would rule.
FredOh said:
Too bad Miramax (disney) bought the rights to almost every great eighties Hong Kong Movie (for example Iron Monkey, anything Donnie Yen, Jackie CHan, Maggie Cheung, Tony Leung, etc.) They have been a big pain in the ass when it comes to releasing stuff they have the rights too. THey rarely if ever release any of their stuff to the permium movie channels in true HD. We'll see. I know they run that Kill Bill Documentary on Cinema 10 alot lately. How about a Tarantino Channel with all his favorite Martial Arts, Italian horror, Russ Myer flicks. He has an eye for low budget gems that Voom could afford. That would rule.
Yeah, that is a good idea. A Tarantino movie channel, I would be willing to bet he'd love to do that, and maybe even not for a ton of money, he always seems to be one of the directors who doesn't spend a ton (though I don't know if maybe Kill Bill changed that, I have no idea what the budget was and I'm too lazy to look it up).

Anyway, someone at Voom should give him a call and ask if he'd like to have a movie channe, that would be pretty sweet.
I find it wierd that Miramax would own 50% of the US rights to old Kung Fu movies and not use that to make money off of it.
It may have been tied into a deal they were working on to get other titles, perhaps? I don't know, but I do think they should try to make some cash on it.

Then again, how long did George Lucas sit on Star Wars 4-6 before he decided to cash in on the DVD market?
Heres a link to a petition regarding the Miramax method of handling these movies they bought the rights too.
It's pretty weird stuff. THey change titles, edit, change soundtracks (put "Kung Fu FIghting" in for example). They release dvds of classic HK films and offer only the english dubbed soundtrack. WOrst of all, they block importers from selling the original version on DVD from other regions. I bought Iron Monkey before it came out in the US, but shortly after that, most of the sights were forced to stop selling certain titles. Its a small world after all. According to DIsney, that world doesn't respect chinese cinema.

a new GOVT website

Voom second satellite soon...?
