TV1 and TV2: What do these terms means?

okay kab i see where you are getting confused.
here is your refernce

but the problem is TV1 and TV2 are simply outputs, they are not tied to one specific tuner. look at chapter 10. Also you missed the most important part of this thread in the fact that the OP is looking to use this in single mode, so TV1 and TV2 are wiped clean because there is only TV1. outputs and tuner are seperate. Tuner equals the device that gets audio and video from the satellite. output equals what puts audio and video to the tv ( I know this is a real simple explanation, but thats what it is).

so to the original poster again, TV1 and TV2 are simply outputs and not tied to any specific tuner.

also on teh recording plus, if you were in dual mode (which he is not) and tv 2 is not using their tuner, and Tv1 wants to record something, but also watch something else, they can then throw that program on the tuner tv2 is not occupying at the time, and still watch something else on there tuner, or vice versa.

any more questions?
tv1 and tv2 do not equal tuners if that was the case, where is tv3 for the OTA tuner.

James, this isn't true. There are two HD tuners that can be outputed to different tvs (tv1 - HD; and tv2 - SD ). UNTIL the current software, OTA was also TV1; since you can only record OTA from TV1; now the recording shows up as an antenna - as I said in the previous post).

Its confusing, for sure! :)
Until now when you record on TV1 (think Tuner 1 instead), and you record OTA, they appear as they are recording to be on TV1. Since the new L4.41 software, when you record OTA, it appears with an antenna image, which should eliminate some of the confusion.
That's great about the antenna image. I have not received 4.41 yet. I'm glad to see someone is on the same page a me. It's been a tough thread!
It does if Record Plus is disabled. I have Record Plus enabled and set for TV2. So even if I use remote one to schedule, it will record on TV2 (the OTHER tuner). If I set another show for the same time, then it will move itself to TV1.
You are describing features that are available in dual mode. If you had read my oringinal (#1) posting, you would know that I'm not interested in using dual mode.

Regarding Daily Schedule, scroll UP to see past recording.
Thanks. I wasn't aware of that.
A little more clarity

Ok, I just switched from dual mode to single mode.

When doing so, I had full picture in picture.

I selected a HD channel, hit record; and it showed up in the DVR list as recording to TV1; I then went to the guide, selected a different channel - and switched to it. THe recording I started continued, but I was able to watch another channel.

I then hit record on the second channel; and it started recording. IT also showed up in the DVR list as recording to TV1; which explains some of the confusion over this.

But there are still TWO HD Tuners; its just that in single mode, both show up as tuner 1.

Personally I prefer Dual Mode, which eliminates a lot of the confusion. :)

PS I apologize for the confusion about Single Mode; I misread the initial post.
okay let me put what I am trying to say in the simple terms. and to unconfuse the Original poster because all of these post have confused the crap out of him. Tv1 and tv2 are simply outputs. the way they are used is dependent on what mode you are in. here you go

single mode Tv1 (or Tv output 1) has control over both tuners. while tv2 (or Tv output2 has no control over any tuner.

dual mode Tv1 has control over a tuner ( we will call it tuner 1) and Tv2 has control over over a tuner (we will call it tuner 2).

tuner and outputs are different items and should not be tied as the same. I hope i make sense here, but my final sentence is this, the original poster stated he has NO desire to use his box in dual mode, there for TV output 1 has complete controle over both satellite tuners (and OTA tuner if he has one). and He can therefore record two shows at once, or record one show and watch one llive (or if he has OTa record 2 sat shows and watch 1 otA show, or record 2 sat and 1 OTA at the same time).
TV1 and TV2 refer to the outputs. That's all.

The fact that the ViP622 has two satellite tuners and an OTA tuner doesn't really have anything at all to do with it, a tuner is a tuner and really makes no difference at all.

The lone exception is that in dual mode, a particular tuner is "assigned" to a particular output because the SWAP functionality is disabled.

As has been stated many times before, it doesn't have one HD "1" tuner and one SD "2" tuner, it has two tuners. What you choose to record or view with each one, and which output(s) it goes to, has nothing at all to do with it.
It did not record (3) shows at once on TV1. Get out your camera and take pictures of the (3) entries from your My Recordings list and show us. It's not technically possible.


Prior to L4.41, if you were in Single Mode, and you were recording two HD channels and a OTA channel simulatenously, ALL THREE would appear in the DVR list as coming from TV1.

Now with L4.41, two of them would show as TV1 and one as an antenna symbol.
The tech is wrong. If you are in single mode, you can still record to both tuners.
Of course the tech is wrong. My point in recounting my conversation was to point out how little the Dish tech people understand about how the 622 works. Sorry, if I didn't make that point clear.

It's laughable that a level 2 Dish tech thinks that you can only record one channel at a time on a 622 in single mode.
okay let me put what I am trying to say in the simple terms. and to unconfuse the Original poster because all of these post have confused the crap out of him. Tv1 and tv2 are simply outputs. the way they are used is dependent on what mode you are in. here you go

single mode Tv1 (or Tv output 1) has control over both tuners. while tv2 (or Tv output2 has no control over any tuner.

dual mode Tv1 has control over a tuner ( we will call it tuner 1) and Tv2 has control over over a tuner (we will call it tuner 2).

tuner and outputs are different items and should not be tied as the same. I hope i make sense here, but my final sentence is this, the original poster stated he has NO desire to use his box in dual mode, there for TV output 1 has complete controle over both satellite tuners (and OTA tuner if he has one). and He can therefore record two shows at once, or record one show and watch one llive (or if he has OTa record 2 sat shows and watch 1 otA show, or record 2 sat and 1 OTA at the same time).

Stuart is ABSOLUTELY correct.

My only quibble would be that in DUAL MODE (which I know the OP doesn't care about, but in which I live daily), its common to think of the two HD tuners as TV1 and TV2; as both outputs and tuners). ;)

Enough said, I think. :)
It did not record (3) shows at once on TV1. Get out your camera and take pictures of the (3) entries from your My Recordings list and show us. It's not technically possible.
When the shows were scheduled to be recorded, they were all labelled "1." After the shows were recorded, when I scroll up, one of the shows has a TV2 icon.

Note that the before and after icons are very different. The before icon is a circle with the number 1 or 2 at the bottom right. The after icon is a TV with 1 or 2 in the middle.
david the before icon shows what tv scheduled the recordings, so they all said one because tv one was used. the after one I am not saying this with 100% accuracy, but it shows what tuner (not output it shows it as tv1 and tv2, but that is just a simple way of doing it) it used. again i get my 622 tommorow and will be able to say that for sure. enjoy and see ya around in the forums

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