Torre rips some Yankees!!!


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 5, 2008
The New York Post obtained a copy of Joe Torre's book, co written by Tom Verducci. Torre ripped on some Yankee players.

Report: Torre 'rips' A-Rod and Steinbrenner in new book - Big League Stew - MLB - Yahoo! Sports

I think it's great that he wrote the book. I'm not saying this as a Yankee hater. I just think for a guy who's battled cancer and was one of the classiest Yankees ever, I think he deserved better than what he got. So why not, take a couple of pot shots. So what? He's bitten his tongue long enough.
Color me surprised!

I never thought a classy guy like Joe Torre would go public with such issues.
As a die hard Mets fan who hates the Evil Empire, I have to clarify some of the above comments: espn has made it clear that no where in the book does torre point a finger; additionally, the book is comprised of extensive interviews that the writers did, so it is not torre's ideas persay
I have love and respected Joe for years and years on and off the field. This is as low class as you can get! Does he need the $$$$? No! He evidently craves the show biz spotlight and has found a sucker to buy into it.

Joe, I am disappointed in you. Why now? Why when you are still an active MLB manager? This could have waited till your retirement.

Poor taste.....INDEED!!protest
I have to respectfully disagree, KCK Halo. I think Torre is in every right to say what he wants. As I said above, he bit his tongue long enough. Everybody pretty much knows whatever Joe is saying, people already knew it. People knew about A-Rod, people knew how crappy the Yankees treated Joe.

Joe Torre is a classy guy. The Yankees screw him out of his job after winning 4 titles in Torre's first 5 yrs. I mean the Yankee brass must have forgotten that. Then, they low ball him and insult him with that contract offer that Torre truned down. At first I didn't think so, but it's insulting. Torre had to put a brave face on a lot of things and they treated him that way. Let him say what he wants.
Is ANYONE surprised that he wrote a book? Seriously..??!! Nothing against Joe, but we live in a world where if you go through a little write a book....15 minutes of fame if ya had none and finger pointing or "not my fault" mentality if you are famous or infamous.
The book isn't released yet and I don't see many actual quotes or passages from the book yet. I would hold of on all the "Torre rips Yankees" claims though until we actually read the book.

I did find this interesting statement:

"Joe is very honest in the book,'' the source told Crasnick. "But he doesn't make any personal attacks. In terms of him name-calling, that's not his style.''

If that's the case, I don't have 1 issue with this. The man's telling his side of the story.
I have to respectfully disagree, KCK Halo. I think Torre is in every right to say what he wants. As I said above, he bit his tongue long enough. Everybody pretty much knows whatever Joe is saying, people already knew it. People knew about A-Rod, people knew how crappy the Yankees treated Joe.

Joe Torre is a classy guy. The Yankees screw him out of his job after winning 4 titles in Torre's first 5 yrs. I mean the Yankee brass must have forgotten that. Then, they low ball him and insult him with that contract offer that Torre truned down. At first I didn't think so, but it's insulting. Torre had to put a brave face on a lot of things and they treated him that way. Let him say what he wants.

Agreed with all points. EXCEPT that this type of book should be written after he is out of baseball...not an active manager. Poor taste.
As a longtime Yankee fan, I was upset he left to go to the Dodgers. But I also have to take issue with him over his anger at being offered an incentive based contract.

$5 million plus bonuses for the team winning something in the post season is the kind of insult I would like heaped on me. The Yankees are all about winning, not getting their and being bounced out in the first round.

The irony is he went to the Dodgers for less money if I recall correctly...
You all know all this drama is just setting up for a Yankee vs. Dodgers 2009 World Series don't you?

It all depends on three things:

1. Can the Dodgers get Manny to stay?

2. Can the Yankees get consistent enough to get past Boston or Tampa?

3. Can New York actually get into the ALCS? They have not advanced past the ALDS in five years.
yankees will be lucky to make the playoffs next year.

From your mouth to God's ears! :up

However, I just don't see how this Yankee team doesn't qualify for the playoffs in '09.

They have improved their club DRAMATICALLY!

I'm a Red Sox fan, but if I were the Yankees, I'd put Joba back in the bullpen (now that Pettitte is back in the fold). Use Hughes and/or Kennedy as your #5 starter.
From your mouth to God's ears! :up

However, I just don't see how this Yankee team doesn't qualify for the playoffs in '09.

They have improved their club DRAMATICALLY!

I'm a Red Sox fan, but if I were the Yankees, I'd put Joba back in the bullpen (now that Pettitte is back in the fold). Use Hughes and/or Kennedy as your #5 starter.

Tampa will be around again next year and the Red Sox will be there too, so it's not as easy as it use to be, the yankess and Red Sox play well enough to have the two best records and get in, it's not like that anymore.

Tampa will be around again next year and the Red Sox will be there too, so it's not as easy as it use to be.

All excellent points.

Plus the Central will be heard from with Minnesota/Cleveland/Detroit/Chicago.

However, I just DON'T see the Yankees missing the playoffs again.
All excellent points.

Plus the Central will be heard from with Minnesota/Cleveland/Detroit/Chicago.

However, I just DON'T see the Yankees missing the playoffs again.

yankees could miss the playoffs if the AL Central teams you mention have 2 teams that are hot at the end of the year and make the wild card come from the AL Central.
At that point it's possible that both the Sox and the yankees miss the playoffs , it depends on if Tampa comes back strong this year.

I'm a Red Sox fan, but if I were the Yankees, I'd put Joba back in the bullpen (now that Pettitte is back in the fold). Use Hughes and/or Kennedy as your #5 starter.

I'm not sure if I understand the Joba to the bullpen thing. If he were going to be closer that would be different, but the Yankees already have the best closer of all time still closing games.

If the eighth inning is so important, why aren't other teams taking their most promising young starters and moving them to the bullpen for the eighth inning? Why is Lincecum starting games when he could be helping out in the eighth inning instead? Why was Peavy never moved to the eighth inning?

I'm not sure if I understand the Joba to the bullpen thing. If he were going to be closer that would be different, but the Yankees already have the best closer of all time still closing games.

If the eighth inning is so important, why aren't other teams taking their most promising young starters and moving them to the bullpen for the eighth inning? Why is Lincecum starting games when he could be helping out in the eighth inning instead? Why was Peavy never moved to the eighth inning?


Lincecum and Peavy didn't/don't have Sabathia, Burnett, Wang and Pettitte ahead of them in the rotation. I contend that a lights out eighth inning guy is MUCH more important than a fifth starter (especially in the barren month of April, when there's multiple off days and rainouts).

Besides, Phil Hughes is not a bad alternative for the back end of a rotation.

Either way, the Yankees are in good shape barring injuries.

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Spring training.

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