Top THREE Pros and Cons of VOOM

I'm not scheduled for installation until Saturday, and I got to say that this history of horrible or no-show installations has me worried sick. But from a noob standpoint, here is my list:

- Leasable HD reciever(s), not $300 each like D*
- Outdoor Channel (as std--not part of some sucky $12/mo package I don't want)
- OTA antennae installation standard

- no VH1 Classic (no joke--this is THE ONLY reason I first signed up for D* a couple years ago...)
- horrible stories of nightmare installations that are giving me a friggin' ULCER!!! :eek:
- Finding a satellite service that I think I will love and wondering if it'll even be going in a month... :no
Well this really isn't a pro or con thing but just my thoughts. The only reason I did'nt get voom when I was looking to get satellite tv was because they did'nt have the Sci-Fi channel and I could'nt find any real info on them from people who have the service (until I found this site) so I got Dish Network because that was all I could get in my location. I pay the 10 bucks a month for the 5 HD channels I get on dish, but frankly I use the 811 more for watching the OTA hd channels I get with it. So at the end of December I decided I would wait and see if Voom had the DVR at CES, which they did so I was thinkin I would wait for that to come out and see if they had a promotion with it for new customers and then I would switch. Now they are up in the air with the release of the DVR and whether the company will survive, so now I'm kinda pissed I did'nt just get them in the beginning seeing as how I spent 4 grand on a tv only to have a handfull of channels that make the tv shine. I don't care about sports channels so thats not a concern, so basically they offer everything I watch so I guess I'll just wait and see what happens, if they are going to survive then I will switch, if they are not then I guess I'm stuck with E*. Oh, I never had a DVR before, but I just went and bought a Tivo and yes it rocks, just wish it was dual tuner.
1) Many Premium HD Movies Channels (with west coast feeds too) - I hate D* (and E*) only HBOE and ShowE nonsense - Favorite EncoreHD

2) Equipment - All outputs are simulatenous enabled (my D* IRD can only have DVI or component on at once - selector switch - and some units wont output SD when an HD channel is tuned in) - These issues may have been fixed on newer D* equipment my boxes are at least 2 years old (but my local Time Warner uses the SA Explorer 8000HD - either SD or HD output enabled)

3) Installation - I know others may have had problems but my installer was prompt, quick and professional. Voom uses independent contractors for installion, not Voom employees - so if your local installer sucks ass :eek: stop blaming Voom.

1) The program guide - Needs more days, movement by more than 1/2 hour increments and ability for recurring events on planner (Yes, I hear this will all be fixed with the DVR - but guess what - there ain't no damn DVR yet!)

2) Sports Subscriptions (NBA League Pass in particular) - I have D* just for league pass

3) Stability - I rent my equipment now (and will with the DVR too) since I don't want to get burned in the event that they shutdown
dogbert said:
Voom uses independent contractors for installion, not Voom employees - so if your local installer sucks ass :eek: stop blaming Voom.
VOOM hired, and requires you to use, the suck ass independent contractor through their relationship with Installs Inc.

So absolutely yes VOOM *is* to blame for every single bad install out there.

rvsixer said:
VOOM hired, and requires you to use, the suck ass independent contractor through their relationship with Installs Inc.

So absolutely yes VOOM *is* to blame for every single bad install out there.

Self installs would be nice but the same company that did my Voom install did my D* install years ago (and also does E* installs for my area).

If you honestly believe that a national company is responsible for every little problem you have/had with a local installer your going to have a difficult time getting through life.
I think not have a satellite to broadcast from would be a CON? or recievers on subs roofs capable of recieving the the sat they do have?
dogbert said:
If you honestly believe that a national company is responsible for every little problem you have/had with a local installer your going to have a difficult time getting through life.
Well when I managed a third party company that did our work for us, and they messed up, you bet your behind my boss held me responsible too. And rightly so, only then does the fix get driven back down the other way.

Thanks for the life advice but I've done pretty good. I guess I am not one of those couch weenies taking the easiest route through life, absolutely not minding the problems I create for others in doing so. EOT later.
Not to rain on any parades, but...
cohiba said:
- Outdoor Channel (as std--not part of some sucky $12/mo package I don't want)
I hope when you say "Outdoor Channel" you're referring to Outdoor Life Network, which is indeed included with a basic Voom subscription (OLN, ch 328). If there's another channel called Outdoor Channel, I don't think Voom carries it. :no

dogbert said:
1) Many Premium HD Movies Channels (with west coast feeds too) - I hate D* (and E*) only HBOE and ShowE nonsense - Favorite EncoreHD
It's been announced that Starz is dumping the EncoreHD channel.

And by the way, I agree with rvsixer. Until Voom allows us to install ourselves or use an installer of our choosing, they are indeed responsible for bad installs/service calls. If you consider that whining you're going to have a difficult time getting through life. Good luck.
TheTimm said:
If you consider that whining you're going to have a difficult time getting through life. Good luck.
Thanks TheTimm. Couch weenies can't ever seem get it right :D . No one here was whining (I got rid of the installer as quickly as I could, cleaned up the mess he left, and re-did the install properly. Then let VOOM about my experience, remains if they will fix their install problems).

Do you have a new provider lined up if Voom goes dark on 4/1/05??

Call me clueless once again, but

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