Tonight & The Rest of the Echostar X Moving Schedule

In the Mobile/Pensacola area DMA #65, my signal strength is 110 on Sat 110. When I visited my local dealer yesterday, they told me the locals were already tuned on and I did not have to waited to May 5 so they gave me the 622 and I did a self-install. I re-peaked my Dish 500, so I'm all set.
I'm confused by this. When I look at the spreadsheet, I see that Austin, TX will be getting 2 locals next week. However, the only 2 stations listed are out of San Antonio.

Does this mean:
A) We will get these San Antonio Stations throughout the Austin area?
B) We won't be getting our local OTA stations via Dish in HD?

Getting the San Anon stuff would be a nice bonus, but no substitute for getting our Austin stations.
Scooter, I'm in the Austin DMA, but get 2 SA stations as significantly viewed. I'm hoping this will mean I'll get those now in Hd. I asked about this earlier, but I didn't word my question right and have been too busy to clarify. I'm real lucky in that though i'm 70 from austin, I get all, except sometimes channel 7, OTA. I'd also like to see us get channel 2 in our DMA, but don't know if that will ever happen.
Okay, I looked on the chart on page 1 of this thread and it clearly shows the Houston dma from Fox to all the independent and mexican stations moving to the transponder 16 of the echostar 10 sat on April 11, 2006. Shouldn't I be seeing the extra channels show up on the dish 500 satellite dish by now?

This schedule is great news. Even if it's not 100% accurate, it's something to work with & look forward too. Will post readings when I get them.
Any idea when the Greenville/Spartanburg, SC - Asheville, NC locals will move off 61.5 to 110 or to 129? They don't appear on the list. I'm trying to figure out if I can still wangle a DPP44 to connect a D1000 to my 61.5 dish.

CDH said:
Any idea when the Greenville/Spartanburg, SC - Asheville, NC locals will move off 61.5 to 110 or to 129? They don't appear on the list. I'm trying to figure out if I can still wangle a DPP44 to connect a D1000 to my 61.5 dish.


WGGS and WNTV are already mirrored on 129. You get a free dish upgrade if you call Dish Network.
110 Readings

I'm not really sure what this all means, but I'm posting it anyway.
I'm in the Milwaukee, WI area. I have a new ViP 622, and all readings were taken from Tuner 1 at 10:00 PM on 4/17/06.

01 - 97
02 - 0
03 - 88
04 - 102 SPOT
05 - 95
06 - 73 SPOT
07 - 93
08 - 0
09 - 94
10 - 0
11 - 96
12 - 65 SPOT
13 - 91
14 - 93
15 - 90
16 - 95
17 - 91
18 - 92
19 - 95
20 - 91
21 - 96
22 - 110
23 - 110
24 - 109
25 - 101 SPOT
26 - 103
27 - 109
29 - 109
31 - 112

Does anyone have an idea when HD locals are scheduled to roll out in the Milwaukee area? Thanks!
Baltimore moved off of the superdish 105 last night to 110, TP 23. My 811 was finally getting guide data this morning :D
Was getting 98 off of TP 23 in the dish pointing screen. Tons better than the 56 I has for TP 4 during the aborted move of my Harrisburg locals.
There was a small rebellion at Harrisburg when the signal was not acceptable with the use of the new transponder/spotbeam. After riots in the streets with buggies being turned, horses raped, women stampeded and other violent demonstrations by angry subscribers in funny hats, Dish returned the channels to their former positions and asked for calm, forgiveness and a barn-raising next week --- this account may be slightly exaggerated :-) At about 5:45PM the channels were returned to tp 3s13 at 119°.
btw, good one Tony :up
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Some interesting readings from two of my receivers.

Zip Code 21921 SD105

Sorry about the jumble. I cannot get this to accept my spacing. The first number is the 522 reading at 10:22PM, the second is the 522 at 7:15AM today and the third is the 301 at 6:40AM today.

522 Receiver L293 301 Receiver P247
4/17 10:22 PM 4/18 7:15 AM 4/18 6:40 AM
TP 1 105 105 110
TP 2 0 46 Spot 0
TP 3 107 108 112
TP 4 53 Spot 54 Spot 55 Spot
TP 5 100 101 105
TP 6 124 Spot 0 0
TP 7 96 98 0
TP 8 0 41 Spot 0
TP 9 102 101 110
TP 10 0 41 Spot 53 Spot
TP 11 100 100 110
TP 12 93 Spot 94 Spot 90 Spot
TP 13 97 95 0
TP 14 101 103 96
TP 15 94 94 101
TP 16 107 109 122
TP 17 99 99 0
TP 18 100 102 110
TP 19 98 100 115
TP 20 101 100 107
TP 21 104 104 112
TP 22 108 103 114
TP 23 105 Spot 93 Spot 101 Spot
TP 24 98 102 111
TP 25 93 Spot 80 Spot 81 Spot
TP 26 97 100 105
TP 27 112 110 118
TP 29 112 110 114
TP 31 107 106 114
It's interesting that I received no reading on TP's 7,13, 17 on the 301 but the 522 does. I checked these TP's on both tuners of the 522. I rechecked the 522 after getting the 6:40 AM readings on the 301

I checked on two different receivers after a post by joblo on dbstalk that implied that my readings on TP 3 were false due to a software error. If the readings on TP 3 are false then the software on both receivers is faulty.
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The Baltimore, MD locals did move to 110 last night from 105. Channels 8730 - 8736 are reading at 93 on a TP 23 Spotbeam. The only non-local (Wash, DC) channel that I receive, WRC (6202), is on TP 25 Spotbeam at 80. These readings are from my SD105, zip 21921.
for anyone in the providence ri dma the locals are moving to 61.5 june 1st. i think this is the worst decision dish could make
tski said:
for anyone in the providence ri dma the locals are moving to 61.5 june 1st. i think this is the worst decision dish could make

Providence doesn't sit in 129's "Conus" footprint so it has to be 61.5 for HD services. Since HD is going to be on 61.5, to me it makes sense to land all the locals on 61.5 too. This gives them regulatory compliance by serving all locals (and possibly HD LiL) from one dish @ 61.5.

thats fine for hd but they are forcing people to have 2 dishes if they want locals. this is going to upset alot of people
looks like tonight's a big night until may 5th.

A bunch of moves and 18,20,26 go to spot beam, leaving only the tps not approved yet by the fcc in conus
Did anybody notice the gap between tonight and May 5th? That's a couple of weeks break and I wonder why they just don't continue with the moves. Just an observation.
Paradox-SJ said:
Anyone know what time they start doing the switch-over's at?

Is the transition even noticable? I figured it would be pretty seamless. I wish I could find out exactly when it happens for the two Greenville SC locals on 129 so I could observe (strange...yes...don't ask :D ).

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