Guess I spoke too soon...
My earlier reply was only checked on my HDTV box. Decided to check SDTV box, and
didn't have TNT HD there. Went back to HDTV box and it was now missing there, too. (Not in PG or anything.) When I try to punch in 521, 601 (Discovery HD) comes up, but if I hit "Info", it gives me 521 info! Went back to SDTV to see if the info thing was the same there, and if it was in the PG, and guess what? :shocked :shocked TNT HD was back!! But not in PG!
Tried HDTV box again, and still not in PG, but this time I tried to channel up from 520, and everything froze!

Rebooted and am currently waiting for PG--let's hope I haven't lost anything else!
I've decided VOOM is not pushing any updates--they're sending our STBs DRUGS!!!!!!

If we could just get them to send
us the drugs instead of the STB, maybe we wouldn't even care about this!