TNT-HD has disappeared on me!

No TNT-HD here in Dallas area. My channel names come and go too. I didn't notice this in the A.M. I thought they downloaded software very early in th morning.
Well I went and checked the STB just now my trip count now is at 26 and TNT-HD is back. It still is doing the channel description glitch that is mentioned in Sean's link. O-well I am not really watching the TV much tonight anyhow the only reason I am seeing some of this is because of the forum. I also found it interesting Sean about how the CSR's are confusing the to terms.
Drako as for finding the trip count I believe that there is something on it in the STB faq that tells you how. ?
Ok heres a good one I am , well was watching Monster HD and my box got some wild lines going through the picture and it locked up , I could do nothing so I held in the button for 5 seconds and it rebooted well now I have no sat single at all and only half of my channels , also I get my OTA but it is showing channels I didn't have ever ! 30-1,30-2 30-3,30-4,30-5 nothing on them but they are there I checked the software but nothing new and the red light is staying on. Very strange
Guess I spoke too soon...

My earlier reply was only checked on my HDTV box. Decided to check SDTV box, and didn't have TNT HD there. Went back to HDTV box and it was now missing there, too. (Not in PG or anything.) When I try to punch in 521, 601 (Discovery HD) comes up, but if I hit "Info", it gives me 521 info! Went back to SDTV to see if the info thing was the same there, and if it was in the PG, and guess what? :shocked :shocked TNT HD was back!! But not in PG!

Tried HDTV box again, and still not in PG, but this time I tried to channel up from 520, and everything froze! :no Rebooted and am currently waiting for PG--let's hope I haven't lost anything else!

I've decided VOOM is not pushing any updates--they're sending our STBs DRUGS!!!!!! :D :D :D If we could just get them to send us the drugs instead of the STB, maybe we wouldn't even care about this! :rolleyes: :yes

I spoke too soon. I was watching Cubs/Cards on ESPN-HD, when I tried to go back, 521 was gone. Rebooted again, no PG yet. No 521. I'm not too worried, TNT tends to repeat their shows.
damn it i wanna watch that show in 10 mins, wtf I cant see TNT :(

(EDIT got it back, I did what sean said, and now I have no info but the channel is back..)
Hey LOBO I tried that reboot one time on my 2nd Voom box and the same thing you are talking about happened to me and it was never right again, so I just got rid of the box because I only needed one anyways..

Here in Northern Michigan I am with out TNTHD I though we were supposed to be adding channels not taking them away, and since the software update did this things are not looking to good.. Cya Slick
521 is only appearing in the ALL channels list. When you scroll down, it will dissapear on you. You have to scroll back up two pages and then go back and you will see it. That is the only I can get it. This assumes that you have PG information for everything else and the signal is fine.

If you enter 521 you will get 601 instead.
Hey Motor cycle rider, I may not be as far north as you, I am right on the Saint Clair river, in Saint Clair county.. Cya Slick

Ps.. After moving the Wingard sensor two GSA2000 for the 3rd time I think this is the best signaL I am going to get...... the channels I get 4-1 4-2 7-1 7-2 7-3 20-56-62 I dont get channel 50 or 2 what are you getting with what antenna?
Ya I am way up from you more in the Alpena area. Unfortunately my mapping isn't right but I only have 1 station live in my dma. With my OTA Box I can pull a another one in every now and then if the planets all line up right.
TNT-HD is back in the PG with all the information. If you lost it yesterday can you report that is back. Last night I couldn't add it to the favorite list. Today everything is back to normal.
It was gone from my Favorites list when I got home but I keyed in the channel and it tuned in. During a break, I went into Favorites and added it back in.

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