Jacmyoung, since you refused to answer questions at the other dbs forum, I'd like to ask you to clear up some misinformation that you posted. Please answer the following questions. If you do not answer, I will assume that you were intentionally misleading other posters.
You can assume all you want, it is your right to do so. I on the other hand do not assume what your intention is, because I do not care who you are, what you do, what is your background. Your intention, or the intention of anyone else is irrelevant to this case. Nor is my intention for that matter. I have no illusion that anything I say could possibly improve your perception of me, therefore I have no interest to even try.
I have the right to decide how I want to answer any questions, or not to answer any questions, if I do not think it is relevant or it has no bearing on this case.
And BTW, may I suggest that you do not come here to advertise a competitor's site, well at least not too often. It is not a very polite thing to do. This one time is fine, if you need that to make your point

Question: If you physically remove the hard drive, is the physical memory for the "circular buffer" still present in the DVR?
Of course not, what is your point? That E* must remove the hard drives from those DVRs? Did TiVo ask to put in the injunction that Judge Folsom ordered the hard drives removed from those DVRs? If not, TiVo cannot now complain that E* did not remove those hard drives, nor anything associated with the hard drives.
Question: What is the specific patent number that TiVo must ask Judge Folsom to declare non-infringingi?
My point was, usually in a declaratory judgement case, there is no counterclaim involved as part of the response to the declaratory suit. The defendants instead file another new lawsuit alleging the plaintiffs of infringement, often in a different court. It then becames a question whose court has the jurisdiction.
In this case TiVo could have filed such suit, but as E* said in its latest briefing before the DE judge, TiVo had all the time to do so, to file a new action alleging infringement by the new design, but TiVo did not do so, and still is not doing so. Therefore TiVo may not now complain that the E* suit stays at the DE court. Had TiVo filed their own suit in the TX court say a few days after the E*'s DE case was filed, TiVo would have a lot to argue about, but TiVo did not. Instead TiVo tried to dismiss the E* case, but failed.
Want the case in the TX court? File a new action of your own in the TX court, it is not so hard. What was TiVo waiting for?
Question: Please provide the text of specific instructions given by Judge Folsom
On 9/4/08, Judge Folsom told E* lawyer that it was unfair for E* not to tell him that E* was going to file a new action in the DE court, he said you want fairness? [then tell me about it first]...
And now everything happened in the DE court, E* has been the very first to file before Judge Folsom to inform him, likewise E* also told the DE judge they would inform him of all the development in the TX court.
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