Yep. I understand Vampz has a different opinion on what is right or wrong, or what did or didnt happen, but even if you dont agree with the courts, as far as anyone is concerned, thats what actually counts.
Edit: supreme court aside, as Vampz pointed out. That fact does not change the actual findings of the previous courts though
Well...considering i have probably more courtroom experience than most around may need to give my opinion on the courts some merit...
Like I said, courts make mistakes all the time, and the appeals courts are almost always biased to the verdict from the previous the end the day, there is a reason this nonsence is still going on...if it was as cut and dry as the Tivo trolls would like it to be, it would be over...
...and it isn't...
And I've already gave my prediction as too the outcome, so go ahead and read it if you like...its an earlier post...