I dont have any streaming services but I see it listed on my Series 3 so figured the Roamio also had it
Got our tivo activated. Just waiting for it to finish so that the streaming services show up.
Roamio 4 tuner. Everything is set up. Still deciding between keeping Fios or going ota.
I see that Suddenlink offers the Q four tuner and the technician said that they are going to have the J six tuner available in a few months. They have a device like a Joey (mini) on both of these models to access the primary Tivo in a separate bedroom using moca. The mini uses a tuner off the main Tivo unit.
Here are some of the changes:
- addressed issues where customers were seeing V112 errors when trying to stream between boxes
- improved interaction with HDMI, and fixed cases where TiVo Mini was rebooting due to HDMI issues
- improvements to Netflix stability
- improvements to Roamio WiFi connectivity
- fixed a network flakiness issue for wired Ethernet Roamio boxes that had previously been connected to WiFi
- turned off the troublesome "overlapping recordings" behavior
- reduced the cases where a black screen appeared after watching a video
- YouTube and Opera Store Apps should now work with all video resolutions (not just 720p and greater)
- created a new V311 error message when an app requires 720p support, and the box has that resolution disabled
- support for playing cable video on demand on a DVR and a Mini simultaneously (or 2 Minis simultaneously) *if* the cable company's configuration supports it
- improved handling and messaging of C133 errors, and added a reference to our new site for updates related to outages: http://status.tivo.com
- VOD and apps can now be launched in C133 mode
- new "Default Recording Options" screen inside Settings > Recording to set your preferred "Keep at most", New/Reruns settings, and padding for new Season Passes and WishLists.