TiVo refreshes lineup with 6-tuner Roamio DVRs

Tivos can also essentially be used as TiVo Minis... So, even if you do not want to record anything on one, it could be used for an addition TV and watch all the stuff on your other DVRS.
I would love to replace the 2 tuner DVR that Verizon uses with something like this. Wife is balking though. :(
I would love to replace the 2 tuner DVR that Verizon uses with something like this. Wife is balking though. :(

We have a solo FiOS DVR for VOD. However, Tivo makes an XFinity On Demand for Comcast at the VA house and it rocks...just wish they made an app for FiOS On Demand. Also, they kept trying to get me to order Tivo minis...but why would I want one when I have two Tivos with lifetime? Perhaps if they die one day.
We have a solo FiOS DVR for VOD. However, Tivo makes an XFinity On Demand for Comcast at the VA house and it rocks...just wish they made an app for FiOS On Demand. Also, they kept trying to get me to order Tivo minis...but why would I want one when I have two Tivos with lifetime? Perhaps if they die one day.

There is talk of Comcast licensing Xfinity to other providers (like Cox http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/28/us-comcast-cox-idUSBREA0R0RH20140128 ) which would be great for TiVo users since they could then access all of the VOD.
There is talk of Comcast licensing Xfinity to other providers (like Cox http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/28/us-comcast-cox-idUSBREA0R0RH20140128 ) which would be great for TiVo users since they could then access all of the VOD.

That would be nice. We'll miss FiOS when we sell our place in TX because the the picture quality cannot be beat and it's so darn reliable...not one second of downtime since we ordered service in March, 2008. And I will also miss how I can move Cablecards around from the DVRs and TVs and have them all work because Verizon matched them to your account and not a specific device. Let's just say it should be interesting when I place a call into Comcast when I move my Cablecard from the TivoHD to the new Roamio Pro. It's been three years since I last called so let's hope they improved their Cablecard support.

Finally, although we now have FiOS available at our Virginia home, Verizon won't match the price I've been paying for the Comcast bundle, and I really, really like the XFinity On Demand app. I'll dump Comcast if they ever dump the super-duper promo price I have been paying the past three years. I'll just have to ensure I have all the timers set.
That would be nice. We'll miss FiOS when we sell our place in TX because the the picture quality cannot be beat and it's so darn reliable...not one second of downtime since we ordered service in March, 2008. And I will also miss how I can move Cablecards around from the DVRs and TVs and have them all work because Verizon matched them to your account and not a specific device. Let's just say it should be interesting when I place a call into Comcast when I move my Cablecard from the TivoHD to the new Roamio Pro. It's been three years since I last called so let's hope they improved their Cablecard support.

Finally, although we now have FiOS available at our Virginia home, Verizon won't match the price I've been paying for the Comcast bundle, and I really, really like the XFinity On Demand app. I'll dump Comcast if they ever dump the super-duper promo price I have been paying the past three years. I'll just have to ensure I have all the timers set.

Do TiVo recordings remain playable after you cut the cord or switch to another provider? I don't see why they wouldn't but I have never thought about that before. Losing my DVR recordings is always the biggest thing that makes me hesitate to switch providers and save some money. I still do it eventually and sometimes I'm far enough behind that the shows I'm missing are available on Netflix. Still being able to keep them would be a major selling point for TiVo.

It wouldn't do me much good because I only have one cable provider in my area and no FiOS. My other options are not compatible with TiVo except for OTA and I'm cutting the cord sometime in the next couple months anyways. Still, for people with FiOS and cable or multiple cable offerings that would be a pretty great benefit for choosing a TiVo. It would also allow cord cutters to load up with movies and series before they cancel their service.
Do TiVo recordings remain playable after you cut the cord or switch to another provider?

I was just wondering the same thing. First, most of the stuff we record is OTA or the broadcast network shows (ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC) via cable. Those don't have copy protection and I've had those recordings on my Tivo for years (2008/2009) that work just fine. I've also had some cable shows (CNN, TravelHD, HistoryHD, etc.) that I've had for years and they too work fine weather I've been with FiOS, Comcast or just OTA. But they too were in-the-clear. I do have some copy-protected stuff recorded on HBO/Showtime, but I don't know if I recorded that via FiOS or Comcast...or if it just looks at my current channel authorization on the Cablecard. To the best of my recollection, I'm pretty sure I could continue watching these recordings even after yanking the Cablecard and going OTA only. But it has been a long time and I can't say with any degree of certainly...it's just that I believe you can continue to watch these recording with a valid Tivo subscription.
Hey, I completely overlooked that I had an upgrade offer for $200 off a Roamio Pro for being a Tivo Advisor panelist. I just called and they credited me the extra $100 so the 3Tb Roamio Pro cost me $374.99, plus I still get to roll it over to the $99 multiservice plan I just paid on the Premiere and Lifetime the Premiere for $99. Even happier camper. :)
Well, after using the new Roamio Pro over the weekend, it is by far the best DVR on the market - no question! Six-tuners (real ones and not the BS 3-tuner Hopper that Dish tries to pass-off as six); recorded five shows at once while transferring a show from a TivoHD, and streaming shows to a Tivo Premiere and an iPad. And Season Pass, Search, Wishlists, etc. all work without Hopper bugs (aka grasshoppers). And lickety-split quick too. I loved the TivoHD, learned to appreciate the Tivo Premiere once they unscrewed as many bugs as they could, and 1000x love the Roamio Pro. The only improvement I would suggest is adding streaming support for the Android, which should be out pretty soon (I hope).
Another week of pure joy with the Roamio Pro. Love it!!! Tivo sets up categories to records the Olympics and I'm recording just about everything, in addition to my normal sport and primetime programming...and it doesn't miss a beat. I've tried...but I can't find one problem, glitch, or any annoying performance issues with this box.
Tried out Hunger Games Catching Fire as a rental from Amazon, after watching it on Blu. Downloaded as a 1080p/24 file with DD 5.1, at roughly 6 gigs for a 2.5 hour movie. Thats a pretty good size, and the PQ showed it. Really surprised how good it looked.
I just signed-up for the Amazon Prime (trial), but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it since I don't need to stream since I have all the channels and not enough time to watch 'em. Regardless, I'm lovin' my Roamio Pro more and more each day.
I use my Roamio Basic more than anything else, even the HR44. I download tv shows like Justified in 1080p/24, and the PQ kills Directv. Very surprised how good the Hunger Games looked.
I use my Roamio Basic more than anything else, even the HR44. I download tv shows like Justified in 1080p/24, and the PQ kills Directv. Very surprised how good the Hunger Games looked.

I buy and download shows I watch from the CW since they are not in HD in my area. The PQ is pretty bad on a 480i subchannel...
Finally got my wife on board with dropping fios and going with a tivo and an antenna.

My understanding is the tivo will NOT stream Amazon Prime correct?
Finally got my wife on board with dropping fios and going with a tivo and an antenna.
note the only Roamio that works with an antenna is the 4 tuner model

My understanding is the tivo will NOT stream Amazon Prime correct?
sure it does. My series 3 does and looking at the Tivo site it says "Video on demand apps such as Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon "
Finally got my wife on board with dropping fios and going with a tivo and an antenna.

My understanding is the tivo will NOT stream Amazon Prime correct?

That is correct, but they are rumors that it could come to the Romeo line. Right now you can download bought shows and movies and watch them, ones you have bought.
note the only Roamio that works with an antenna is the 4 tuner model

sure it does. My series 3 does and looking at the Tivo site it says "Video on demand apps such as Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon "

Not the instant streaming Prime from what I've seen. :(

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