For those who are thinking you may get out of your contracts because your DVRs may be shut off, forget about it.
1) If the DVRs eventually have to be shut off, all DISH has to do is to move you to a non-DVR package. Remember the saying "subject to change without notice"? It is in the fine print.
2) But your DVRs will not be shut, because DISH is not in contempt, but if the judge decides to teach DISH a lesson and finds DISH in contempt anyway, DISH can appeal, and the ruling will be overturned, but even if the ruling may be upheld, your DVRs will still not likely to be turned off because DISH will settle with Tivo, to agree to a license deal so everything will continue as if nothing had happened, from the users' point of view.
So for those who are really concerned about their DVRs not functioning, stop it! Go back watch your TV. And for those who are thinking they might have a quick and easy way to get out of the contract, try something else instead, like I will move to an apartment and cannot have satellite there, or better yet I am moving to Canada, or whoever has been paying the bills had just passed away, or I have just lost my job...Just a few reasons I have heard before that were used to get out of a contract.