TitanTV guide


Free speech is more important than your feelings
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Pub Member / Supporter
Aug 2, 2009
Is anyone else experiencing incorrect times associated with programming? My grid is different also after upgrading Firefox. Computer clock is correct.
Is anyone else experiencing incorrect times associated with programming? My grid is different also after upgrading Firefox. Computer clock is correct.
I can't log into it right now, it says it can't "find me". Then it says NOT to create a new account, or it'll interfere with "account migration during the upgrade"...

Hopefully they really are doing an upgrade, and will find my schedules
I was able to login, and channels are all correct. Did have to change the time setting to have DST turned on to have the programming correct and not out by an hour.

Don't like the new look, and seems to take longer to load. Also have to click on a program for the description (whereas before just had to hover over it) which also takes longer to load.

EDIT: Looks like some programming is still out of wack, while others are correct.
Well, they apparently lost my account, as I still can't log in. I've been trying to contact them, but they don't respond.

Cannot find user for ID

If I try to recover it, I get this:

Cannot find user for email
So, it wasn't my browser upgrade. Good. Hopefully they'll get it fixed.
The GEEK/NERDS strike again.
Anyway,I finally got back in by deleting the bookmark,then in history "forget about this site",then went to just "Titantv.com",entered username/password and was back in to the f'ed up mess they made of it.
Channels missing or misidentified,times screwed up etc etc etc.
Another case of old and crappy works / new and improved does not.
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Well, they apparently lost my account, as I still can't log in. I've been trying to contact them, but they don't respond.

Cannot find user for ID

If I try to recover it, I get this:

Cannot find user for email
Ok, they finally replied via email, and fixed my account. I'm back with my proper lineups, but BOY, it really SUCKS now! I can't imagine anybody calling this an "upgrade"...
This "upgrade" is garbage. Slower to load, messed up font sizes, and program descriptions are now missing. The spacing is all off, and the bottom half of text in cells is now being cut off. It appears to have been done to make TitanTV more usable on cell phones, but as always, the enshittification of the web in favor of cell phones has had a negative effect on tablets, laptops and desktops.

I've been dreading the changeover since the beta was announced.


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It never ceases to amaze me the number of businesses with an online presence that feel the need to screw with a perfectly working website interface just because they think it is necessary to remain trendy and relevant. :(
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Is anyone else missing the 'year of production' in the grid?
I can see the year in the cell, but you have to click in the grid to see it. 😡
I don't even get a box with a description of the episode anymore either.

Wondering what channels I can get with some old equipment.