Just curious, what is the mis-label issue?
Check the other thread. Several years ago, WSI had some of their NS741U product mislabeled and giftboxed as Standard LO.
Yep nothing to worry about anymore.
Just curious, what is the mis-label issue?
Check the other thread. Several years ago, WSI had some of their NS741U product mislabeled and giftboxed as Standard LO.
I have a bsc641 that I bought years ago. I briefly played with it a few days ago with zero Ku results.
If its similar to the BSC621 then I would say 'Yes', since I believe they are completely independent.Dumb noobie question:
Can 2 receivers be hooked up to the CK1S so that C band and Ku band can be viewed at the same time? Or is it only 1 receiver/1 band at a time?
Not trying to be secretive, but been busy with some of life's curve-balls, working on some big projects and wanted to test the LNBFs performance first.
The model is the CK1S DRO
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Had noticed that these C/KU combo LNBFs were out of stock from most vendors and the remaining stock on Ebay and Amazon was crazy overpriced (almost larceny)! Had a LCL order (partial container) of product on the way, so had the factory fill up the space. Costs about the same to ship air or product! LOL!!!
Didn't develop the unit. Nothing new or revolutionary. Just a quality OEM DRO LNBF that had been sold for several years under a defunct company's brand name. Will be posting up some installation guides and diagrams in the next few weeks.
Why does it have that orange colored area?
Read how to hook multiple receivers to a single or more LNBFs here:
Dumb noobie question:
Can 2 receivers be hooked up to the CK1S so that C band and Ku band can be viewed at the same time? Or is it only 1 receiver/1 band at a time?
Let me try and clarify what I mean.Sorry I don't know all the terminology yet.Dual output as A Raine posted above is what I think you call it.
One receiver on the C band,which will control the positioning.
Second receiver on the Ku band,no motor control.
BOTH receivers viewing simultaneously and independently.
Not important for my set-up at this time,but I'd like to future proof it for when ever I find a larger/better dish.I think I'll order a C1-PLL with the WiFi filter first.That way I can determine if TI has been causing part of my receive problems.Sound reasonable?
I don't want Ku enough to set-up a dedicated Ku dish.But it would be fun to play with Ku on the BUD.