But but... Wasn't it Rittenhouse that killed Lucy's sister? And resurrected Lucy's mom and made her Rittenhouse, and then killed her off again?
Here's a question for all you clockblockers.

If they put an end to Rittenhouse, and Rittenhouse orignally funded development of the time machine, how is that going to happen exactly?
Good point there.
The way I imagine this time travel business is as a loop, doing something in another time is connected to a reaction in another time.
Just my personal way of looking at it,
Say today, I see a box or crate with 5 apples, if somebody goes back in time to when that original box with apples was put in place, and that time traveler takes one apple from the box, the situation is that the box/crate had 6 apples originally and because the time traveler took one, that's the reason that today I see only 5 apples.
And today I see 5 apples in the box, even before the time traveler goes back in time today in the evening to take that apple from the 6 in the original crate
It's all connected - just as Cal said in Manifest.(NBC).
Anyway, now that you mention that point, I guess my reasoning is that Lucy and Co. won't be able to stop Rittenhouse in the past, as the time machine is proof that such thing never happened, never will happen. never could have happened.
As for Lucy's sister, I am not of the opinion that she was killed, because when Lucy came back from that first time trip, Lucy found out that her sister did not exist.
But she did exist originally, so IMO she wasn't killed, she disappeared.....in time.
As opposed to Rufus, who was indeed killed.
IMO it's much easier to save Rufus than to recover Lucy's sister, to save Rufus, they just have to go back to a time before he was killed, and rescue him before he is killed.
But with Lucy's sister, because of the way she disappeared. where should they go?
After all this thinking I just wish that Rittenhouse could revive this series for a 3rd season.