Which immediately raises the question of whether Lucy still knows the original timeline if Rittenhouse goes back in time and changes something while she's still in the present.
The specific answer to your specific question is: No
Allow me to elaborate on that:
- Last night I traveled in time, well so to speak, what happens is that I watched again the first episode, since I watched it about 2 years ago, I just remembered Lucy had a sister but not much about her.
- Lucy's sister was Amy, she appeared on screen for about 30 seconds total, she even spoke a few lines.
- When Lucy and the team went on that first time-travel assignment, things changed, the Hindenbur didn't explode when it was supposed to, the people who were supposed to die at that moment, didn't, and so many changes to history as Lucy knew it, took place..
- When Lucy and the other time travelers returned to the present, they found out that history books and newspapers of course told the story of the HIndenburg but now the events were told as Lucy and the time travelers witnessed them,
Lucy and the team were even referred to, in news reports from that year, as an anarchist group suspected of putting the bomb that made the Hindenbur explode.
- But note this, while Lucy and the time travelers remembered history in its original version as it was before they traveled back in time, all the people who remained behind, were not aware of that other original version of history.
- When Lucy went back home she found that her gravely ill mom wha was bed ridden when she left, was now healthy and moving about the house, and when Lucy asked about her sister Amy, her mom was baffled, there was no Amy.
It's not that Amy died, but in this version of the world that Lucy came back to (I don't want to use the word timeline) her sister Amy was never born.
- So Lucy remembered the original version of history, because she traveled in time, and therefore she was aware of the changes made to history.
However, the people who remained behind, I mean the people who didn't travel in time, were not aware of any changes made to history, because for them, there had only been one version of history.
Say, for example when the rest of the team (Gia, all the non-travelers) were born, say in the 60s-80s, the events of the Hindenburg in 1937 had already happened as modified by Flynn's and Lucy's team's interventions
- On another issue which could play a key problem for the finale movie:
In that first episode Rufus mentioned that (theoretically) they can never go back to a time when they have already been, because that would mean there would be 2 of them at the same time and place, and that could be bad, whatever that means.
However I think the writers have done away with that paradigm, because in the last episode (season 2 finale) we saw Lucy and Wyatt from the future meet face to face with Lucy and Wyatt from 2018 and there were no issues at all.
