We're pleased to announce that both HBO Go and MAX Go services are available to Bright House Networks customers in all markets who have HBO and Cinemax effective today. You must first have a Bright House Networks My services account in order to take advantage of these great FREE services.
You must be subscribed to HBO and Cinemax to view HBO Go and MAX Go content. You will also need your My Services Username and Password to access the applications. The applications can be accessed through the following:
PC or Laptop
• To access from a computer, you can go directly to the URL:
o HBO GO® - HBO GO. It's HBO. Anywhere.
o MAX GO® – MAX GO®. It?s Cinemax®. Anywhere.
Mobile Device (Internet, iPad, iPhone, Android)
• To access HBO GO® or Max GO® from a mobile device, you must download the HBO GO or MAX GO Mobile apps from the Apple iTunes App Store or the Android Market.
You must be subscribed to HBO and Cinemax to view HBO Go and MAX Go content. You will also need your My Services Username and Password to access the applications. The applications can be accessed through the following:
PC or Laptop
• To access from a computer, you can go directly to the URL:
o HBO GO® - HBO GO. It's HBO. Anywhere.
o MAX GO® – MAX GO®. It?s Cinemax®. Anywhere.
Mobile Device (Internet, iPad, iPhone, Android)
• To access HBO GO® or Max GO® from a mobile device, you must download the HBO GO or MAX GO Mobile apps from the Apple iTunes App Store or the Android Market.