I don't post often and I'm not going to blame or defend in this post. However I am amazed at the number of people who are complaining about not getting something for free. Did Charlie say there would be new channels April 1st? Yes. Did he say you would have to pay more for them? Not that I heard. Folks, it's just TV. Relax. If your bill had already seen in ancrease to cover the new HD channels and they were not available yet, THEN I could understand. But to gripe about a delay with new channels that will not cost you one extra dime...please. You may be thinking...but Sluggo, we got an increase already in early February. Right, you did. So did I and so did millions of other customers. Get over it...price increases happen every year whether there are new channels or not. Take a few minutes today and think about whether you have been harmed by not having those channels in HD. If you have in fact been harmed in some way, then you might have a legitimate complaint. It not...then stop the whining and go somewhere else. There's good churn and there's bad churn. The company might be better off without your dollars.
Sluggo, I see your point. However, & I can't speak for everyone, but I feel like the reason most are complaining (about whatever regarding E*) has to do with a number of things. And maybe the latest thing or two was just the straw that broke the camels back for some people, such as myself.
If people not being able to watch VH1's Rock of Herpes in HD was really the cause of all these complaints, I'd be rolling my eyes as well.
The issue is that dish got everybody's hopes up for new HD on a certain day, and it was pretty much set in stone, and then they didn't come through.
Thus, it's human nature that when people are promised something by a certain date and don't get it, they get pissed. Not so much cuz they don't have said "thing", but more so cuz it's delayed, with no explanation, apology, or new date.
I can understand that. I'm sure most people can. I know when I order a new "toy" online and tracking tells me I'll get it on a certain date and I don't, I really get upset.
So what I'm saying is that if E* wasn't 100% sure these channels were gonna launch by the 1st, they shouldn't have said a word about a release date (they should have stuck to the old standby "we'll have them "soon"". Then we wouldn' thave got hopes up for anything, which we wouldn't have been let down.
People have right to complain about price increases too. Remember this economy is in the crapper right now, and whether E* hikes the price as they should, or beyond what they should (which happened to me) while at the same time actually losing more good HD than we are getting...then people have right to be pissed.
And not everybody knows price hikes come in feb. I sure didn't. Not everybody has been with a sat provider for years.
Thus, with the economy + E* dropping the many good HD channels (Smithsonian the latest) to make room for HD channels that have no business being HD cuz they hardly offer any HD programming (BETJ, C&I)...combined with the price hike, sorry I can't say people shouldn't be upset over that.
Especially when E* subscribers have to watch their friends with D* have so many good national HD's. Or also in many places, like mine, watch D* subscribers have local HD here since last summer, while still no official month/date from E* on when they will add at at least 1. Hell I would have been happy with just PBS!
Point is, with E* having such a high profile competitor with D*, we get to see, and wonder, how D* is having no issue adding good national HD and staying ahead with local HD as well. Having a competitor like this can either make you shine if you are holding strong or doing better, but if you are falling fast behind, everybody notices. Everybody wonders why, with all the mega bucks E* has generated over the years (& all the mega bucks we are paying them), why they can't at least keep up with D*.
And in regards to the price hike again, I'm sure I'm not the only one who started getting not only the standard price increase, but a little extra as well. My bill after feb looked like it was written by aliens in outer space, and after trying to decode it, all we could make of it was that we were being charged about $26 more than we normally paid (and it wasn't the end of a promotion either, which ended over 10 months ago).
Our bill was normally $70-ish, then the bill in march comes and its $96 something. After feb is was supposed to up, what, like $3 or $5 like everybody else with our package, but a $26 price hike! As I said, even $5 is pretty damn extreme in this economy, especially when E*'s programming hasn't been any better than what it was, or if anything worse than what it was last year.
However, despite that we still wouldn't put up much of stink over $5. But when our bill jumps from $70 to $96, oh hell no!
So we called an E* CSR to help sort this out. Now that is an hour of my life I really want back! During the 20% of the time that we could even understand her broken english, the only thing that she made clear was that the bill was correct, but we got no explanation. Apparently it just was what it was and we could go suck it!
We did end up finding that $6 of our $26 price hike was some sort of optional insurance type thing we never asked for, and had never been on our bill before. So that pissed us off. Yeah we cancelled it, but still, it was too late.
At that point it became pretty clear we were better off cancelling the last 2 months of our contract, get D*. Scheduled for apr 2nd, this being the day after the "where's our new HD fiasco", and all I could do is laugh and relax being extra glad we were switching, knowing D* was coming tomorrow.
Called to order D* and was so refreshing talking to an american with actual communication skills and an above average understanding of our native language!
From that point on, so far so good. The installer was able to come a week after we ordered D*, the guy was fast, quiet, and we got the best of the best hardware. SWM LNB's, HR23's, and even an HD reciever where we were only supposed to get a standard reciever. Yeah, the installer actually went above and beyond the call of duty here.
We've been enjoying all the extra HD since then, no problems. Even watching Rock of Herpes in HD! Ah, now that's a luxury!
In conclusion, if you complain on these forums about E*, I feel you. And I suggest that when people don't like the complaining and tell you to just switch, actually take that advice if you are deep enough into your contract, or out of it completely. E* could add the viacom HD's today & HD locals and I still wouldn't be remotely regretful of switching, doubt I ever will. Sure D* isn't perfect either, but I seriously doubt they can do a worse job with us than E* did.